Chapter 131 Demon of the lust

Arthur teased Peter.

" Looking good, my friend."

Peter shouted.

" Fuck you. Need some help."

Qin signaled Xiang to attack. Xiang grinned. He took his spear to attack.


His powerful blow destroyed everything around him. Ego raised his eyebrows. He never thought Guardians would be this though. Arthur said to Mordred.

" You guys, go quickly. We will distract him."

Mordred nodded. She took Rocket and Groot with her.

Arthur looked at Ego with a serious gaze. He sighed.

" Here goes nothing."

A pitch black energy enveloped him. Qin didn't say anything as he looked at Ego with vigilance.

Merlin said lightly.

" Qin, you go there. I will protect master."

Qin nodded.


His body slowly turned into machine. Peter who saw this, couldn't help to say.

" What the fuck?!"

Yondu laughed. He looked at Gamora and Drax.

Yondu whistled.


He cut down the tentacles. Ego said coldly.

" What annoying bugs."

He raised his hand and various blue energy dashed to them. Qin's mechanical voice sounded.

" Engaging. Heavy artillery fire."


A large explosion hit Ego. Ego roared with anger.

Peter and others didn't sit idly. They threw everything they got.

Boom, boom*

Mantis shouted.

" Guys, he is awakened."

Peter's face changed. He ordered.

" Mantis, don't wake him up."

Mantis nodded. She touched the ground and green energy rushed out. Nebula looked at them with indifference. She looked at Gamora.

" Sister, do you want help?"

Gamora forcefully took back her pride. She smiled wryly.

" Yeah, I need some."

Nebula chuckled. Her vanity was satisfied. She took out her electric baton.


She hit the blue tentacle near Gamora. Gamora sighed.

" Thank you, sister."

Nebula said lightly.

" You are welcome."

The guardians relentlessly attacked Ego. Ego was very annoyed. His facial expression distorted to extreme.

" That's enough. I had enough of you."


A blue energy enveloped the whole planet. Mantis said weakly.

" He is awake."

Peter said loudly.

" Arthur, are you ready yet?"


Arthur's black energy cracked like eggshell. A tall and slender silhouette came out. He had pitch black hair and purplish eyes. His face was out of this world. All guardians were mesmerized by him. Arthur's cold eyes looked at Ego. He said emotionally.

" What a waste."


Two pistols appeared from nowhere. Arthur pointed at Ego.


Arthur's eyes were filled with a cruel light. Peter said lowly.

" He isn't Arthur."

Other guardians nodded. They felt Arthur's change. Arthur is a sunny person, but now he is bloodthirsty demon.

Peter clenched his fists. He knew he couldn't let Arthur stay longer like this. Peter shouted in his mind.

" Come on, Peter. You can do this."

A blue light appeared on his hand. Peter smiled.

He looked at his fellow guardians.

" Guys, retreat. I will take Arthur with me."

Yondu looked at Peter and said.

" You guys go first."

Gilgamesh left decisively. Others followed behind him.


The ground cracked. Gilgamesh's face turned blue. He shouted.

" Fuck. Grab onto something."

The guardians felt heavy vibration. Qin took Merlin and Xiang Yu to fly away.

Arthur looked at with a smile. He looked at Peter and said.

" Now then, shall we kill him?"

Peter was speechless. He never thought Arthur would say this word.

Yondu smiled.

" Peter, you must be like him. I like him."

Peter groaned. He said calmly.

" Can we just kill him? By the way, your new form is very disturbing."

Arthur grinned. He touched his hair.

" Why? Because I am handsome. Relax, I won't steal your girlfriend."

Yondu laughed hard at this remark.


A blue tentacle hit Peter. Peter said with a sneer.

" You think you can hit me?"

Peter controlled the tentacle. Ego's eyes grew bigger. He never expected this.

Peter showed his smug face. He figured out his power after witnessing Ego's retaliation against Arthur.

Ego showed ferocious expression. He directly attacked Arthur and Yondu. Peter snorted.

" Oh no, you don't."

A giant hand hit Ego. Ego said with rage.

" Peter, stop this madness."

Mordred's side.

Mordred picked up Groot. She pointed to the little hole.

" Groot, can you go inside?"

Groot nodded cleverly. Mordred smiled.

" Could you place it down there?"

Groot nodded.

Rocket who saw this, said with impatience.

" Groot, remember don't push this button."