Chapter 149 Vision

Outside the barn.

Tony raised his axe to chop the woods.


He chopped it neatly. Subsequently,, he chopped again. He repeated this again and again.

For a while, he chopped the woods. He felt a little relaxed. Steve looked at him, a soft gaze.

" You know you don't have to do this. You almost died last time."

Tony shook his head.

" I don't know. Whether you or Arthur, I think you like my brothers. I don't want you to die. Besides, It is my fault."

Steve patted Tony's shoulder.

" If it wasn't Arthur, I would have misunderstood you, Tony."

Tony smiled wryly.

" Yeah, If it were me, I would probably argue with you."

Steve smiled.

" Maybe. We don't know anything about other possibilities."

Tony seemed to realize something. He looked up to the sky.

" Infinity possibilities, huh?! Maybe, if I didn't meet Arthur in Afghanistan, my life would be different."

Steve nodded. His face showed melancholy.

" Yes, you are right. The Avengers would be divided if it wasn't Arthur's pacifist thoughts."

Two of them chatted for a while.

Inside the house.

Arthur was drinking his tea calmly. He smiled at Laura.

" So when will he be born?"

Laura chuckled. She gently stroked her belly.

" I don't know. It will be around this year or next year. I have to talk about this with my doctor."

Arthur grinned.

" He will be a good child, I know it."

Laura laughed. She punched him softly.

" Indeed, you are right. However, if he takes after Clint, that would be a problem. So, you have to teach him."

Arthur smiled.

" I understand."

This day was a good day for the Avengers. Everyone had a great time.

That night.

In the Avengers tower.

Tony looked at the container with a hesitation. He turned back and said.

" Should I give up?"

Arthur pondered. He said calmly.

" Personally, I don't think it is a good idea, but it's worth to try."

Tony took a deep breath. His eyes turned serious.

" I believe in my decision."

He activated the power generator. Arthur closed his eyes. He didn't stop Tony.

Suddenly, the door was opened forcefully. It was Bruce. He shouted,

" Tony, are you crazy? Are you trying to kill us again?"

Steve, who heard his shout, ran inside the room instantly. He looked at the container.

" Tony, what's going on?"

Bruce said with anger.

" He reactivated the container."

Steve's reaction was a little sluggish.

Click, crack*

All Avengers came in immediately. Natasha asked.

" What happened?"

Steve said calmly.

" He reactivated the container."

Natasha was in loss. She looked at Arthur with a question mark. Arthur didn't show any expression. Finally, Natasha decided to intervene. She said lightly.

" Tony, stop. I don't know why Arthur is with you, but I can't allow this."

Arthur smiled slightly. He looked at Natasha with a proud look.

Bruce immediately ran to the container. Tony's face changed when he saw this. He said loudly.

" Stop."

He grabbed Bruce's hand and threw him back. Arthur flashed and caught him. Natasha gritted her teeth. She aimed at Tony with her bracelet. Others didn't involve in the fight because Arthur didn't move at all. So, they thought it isn't wise to involve. As for Sam and Rhodes, they directly chose their side unlike others. Sam said righteously.

" Tony, stop. We don't know what is inside that thing."

Rhodes responded.

" But Arthur and Steve are silent."

Steve took a deep breath. He couldn't take it anymore.

" Tony, Sam's right."

Tony said with a stubborn attitude.

" However, he is wrong. I feel it."

Steve sighed. He took out his shield.

" Then you left me no choice. I am sorry."

He grabbed his shield and threw it to the container. Tony showed his helplessness. He aimed at Steve's shield.


He successfully repelled it. Steve grabbed his shield and bashed it to Tony. Tony lifted his arm. He used repulse ray to push Steve back. Steve stepped back. He adjusted his posture and kicked Tony. Tony grabbed his leg and threw him, but he forgot Steve was a master fighter. Steve directly used his kinetic energy to offset Tony's balance. Tony used his chest ray to get up. Then he used his jet to boost his punch. He hit hard on Steve's shield.