Chapter 190 Agreement between humans and orcs

Orgrim clenched his fists. He admitted Durotan's words.

" But what will we do if Gul'dan hears our betrayal?"

Durotan said calmly.

" I will go back. I will convince him to surrender."

Orgrim roared.

" Foolishness. He will kill you."

Durotan shook his head. He patted Orgrim's shoulder.

" Don't worry, as long as I open my kin's eyes."


Arthur flew down to them. He said to Garona.

" Translate my words. I hope to negotiate with them."

Garona whispered to Durotan's ears. Durotan's expression eased. He bowed.

" Respected warrior, what do you seek from us?"

Arthur's eyes turned into Sharingan. He looked at him.

Durotan felt like he was in the portal. He saw his surroundings with dizziness. He found himself in the room with filled with weapons. Arthur pointed at the chair.

" Sit down."

Durotan looked at the little chair with hesitation, but to his surprise the chair changed its size. Durotan sat down comfortably. He said respectably.

" May I hear your thoughts about us?"

Arthur snapped his finger. A glass of beer appeared in front of Durotan. Durotan looked at it with curiosity. Arthur gestured him to drink.

Durotan gulped down the beer. He felt a strong taste in his mouth. He liked it a lot. Arthur opened his mouth. He said calmly.

" Do you mid if I see your memory?"

Durotan looked at Arthur with amazement because he spoke in Orcish. He nodded without hesitation.

Arthur smiled. He searched through his memories and found out their reason to attack this world. Arthur opened his eyes.

" I see. You were deceived by the false warlock. He didn't save you from your suffering because he caused it."

Durotan said with a cofused look.

" What do you mean?"

Dark energy appeared in front of them. Arthur said calmly.

" Long ago, I fought against a god who used this kind of energy. He engulfed the life force of the entire planet and enslaved their souls. Not only that, he single-handedly obliterated his kind."

Durotan remembered this energy. He said with surprise.

" It is his power. So, it was true after all. He was using us."

Arthur continued.

" This energy corroded the life itself. I am surprised to see it again. I can guess what happened to your planet. You were fooled. The enemy was him all along."

Durotan's gentle face distorted to a furious face. He groaned.

" How dare he! We only wanted land, not the souls. He taught us as fools."

Arthur said with a warm smile.

" If you convince your people, I will give you a land where you can live freely. However, there is a condition."

Durotan's gaze expressed his desire. He said with a deep voice.

" I guarantee that my people will accept it."

Arthur nodded. He didn't regard them as enemies because he felt they were pitiful. Arthur threw a branch to him.

" My condition is to help the humans. I will give you this branch. It has function which can teleport your people."

Durotan's face brightened up. He bowed.

" Thank you, lord. I won't disappoint you. My people will assist you wholeheartedly."

Arthur laughed. He likes this naive orcs. He thinks they are cute, unlike humans who use schemes.

Three hours later.

Durotan was traveling with Orgrim and his warriors. Orgrim asked with suspicion.

" Are you confident that he will keep his words?"

Durotan smiled.

" He will. I saw his honesty through his eyes."

Orgrim sighed with emotion. He said lightly.

" Then we don't have to worry about Gul'dan. He won't notice our movements."

Durotan nodded.

" Precisely. However, we must be careful. One move can mess up our plans."

Orgrim held his mace tightly.

" Don't worry. I will protect your family."

Durotan grinned.

" I know."

Soon they reached their camp. Durotan ordered his men to move quickly.

In the tent of Gul'dan.

Gul'dan's eyes were filled with rage because he noticed their movements. Not only he lost his men, he even lost his precious materials. Gul'dan punched the table with anger.

" Damn! Guards!"

The orcs rushed in to his tent. Gul'dan said viciously.

" Execute the traitors with me."

The orcs saluted. They quickly organized their people. Gul'dan picked up his old staff and walked out. He looked at the direction of Durotan.

Meanwhile, Durotan almost finished his preparation. He shouted.

" Hurry! We don't have time."

Orgrim hastened their movements.
