Chapter 180 The Hollywood level acting

In the headquarters of the vampires,

The lord was looking at Blade with delight. He laughed with a sinister look.

" Finally, I can be immortal and strong. Even the Avengers and the council will beg for the mercy."

Blade's face didn't change. He said with a sarcasm.

" Yes, you have ascended into a fool. Do you think you can hold us here forever?"

The lord didn't mind it. He was sure Blade was bluffing.

" You are just a dog now. Although Arthur is troublesome, I can hold him and turn him into a blood bag. His blood will bring a new era for my people."

Blade snorted coldly. His eyes showed his disdain.

" Shallow minded fool. You are not fit to be a leader."

The lord waved his hand. The vampires started the machine. Blade's blood was draining into a tank slowly. The lord licked his lips. He walked towards the other cell where Arthur was kept. He looked at unconscious Arthur with a proud look.

" So called greatest human is just this. I think we can kill other human champions."

The advisor laughed. He rubbed his palm to show his butt kissing skills.

" Of course, my lord. Soon we will have an unstoppable army."

The lord nodded. His old face showed yearning for his new power. He said lightly.

" How is the collection process going?"

The vampire scientist bowed. He said with a humble look.

" It is almost done. His power is beyond normal noble vampire. I think only Vlad can reach his bloodline intensity."

The lord clicked his tongue. He recalled the terrible power of the count Dracula. He was a monster beyond anything. His power terrorized the entire vampire society.

" Just finish it quickly. I am in a hurry."

The scientist bowed.

2 hours later.

The lord was holding a tube filled with blood. The blood looked like it was alive. The lord said with curiosity.

" Such a delicate work. I never saw a beautiful thing like this before."

The advisor laughed. His eyes were glued to the tube.

Meanwhile, in the laboratory.

Nyssa was sneaking around it. She wanted to rescue Arthur and Blade.


She opened the door successfully. However, the sight was entirely different from her expectations. She found out Arthur was alright. In fact, he was watching the lord with a smile and Blade was sitting next to him. She asked.

" What the hell are you doing?"

Arthur turned his head around to look at her. He smiled.

" Nyssa, you are here. Look at this. Your foolish father believed in my scam. It's so funny."

Nyssa's face was filled with black lines. She took a deep breath to calm down.

" Since when did you wake up?"

Arthur chuckled.

" I am immune to any poison, and that includes narcotics too. I was just acting."

Nyssa spat out swear words. She never thought Arthur would be this op. She even felt the world was unfair.

Blade said calmly.

" Relax. We were acting. By the way, it was pretty fun to see you and your father's face. I even wanted to laugh out loud."

Nyssa sat down with dejection. She said with pout.

" You took me as a clown."

Arthur shook his head. He was smiling at her.

" Of course not. I always regarded you as one of my allies, but to be honest, you suck at lying. Even Blade is better at lying than you."

Blade nodded. He acknowledged this fact.

Nyssa was shocked. She mumbled.

" Am I that bad at lying?"

Arthur caressed her hair. He pointed at the display.

" Now watch. Your father will destroy his dream because of his greed. If he wasn't a greedy person, he might have become a good leader. Unfortunately, he doesn't have that trait. He was doomed to be a joke when he started experimenting on his son."

Nyssa's eyes grew bigger. She never heard about this. She asked with a serious tone.

" What do you mean?"

Arthur explained.

" He is your brother."

Nyssa's eyes were full of anger. She hated her father even more. She threw her ring.

" I don't need it."

She trusted Arthur's words because she knew Arthur wouldn't lie to his comrades. Arthur looked at the screen. He said calmly.

" Now the stage is set. All we do now is wait for our performers."

Blade nodded.

" He will be here soon. Let's head out first."