Chapter 135 Homecoming

Asmodeus smiled at Ego. His eyes showed his cruelty.

" Now, then, shall we dig in? Beel, I leave it to you."

Beelzebub sighed and took off his gloves. Two mouths came out from his palm. He placed his palm on Ego's forehead. Ego tried to shout and struggle, but he couldn't do that. Lucifer said indifferently.

" It's no use. You are just a piece of your soul. If it was your main soul, we would have to try a little hard. Unfortunately, you aren't."

Ego felt despair. He wanted to beg for his life. However, the sins didn't give him any chance. Beelzebub directly devoured his soul.


The palace lit up immediately. Lucifer said without any expression.

" Our goal is the ultimate Arthur. So, no matter what we do, we don't care about consequences."

The demons laughed evilly. Their sinister looks were thoroughly different from Arthur's sunshine look. They were more humane and cruel.

Back to Arthur's side.

Arthur groaned and opened his eyes. He rubbed his forehead. Mordred gave him a cup of water. Arthur asked with a hoarse voice.

" What happened? Did we win?"

Mordred nodded. She said happily.

" Yes, we won. Master, don't you remember anything?"

Arthur shook his head. He had blurry images, and he couldn't remember it fully.

" Unfortunately, I don't remember anything. It appears that my demon form absorbed all of my juices."

Mordred laughed dryly. She remembered the domineering look of Asmodeus.

" Master, don't use that form again. It's too dangerous. He almost killed us."

Arthur nodded thoughtfully. He remembered Asmodeus's voice in his head. He also recalled that he ordered Asmodeus to stop.

" Ugh, you are right. It seems they have their egos. I can't fully utilize my powers."

Mordred smiled. She said quickly.

" Master, your time is almost over. We have to travel again."

Arthur nodded. He missed his family and his friends.

" Mordred, let's wait. We have been out for 6 months. I think we need another year or so. Humans are sophisticated animals, you know."

Mordred nodded. She believed Arthur's words.

1 year later, in the nebula section.

Arthur and other guardians were happy and go.

Peter shouted.

" Let's sing again."

The guardians said loudly.

" Peter stop. Our throat hurt so much that even we can't sing anymore. Besides, if Arthur doesn't sing, our overall score will be too low."

Peter smiled wryly. He sighed.

" Arthur, will you come back?"

Arthur laughed. He hugged his team members.

" Of course, you guys are my family. I won't leave my family."

Rocket smiled.

" Who thought, the mercenary in the space would say this."

Arthur rolled his eyes.

" Says who, Mr. Bomber."

Drax and others laughed hard.

Arthur picked up his belongings. He opened his portal and waved his hand. The guardians shouted.

" Goodbye."

Back to the Earth.

Arthur went through his portal. He looked around him with a nostalgia. Gilgamesh said with curiosity.

" So this is the modern world."

Merlin was dazzled. He saw a countless civilization in the galaxy. He thought humans would be barbaric compared to them, but he was wrong. Furthermore, he said with emotion.

" What a beautiful world."

Mordred and Qin didn't say anything. Arthur smiled.

" Let's go to my home."

Arthur once again used his magic. Merlin smiled.

" Master, are you certain that you aren't the mightiest mage in the world?"

Arthur laughed.

" My master is the strongest."

In the mansion.

Camille was watching the news. She sighed.

" The world is changed. The avengers are heading towards the wrong direction."

She saw many people who were complaining about the Avengers. Some people speculated that Avengers was the real reason of Arthur's disappearance. Countless people were boycotting Avengers.

The news reporter asked.

" Sir, why are you here again?"

The man said with anger.

" The Avengers ruined our home. They don't deserve their title. Besides, they even forced Future Knight. Avengers and U.S. government are just different sides of the same coin."

The news reporter said calmly.

" As you can see, the people are rioting in here."

Camille sighed.

" My son, where are you?"


Suddenly, a golden gate appeared. Camille was shocked. She immediately summoned her courage.


She picked up the gun and aimed to the portal. However, she put her gun down in the next moment. Because she saw her hope.