Chapter 132 Fireworks

Ego frowned. He felt an ominous feeling.

Asmodeus smiled deeply. His smile was hypocritical and mad. Suddenly, Asmodeus said lightly.

" Come forth. Trial of the hell."

His two pistol was glowing with strange lights. Asmodeus placed his gun together.


Ego didn't want to give him a chance. He directly attacked Asmodeus. Asmodeus sighed.

" Why are you in hurry? Let me show you the true beauty."

A red pistol appeared in his hand. Asmodeus aimed it at Ego's head.


A giant laser enveloped Ego. This wasn't like normal bullets level, it was in whole new level. Ego groaned with pain. The dark energy made him weak. Asmodeus chuckled.

" As expected from you. Even I tore your soul, you are still alright."

Ego's face changed when he heard his word. He said with extreme fury.

" You!"

Asmodeus laughed and fired again. This time, Ego didn't rush to him because he can't heal his soul damage. Asmodeus continued to laugh.

" Dance more. Now shall we add more lights."

Arthur looked at the sovereigns. He aimed at them.

" Demon parade."

His shot dispersed to many shots.

Boom, boom*

Explosions happened everywhere. The gorgeous fireworks filled up the entire sky. It was beautiful and magnificent, but it was deadly. Ego clicked his tongue.

" Troublesome fellow. Why don't we reconcile?"

Asmodeus shook his head. He grinned.

" Have you heard that demons won't surrender to the weakling?"

Ego's face was blackened. He never heard such insult before. Ego said coldly.

" So be it."

Asmodeus said lightly.

" What an annoying fellow. Peter, are you done yet?"

Peter, who heard his voice, shouted.

" Wait. I and Gamora are still busy."

Asmodeus sighed. He whispered.

" Sometimes even devils had to do a part-time job. Well, there goes my holiday."

Ego couldn't understand Asmodeus's words. He attacked him with blue energies. Asmodeus dodged it easily. It wasn't that hard to him.

Peter's side.

Peter shouted.

" Yondu, need some help."

Yondu said loudly.

" Boy, take care of yourself. I am busy too."

Peter groaned. He shot continuously towards them. Rocket said with a rude tone.

" Shit. I hate these bastards. They are making these scenes for just a battery."

Mordred nodded.

" Yeah. I am in a bad situation too. I wish there was more help."

Suddenly, a golden light descended. Mordred said with an uncertain voice.

" Gil?"

Gilgamesh looked at her with a smile. He said arrogantly.

" I can't leave my allies. Come bastards. Let me show you who is the boss."


Merlin and others also came. Merlin said calmly.

" Floral bind."


Drax ripped off the plate and threw the pilot out. Rocket couldn't help to say.

" Shit, this is gorgeous."

Peter chuckled.

" Good line."

Rocket said proudly.

" I know right."


Gamora got down from her ship. She said lightly.

" These guys are very annoying."


Nebula nodded. She said calmly.

" I think we need a little more firepower."

Gilgamesh said loudly.

" Qin, you heard that?"

A mechanical voice came out from the above.

" Engaging. Auto-burst fire mode on. Sky castle firing. 3,2,1 pulse fire activated."

Boom, boom*

The sovereigns were like paper in front of Qin who has a superior gun. Qin was destroying them effortlessly. It was like drinking water.

Gilgamesh laughed.

" Oh man look at their faces. I bet their high priest is being scolded right now."

In fact, he was right. The high priest was being scolded by the sovereigns. She even cursed.

" I will fuck you, Guardians."

Yondu who was smiling said suddenly.

" Guys, I think we forgot our main enemy."

Peter nodded. His face was blackened a little.

" I think we need to kill my father."

Gilgamesh teased Peter.

" What a cruel fellow. Look at him."

The guardians laughed. Peter's forehead was filled with black lines. He took a deep breath and forced a smile.

" Guys, shall we go now?"

Gilgamesh nodded.

" Sure, why not Mr. Father killer?"

The guardians laughed again. Their tear was almost squeezed out. Peter ignored them and walked toward Asmodeus. He extended his hand and a cool whip came out.

Merlin said lightly.

" Enough for the laughter. We need to move or else we all going to die here."

Yondu nodded. He whistled and a red arrow came to him. Yondu grabbed it.