Chapter 137 The most fearsome

Arthur cut the call. He said lightly.

" Call Natasha Romanoff."

Star said with a mechanical voice.

" Sir, Lady is on mission currently."

Arthur raised his arms.

" Where is she?"

Star replied.

" In Sokovia. She is raiding Hydra base."

Arthur nodded. He sighed.

" Call Natasha forcefully and prepare my Gawain."

Star took his order. He immediately called Natasha.

" Hello?"

Arthur said calmly while he was wearing his armor.

" Nat, it is me. How are you?"

Natasha was surprised to hear her husband's long-lost voice.

" Art? How did you get into my device?"

Arthur laughed. He teased her.

" You know I can hack every computer in this world, right? Besides, I was watching you over 2 years."

Natasha giggled. She knew Arthur was messing with her.

" So, you saw my reliefs right. Well, It is pretty embarrassing."

Arthur almost choked. He quickly changed the subject.

" It seems you are on a mission."

Natasha affirmed his sentence.

" Yeah, I am on my way to Sokovia. I will call you after that."

Arthur looked at his phone with amazement because Natasha hung up on him. Arthur scratched his head.

" This is how it feels, huh. Oh well, let's roll."

Back to Avengers side.


Steve looked around him with vigilance. He said seriously.

" Guys, I am on my way."

Suddenly, a dark figure fell from the tree. Steve quickly dodged it. He threw his shield.


The figure fell down. Steve frowned. He touched his earplug.

" It seems we are noticed."

The others didn't hesitate anymore. They quickly attacked the enemies. The hydra soldiers shouted.

" They are here. Kill them!"

They fired relentlessly.

Dang, dang*

Steve blocked the bullets easily. He threw his shield.

Bang, bang*

Steve caught his shield when it was flying.


Suddenly, an arrow flew out. Steve looked at Clint.

" Thanks."

Clint nodded. He sniped the enemies with ease.

" This is like Bangladesh."

Natasha replied.

" This isn't like that. Thor, I need power at 3."

Thor laughed.

" On it."


A lightning descended on the enemy bunker. Thor looked at the hydras with a grin. He raised his hammer and pointed down.


The terrifying lightnings struck down the enemies. However, some soldiers survived. They ran away to the deep.


Natasha came out with her baton. She was cleaning the deserters quickly. Natasha said calmly.

" Tony, how is the situation?"

Tony answered with a relaxed attitude.

" Guys, I am in. That was pretty easy."

Steve said seriously.

" Just finish your job quickly."

Tony said with a sarcasm.

" I understand, captain."

Steve rubbed his forehead.


Suddenly, a tank emerged from the rear. Steve sighed.

" We have guests."


Steve took the motorcycle and ran toward the tank. The tank aimed at him.


Steve threw away his motorcycle and climbed the tank. He opened the shuttle and threw a grenade.

The soldier shouted.

" Ah!"


Steve wiped the dirt from his face. He shouted.

" We need more power."

Natasha replied.

" I am on it."

She looked at Bruce and said seriously.

" Banner, we need you."

Bruce showed hesitation. He said with an uncertain voice.

" But, I!"

Natasha pushed him off to the cliff. She said with a light tone.

" I am so sorry. I have a husband and I can't kiss you."

" Roar."

A green giant appeared. Hulk looked at Natasha with annoyance. He said with dissatisfaction.

" Hulk is mad."

Natasha sweated a little. She pointed at the tanks and said calmly.

" You can smash them."

Hulk looked at the tanks with anger. He immediately jumped up. Natasha wiped her sweat.

" That was close. I should stop doing this."

In the base.

Strucker was in a dire situation. He gritted his teeth.

" Release the twins and prepare for the evacuation."

The scientists nodded. They pressed the red button on the table.


A silver silhouette ran away first. Strucker looked at them with a proud look. He quickly packed his things.


Suddenly, a red stream appeared in front of him. Tony raised his pulser.

" Going somewhere? Tell me, where is the scepter?"

Strucker gulped. He raised his hands. Tony smiled.

" That is it. Let's go."

However, who thought that Strucker would be ruthless. He immediately wiped out all of his research records.