Chapter 231 Genius of the century

Arthur raised his eyebrows at her remark. He said with a calm voice.

" Who are you and why are you beating them to the coma?"

Vi scratched her head. She looked at Caitlyn and said with a smile.

" I am her partner. My name is Vi. I assume you are some kind of heroes of the civilians."

Arthur didn't take it to his heart. His eyes remained on her gloves and exoskeleton. He said with a light tone.

" Then you are a law enforcer."

Vi nodded. She pointed at the thugs and said with annoyance.

" Now can I take them to the station?"

Caitlyn couldn't take anymore. She asked directly.

" Did you break things again?"

Vi dodged her glare when she heard this. She turned around and said with a calm tone.

" Well, forget it. I remember that I had an urgent job to do."

Caitlyn pulled out her rifle. She said with a serious look.

" Vi, stop. Jayce will nag me if I don't write a report about this. Besides, I need your help. You should know where Viktor is, right?"

Vi groaned. She knew she had to comply to her orders right now. She raised her hands and said with a helpless look.

" I know the cupcake. As for Viktor, he is too dangerous. We should bring Jayce with us."

Caitlyn's eyes glowed sharply. She reminded her.

" Do you want to start a bloody war? Viktor will try to kill him if he sees Jayce."

Vi nodded with agreement. She sighed.

" Then he will probably chase us away. You know he had changed a lot compared to his former friendly attitude."

Caitlyn nodded. She patted on Arthur's shoulders.

" He said that he would help us."

Arthur looked at her with confusion. Zoe whispered.

" Did we agree to her proposal?"

Vision shook his head. He said quietly.

" No. We declined her request."

Caitlyn whispered in Arthur's ears.

" Believe me. You won't regret it. He is a genius of the century. I saw your gaze while you were looking at her gauntlets. You were interested in those, right?"

Arthur rubbed his chin. He quickly adjusted his schedule and calculated the odds.

" Fine. You better said the truth."

Caitlyn smiled brightly when she heard this. She felt assured when they were going together because she felt his power. He was a man who was brighter than anyone. Even Jayce and Viktor were lacking compared to his confidence and attire.

On the other hand, Vi was observing Arthur. She felt the apex predator aura from him. Her senses were warning her. She also noticed Zoe and Vision weren't normal either. Their eyes were showing their hearts. As a Zaunian, she could grasp about others because that was a main ability for the fighter. Of course, she saw Caitlyn's ploy. She sighed.

" Let's hurry, cupcake and you too, handsome."

Arthur raised his head. He nodded.

" Well, you can guide us."

Vi nodded as she pointed at the thugs.

" Owner, throw these guys to the yard. You should know the rules."

The Barkeeper sighed and gestured his men to take them away.

Vi walked through the streets with a carefree manner. She said calmly.

" Zaun isn't a place for the weak. We fight to survive. This place is full of chaos. You don't know when others will stab you."

Vision frowned as he was looking around himself. He said lightly.

" This place is similar to Hell's kitchen."

Arthur nodded. He recalled the bastards of the underground.

" Yeah, they look normal outside, but that place is the paradise of the gangs."

Zoe asked with curiosity.

" Do your home has a place like this?"

Vision nodded. His face didn't change when mentioned Manhattan.

" Yes, no matter what we did, they still grow out like mushrooms after the rain."

Caitlyn shook her head.

" Sounds rough. That place must be in a bad shape."

Arthur chuckled. His eyes showed a slight disdain.

" No. That place has an owner because of that, I didn't involve myself in there. Otherwise, things will go out of the hand. However, if he dares to move on my people or other innocents, I won't sit idly."

Vi cracked her knuckles.

" You must be strong, if you are that confident."

Zoe laughed. She rolled up her sleeves and showed her biceps.

" Yeah, he is one of us. You don't know how powerful we are."