Chapter 125 Demon form

One month later.

Everything turned normal except for the few things.

First, due to the Nether explosion the eternal well exploded and that explosion destroyed mainland into the pieces. Next thing is the downfall of Elven empire. This was unchangeable and predicted result. Of course, Tyrande and other elves split into 2 main camps. This caused the weakening of the elves. Third one is the deal with between gods and old gods. This was the necessary action to save Azeroth.

In the temple.

Arthur was meditating on his bed. Illidan was sharpening his blade. Suddenly, Illidan felt something. He looked at Arthur with an amazed look. Because he felt familiar energy from Arthur.

" You mastered the dark energy?!"

Arthur nodded. During the fight, he was corrupted by fel. Now he can use this power to fight against his foe. Not only that, he opened a new form. This form was called demon form. It had 7 branches.

Arthur sighed. He opened his palm and various dark energy projections came out. Illidan immediately closed the door. He whispered.

" This is a temple. Elune must have noticed you."

Arthur waved his hand. He smiled.

" It is alright. Look."

Silver light appeared on Arthur's palm. Illidan's jaw almost hit the floor. He rubbed his hollow eyes.

" This."

Arthur sighed. He didn't expect to open a new form. After all, forms are usually opened as a reward of the dimension. Yet, this form was opened by the new source of energy. It didn't even have fel as a mainstream energy. This was a millennium puzzle for him. Arthur shook his head.

" Forget it. Illidan, can you move now?"

Illidan nodded. He said calmly.

" Do you want to go out?"

Arthur nodded.

" Yeah. In fact, I want to go home."

Illidan fell into silence. He felt complicated, even though he knew this day would come. Illidan said with a deep voice.

" Thank you."

Arthur grinned. He understood Illidan's meaning because without him, Illidan probably would go into the jail. Arthur said lightly.

" I will never betray my friend."

Illidan nodded. He got up from his bed.

1 hour later.

Arthur stood with his teammates in the temple door. They didn't tell anyone that Arthur was leaving here.

Tyrande looked at Arthur with sad eyes. Although she knew Arthur would come back here, she couldn't agree with the current situation.

Malfurion said with a hoarse voice.

" My friend, could you stay here for a while? We need your help."

Arthur shook his head. His gaze was solemn.

" I can't. After the war, my universe's time continued flowing. If I don't return, I don't know what will happen."

Malfurion nodded. He went to him and hugged.

" Take care then, my friend. I will wait for your arrival again."

The dragon leaders also showed the same expression. Alexstrasza went to Arthur and kissed him on the cheek. Ysera bravely hugged him.

As for 2 males, they just said a few words. Lastly, it was Tyrande's turn. She said quietly.

" Why so suddenly?"

Arthur smiled.

" My people need me. I can't ignore their call."

Tyrande showed a gentle smile.

" You are always like this."

She hugged Arthur deeply and sniffed his smell. It was a pleasant smell which was like flowers and fruits. After 3 minutes, she reluctantly let him go.

Arthur grabbed his belongings and he turned around. Suddenly, a shout came out.

" Wait leader."

Arthur looked back and saw Maiev who was running to him. She was holding her baggage. Arthur said calmly.

" You want to go with me?"

Maiev nodded. She loved her country, but after this war, she saw her powerlessness. Because of this, she decided to go with Arthur. Tyrande and others didn't say anything. They looked at Arthur.

Arthur sighed.

" Come."

Maiev came to him happily. Arthur caressed her head.

" Let's go."

A blue light pierced the sky in the next moment.

Back to the Marvel universe.

The Guardians argued about Peter's father when they heard it. Because Arthur wasn't next to them, they couldn't agree their ideals.

Peter said angrily.

" Fine. I will go with my father."

Rocket snorted.

" Go then. I don't care. I thought we were a family."

Peter roared.

" You are no family to me."

He went out angrily. Rocket silently held his gun. Groot touched his tail. Rocket held him up.

" Yeah man. It hurts."