Chapter 241 Cooperation

Arthur was looking at Wanda proudly. He remembered the days when he was teaching the twins. Arthur really cherished their talents as a mage and an assassin. Both of them inherited his moves perfectly and they learned quite enough to become a regular member of Avengers.

Vision said with a gentle tone.

" You have suffered for a long time. Sorry for being late."

Wanda silently hugged him and said nothing. She was glad to see Vision and Arthur.

Diana asked quietly.

" Is he?"

Arthur nodded.

" He isn't a human, yet he loves her. Hence, I didn't make hard for them."

Diana nodded. Her gaze softened a little. She said lightly.

" I am here to find my tribesmen."

Karma bowed as she felt her energy.

" It is honor to meet the aspect. Although normal people can't feel your energy, I cam feel it clearly. The lunarian people are in the heart of Ionia. They are with the Blade Dancer."

Arthur said with nostalgia.

" Irelia, huh."

Kennen looked at him with surprise.

" You know her?"

Arthur touched his neck and showed his awkwardness.

" We were friends, but I doubt she will remember me. It was a long time ago."

Kennen nodded. He took out his token and threw it to Arthur.

" Find me if you need a hand. The Kinkou will always help their allies."

Arthur knew he was telling his farewell. He thanked him.

" I won't forget this. I will definitely come in your assistance when you need me."

Kennen nodded and walked to the entrance.

Karma looked at him deeply and said calmly.

" He must be in hurry. Ionia is in chaos now because of the criminals from Noxus. That resulted a clash between Kinkou and Shadow order."

Arthur nodded. He looked at Karma and smiled.

" Miss, can you join us for the lunch? We will be delighted if you so."

Karma didn't refuse that. She took out her tea pot and went with them.

In the ship.

Ian and Zoe bid farewell to the Kinkou. Zoe sighed.

" I don't like to part with my friends."

Ian nodded.

" Yeah, I am the same. I hate going separate from my friends because of that I lost my family."

Zoe elbowed him. She smiled brightly.

" You got us now. We are your family."

Ian grinned when he heard this.


5 figures appeared in front of them. Zoe looked at Karma with curiosity.

" Who is she? She has pretty eyes."

Karma greeted Zoe with respect.

" I am Karma. I didn't believe that there would be 3 aspects traveling together. It seems I was wrong."

Ian bowed and said politely.

" I greet the enlightened."

Karma raised her eyebrows and said with surprise.

" You are the boy from Hundred flower sect. I deeply apologize for what happened to your sect. I heard it was the job of Noxus."

Ian didn't tell lies as he said truthfully.

" You are right. Our sect was destroyed because of our wealthy knowledge of First Lands. They plotted get it from our hands."

Karma furrowed her eyebrows. Her purple eyes showed the deep worry of hers.

" It appears that matter isn't simple. Noxus has been silent for too long time."

Arthur didn't say anything as he gestured them to sit. He took out the light meals and placed in front of them.

Karma was pleased to smell such a beautiful fragrance from the food. She picked up the delicate plate and placed the cake in her mouth.

She felt strong taste of the cake in her cake and smiled beautifully.

" Ah such a delightful cuisine. Your talent never ceases to amaze me."

She motioned her students to bring the cups.


They quickly brought the tea cups. Karma picked up the tea pot and poured the tea.

" Our temple has a very rare tea leaves. It is one of the most sought after tea in the world and my tea is made from the most delicious leaves in the field. Please enjoy."

Diana put her down her weapon and drank the tea. She felt the gentle fragrance and smelled it.

Strangely, her heart and mind calmed down after smelling it. She said lightly.

" It's effects are miraculous. Not many plants can induce us to calm down even they had magic power in them."