Chapter 126 Ego

Arthur was surprised to see Rocket and Groot. He said with a question mark.

" Where is Peter and others? What is she doing here?"

Rocket got up with a surprise. He said loudly.

" Man, you scared me to death. They are gone. What happened to your body?"

Arthur sighed. He sat down on the couch.

" It is a long story. So, what about you?"

Rocket told about Peter's decision. Arthur knitted his eyebrows. He found many loopholes in Ego's story. To him, it was like a fantasy story filled with random bullshits.

Arthur finally couldn't take it anymore. He interrupted Rocket from talking.

" Rocket, stop. I get it. Where are Archer and Saber?"

Rocket said calmly.

" Archer left with Peter. He said same like you. As for Saber, she went to hunt."

Arthur nodded. He pointed at Merlin and others.

" They are our new teammates."

Rocket looked at them with curiosity because every guardian has a peculiar ability. He asked.

" So, what can they do?"

Merlin smiled. He waved his and a flower grew from the ground. Groot immediately hugged Merlin. Rocket groaned.

" He seems to be a botanist."

Arthur laughed hard.

" He is a mage."

Rocket looked at Qin and Xiang Yu. By the way, Qin summoned Xiang Yu.

Qin raised his arms and a gun appeared on his hand. Rocket's eyes lit up immediately. He said with a smile.

" I like you."

As for Xiang Yu. Rocket didn't care. He looked at Maiev lastly. He guessed this female was a new vanguard of their team.

Suddenly, the shuttle opened. Saber with a big strange creature came in.

Merlin looked at her with a surprise.


Saber immediately dropped her loot. She said with a nervous tone.

" Master Merlin?!"

Merlin narrowed his eyes. He showed his coldness.

" Mordred."

Arthur,, who heard Saber's name, changed his face because Merlin and Mordred are enemies. Especially, Mordred killed king Arthur.

Qin said lightly.

" Who is she?"

Merlin said coldly. His eyes never left Mordred for a moment.

" A traitor who killed my king."

Qin nodded. He looked at Mordred without any expression.

" I don't like traitors. In my era, I executed all of them."

Xiang Yu also showed a ferocious expression. Rocket gulped at the tense atmosphere.

Arthur, who was silent, said quietly.

" Enough."

Merlin snorted coldly and left to the other room. Qin and Xiang closed their eyes to meditate. Maiev stayed behind Arthur.

Mordred said lightly.

" Master, I am sorry."

Arthur shook his head. He smiled gently at her.

" You did nothing. I believe you had your reason."

Mordred dropped her silently. Groot tugged her dress. He looked at her with big eyes.

" I am Groot."

Mordred picked up Groot and hugged him. Arthur smiled at her.

Peter's side.

Peter watched everything with curiosity. It was a whole new world to him. He felt like he was in his dream.

Ego said with a proud tone.

" I built everything. This world is everything to me. The same applies to you, my son."

Peter nodded. He yearned his father since he was young. After all, his mother was proud of his father and loved him dearly.

Gilgamesh didn't look around him because he felt odd. He felt a huge death aura. This place was filled with bones. Even so, he acted like it was nothing. He wanted to dig even more.

Gamora said to him.

" Gil, is it safe? I have a bad feeling about this."

Gil winked at her. Gamora immediately frowned. She understood Gilgamesh's meaning. As for Drax, she didn't remind him because he was muscle brain.

Soon, they reached the palace. Peter said with an amazed tone.

" Wow. Is this your home?"

Ego laughed. He patted Peter's shoulder.

" No, son. This is our home. From now on, this is your new home."

Peter fell into trance. He murmured.

" My home."

Gilgamesh said lightly.

" I need to go out."

Ego waved his hand. He said calmly.

" It is alright, but don't go deeper."

Gilgamesh nodded and left. Gamora followed behind him. Of course, Gil won't go to the lion's den. He silently waited Gamora.

Gamora came behind him. She said with a serious look.

" So?"

Gil shook his head.

" He won't let us leave from here alive."