Chapter 224 Samira

Arthur opened the guild's door with confidence. The mercenaries looked at him with a prying look. They felt Arthur was no simple person because weak people can't stand against their pretense much less they saw Arthur's smile. He was wholly different from Demancians. He didn't have their look.

The receptionist asked with a polite tone.

" How can I help you?"

Arthur took out a gold coin. He said calmly.

" I want to post a request."

The receptionist pushed his glasses. He inspected the gold and asked with a professional attire.

" And your quest, sir?"

Arthur pointed at his teammates and looked around himself with a smile.

" Escort. I would like to get to the capital."

The receptionist frowned slightly.

" However, considering your power, you don't need any manpower."

Arthur nodded. He said lightly.

" I need a person who can guide me through the map. I heard Noxus isn't a safe place for foreigners. I don't want any scams around me."

The receptionist nodded. He took out the paper and stamped on it. He bowed.

" Sorry for the rudeness. We accept your deal. We will inform you if someone is interested in your request."

Arthur nodded with agreement. He turned around and walked back to the gate.

Suddenly, a woman jumped down from the second, in the floor. She laughed.

" Wait. I will accept your offer."

The receptionist said with anxiety.

" But, miss!"

The woman looked at him with dissatisfaction. She gestured him to be silent.

" Don't worry. The old geezers can't do anything to me. They need my power."

The receptionist groaned. He couldn't refute her words.

The woman smiled deeply when she saw this. She walked towards and extended her hand. Arthur observed her and grabbed her hand.

" Samira. I will help you."

Arthur felt a strong grip from her. He smiled and raised his strength. Samira's face turned red when she felt his power.

" Arthur, I am a merchant."

Samira's mouth twitched. She said with a smile.

" Are the merchants strong like you?"

Arthur released his hand. Samira shook her hand slightly and grinned.

" Strong. I like it. Can you buy a couple of rounds for me?"

Arthur didn't refuse her request. He felt Samira's power from her grip. She was both strong and experienced. It was a very rare occasion to see such a person in this remote town.

Zoe and Vision were looking at her with interest. Zoe whispered.

" She is strong. I can feel it."

Vision nodded.

" Yes. She is a mighty person. There must be a reason for her appearance."

Zoe's eyes lit up.

" Hey, are we going to investigate her?"

Vision frowned. He agreed with her.

" Yes, we must figure out her goal."

Zoe felt very excited. She rarely had a chance to interact with others.

" Cool. We will be detectives."

Vision sighed. He said quietly.

" Just don't reveal our intentions."

Zoe gestured her silence.

In the inn.

Samira was looking around her with interest. She praised Arthur for his taste.

" You have a good taste. It is a perfect place to rest. Most of the merchants would have chosen a luxury one. That's why they were getting aimed for their wealth. A fool will choose a place like that."

Arthur laughed. He acted like it was coincidence.

" Nah, I am not that kind of person. It is just a coincidence."

Samira narrowed her eyes. She was quite sure it was a an act. She shrugged her shoulders and didn't say anything.

Arthur sat down with others and said loudly.

" Lady, four meals along with 3 beers and one juice."

Zoe sulked.

" But I want beer. I am a grown up."

Arthur shook his head. He had similar experience like this.

" No, absolutely not. You will drink juice, understand?"

Zoe humphed as she ignored Arthur. Vision sighed when he looked at this.

Samira asked with curiosity.

" So, is she your daughter or sister?"

Arthur replied with a tired look.

" Just a cousin of mine. She is very energetic."

Samira nodded. She placed her guns on the table and leaned on the chair.

" AGH, my back. It is very heavy to carry guns and swords."

Arthur saw her weapons. He admired her strength to carry such weapons and conceal with her cloak.