Chapter 230 VI

Arthur sighed and nodded towards others. Caitlyn said with a grateful look.

" Thanks for accepting my request. I won't cause any unnecessary problems."

She skillfully took the lead and guided them towards the bar in the middle of the city. Arthur said with a frown.

" This place is dangerous. I can feel powerful people in here."

Caitlyn nodded. She said with a serious look.

" This place used to be a center of the criminal organization in Zaun. Fortunately, we took this down and it is changed to semi mercenary guild. As long as we can pay, they won't harm us in the building."

Vision said with indifference.

" However, that doesn't apply to outside."

Caitlyn nodded. She carefully opened the door and went in with others. Arthur observed his surroundings with vary.

The Barkeeper looked at Caitlyn and said with a cold tone.

" Long time no see, policewoman. What brings you here? Your friend left quite a trouble to us."

Caitlyn's smile froze when she heard this. She groaned and ordered.

" One usual. I don't know her intentions at all. She must came here looking for a criminal."

The Barkeeper wiped his glass and poured a glass of cocktail.

" Then, what is your business here today?"

Caitlyn looked at him and said calmly.

" I am looking for a culprit of the university incident. Although my friends are here for a different purpose, you can put the tab on me."

The Barkeeper nodded. His eyes showed a slight worry.

" The machine herald knows the culprit. We couldn't go to him and our boss stopped us."

Caitlyn's eyes turned sharp. She said with a gentle tone.

" Viktor. I should have guessed this."

Finally, Arthur came to him and sat down. He asked with a polite tone.

" I am searching for siblings. One have silver hair and other is red haired. The male one is fast and other one is a mage."

The Barkeeper took a deep look at him and said seriously.

" Who are you?"

Arthur smiled when he heard this. He took out a sack of gold coins and put it down on table. The surrounding people went silent after witnessing this much money. Even Caitlyn was shocked to see such a huge amount of money for the information.

" I am their teacher and boss."

The Barkeeper gulped when he felt Arthur's aura. He felt threatened and he knew he was looking at an apex predator.

" They appeared a couple of days ago. I suspect they went on their ways. We found they were really powerful and we couldn't figure out their intentions. They said they were looking for their leader."

Arthur smiled and gulped down remaining drink of Caitlyn. Then he turned back and walked towards the exit. Caitlyn hastily followed them. Zoe asked with curiosity.

" So, where will go now?"

Arthur grinned as he already anticipated their routes.

" Ionia and Bilgewater. I have recommended this locations before."

Zoe said with an excited look.

" Oh, that will be cool. I heard about them before. The first land and the land of mercenaries."

Suddenly, Caitlyn shouted.

" Wait. Can you help me?"

Arthur looked at her with confusion. He thought their deal was over.

" What do you want now? We don't have much time."

Caitlyn stopped and said with embarrassment.

" Well, can you lend me a few bucks? I am short on the budget Besides, I might need a hand for my investigation."

Vision said with a light tone.

" Why don't you call your partner or your family? You are from a wealthy family,right?"

Caitlyn coughed. She smiled wryly.

" Well, I spent my money on the new rifle parts and for my new gadgets. Also, I had a little conflict with my partner."

Arthur's face darkened. He opened his mouth and


An explosion occurred near them. A man was sent flying towards them. Zoe rolled up her sleeves and said with confidence.

" I got this."

She drew a circle on the air. An energy with beautiful colors caught the man. Arthur nodded as he noticed her improvement.


Another man was flying towards them. This time Vision caught him with ease.


A woman with pink hair came out from the alley. She was wearing mechanical gloves. She looked at them and said with indifference.

" Thanks for the catch. Man, I thought I had killed them accidentally."