Chapter 141 The strongest

Ultron looked at Matt with indifference. He said coldly.

" Your eyes are blind, like the information says, Daredevil. Among the heroes, you are the weakest."

Steve folded his arm.

" Enough of chit-chatting."

He directly threw his shield. Ultron caught it easily. He looked at shield with a deep gaze.

" Fascinating. I wonder how did your father manage to make this?"

Tony aimed at him.


Two armor flew out. Blade narrowed his eyes. He unsheathed his sword. Gilgamesh snapped his finger. Two golden chains bind Ultron. Ultron didn't show any struggle. Blade cut his head immediately.

Ultron's cold voice came out.

" It is useless. I already killed your dog. It seems I have left one alive."

Qin clicked his tongue.

" He is protected by the unknown energy. I can't hack through his system."

Xiang showed his ferocious expression. He chose to attack him. Ultron sighed.

" No matter how many robots do you kill, it is the same."

Merlin analyzed the situation while others were trying to destroy him. Only Arthur was calm. He was looking at Ultron with a serious gaze.


Arthur appeared next to one robot. He grabbed it and pushed it down.


Other Avengers also didn't hide their strength anymore. Thor shot countless lightnings to him, Natasha used her electric gauntlet, Merlin used his magic and so on. The whole lounge was scattered.

" Haha."

A mad laughter sounded. Arthur looked at the remaining scrap. Ultron mocked them.

" It is useless. You know I am an A.I., right?"

Arthur said emotionless.

" What do you want?"

Ultron pointed at them.

" Your death."

Arthur materialized a golden sword. He walked slowly toward him. Ultron continued.

" I have collected all of your data. So please wait for the war."

Arthur came right in front of him. He cut him into mince without mercy. Finally, he looked at Tony and Bruce with displeasure.

" Now explain yourselves."

Others nodded.

One hour later.


Thor hit the table with anger. He said with anger.

" This is bullshit. Do you expect us to betray?"

Tony said calmly.

" I just needed a counter measure. Besides, you know there are parallel universes exist, right?"

George sighed.

" But, you messed up this time. Not only he got our data, he even has the mind stone."

Bruce said with an apologetic look.

" I am sorry, but we only tried to make it better."

Blade rubbed his temple.

" However, it exposed our weaknesses. Even Arthur and Thor can be beaten if he got their weaknesses."

Arthur said lightly.

" Yes, even we aren't omnipotent gods. Thor, Hulk and others like us will die if they are stabbed."

Matt said with stress.

" Then what should we do?"

Arthur said with a serious tone.

" I think we aren't the only his goal. He will probably kill other powerful beings."

Rhodes said with a helpless tone.

" Great, now we are the prey. Arthur, what do you think about his next step?"

Arthur looked outside.

" Maybe he will find a better body."

Tony's eyes lit up.

" That's right. He must be after vibranium."

Steve agreed his statement.

" I think the same. He was drooling over my shield."

Gilgamesh said calmly.

" So where can we find it?"

Tony pointed at the Wakanda.

" Here is the richest place to have vibranium. Fortunately, they don't sell it even though they are poor. However, there are a few smugglers around there."

Jean's eyebrows wrinkled.

" Which one has the biggest deposit?"

Tony said lightly.

" Ulysses Klaw. He is one of the most dangerous smugglers around the world."

Mordred looked sharp.

" How can we find him?"

Tony shook his head.

" It might take a while because look!"

Arthur frowned.

" Is that Jarvis?"

Tony nodded.

" Yes, he destroyed him to get away."

Qin looked at the structure.

" I can fix him."

Tony said with a surprise.

" You do?"

Qin nodded. He said with a calm attitude.

" I can fix his core. Although it is a little difficult, I can fix him."

Steve patted his shoulder.

" Then I will leave it to you, buddy. Now, we have to gather our forces."

Hill who was silent, said quietly.

" I can contact Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D."

Matt also said.

" I can assemble the Defenders."