Chapter 250 The inevitable merger

Sam asked with a serious look.

" When will Arthur come? Skynet calculated the outcome already. It is basically impossible to stop with our current technology."

Steve didn't back off as he wore his helmet.

" We don't have any choice. I am done hiding in the shell."

Sam shrugged his shoulders. He looked at the man and said respectfully.

" Captain Price, are you coming with us?"

Price smiled and said lightly.

" I don't have any mission at the moment. At least, I will be your pilot."

Sam patted his shoulders and gestured to go.

Near t7ot9he portal.

Arthur appeared with his team and he spotted the device. He said loudly.

" All energy users charge that thing with your maximum output. It will reopen the portal and it will remain as the energy will be transferred to the battery."

Arthur used his energy as it was the main catalyst and others followed him. A huge light pillar shot up to the sky as the portal opened.

Arthur dashed to the portal and entered it.

Near the rift.


A red stream landed on the ground. Tony asked loudly.

" What the hell is going on? Why is my energy sensor broken by this thing?"

Tony saw Strange and said with surprise.

" Doctor? What are you doing here?"

Strange said with urgency.

" I don't have any time to explain. Quick deploy your armors. This thing will destroy our world."

Tony's gaze turned serious. He said lightly.

" Jarvis deploy, my prototype prime armor."

Jarvis replied quietly.

" But sir, it is still development. We don't know its full capability."

Tony clicked his tongue.

" I don't care. This was created to surpass Arthur's armor in the first place. Also, deploy energy net around here."


Bluish light surrounded them. Tony checked his time and said calmly.

" Hey, doctor or a sorcerer. Please wait for two minutes."

Wong's forehead filled with black lines.

" Fuck, do we look like people who can hold for two minutes? It is crushing us to meat sauce. You expect us to hold for two minutes?"

Tony was taken back. He coughed.

" Then one minute. I will do my best."

Wong nodded and continued to chant with Strange.

Tony urged Jarvis.

Meanwhile in S.H.I.E.L.D., everything was in chaos.

Fury looked at the screen with an ugly face.

" Fuck, when will Arthur come? The rift is getting out of the hand. Maria, did you contact him?"

Maria glanced at him coldly and said with indifference.

" I have sent the signal. He should be on his way."

Fury felt complicated when he saw her expression. He sighed.

" Don't worry, this is the last time. I will call her next time."

Maria snorted and stroke her big belly.

" I want to believe in you, but there is no guarantee. I don't want our child be fatherless."

)Back to the rift.

Steve had arrived the scene. He spotted Tony and he sighed.

" Long time no see."

Tony sneered at him.


Tony's armor came down to him. It was a pure silver armor with neon blue light. It covered his body completely.

" Hmm, the data is good. I think it is still underwhelming compared to my new nano armor, but it still has a room for improvement."

A blue light shone brightly as Tony flew to Strange. He asked loudly.

" What should I do?"

Strange said hastily.

" Stop the energy output. Although the catalyst isn't here, we can stop its growth until Arthur arrives here. Besides, someone is also trying to stop it from the other side."

Tony nodded. His chest shone brightly.


His chest beam hit the rift with a powerful energy wave.

" Jarvis, calculate my remaining energy and usage ratio."

Jarvis replied.

" Current energy percentage is 83 percent. The output is 2 percent per minute, but it is likely to raise up due to the rift energy expansion."

Tony broke with cold sweat. He knew what this number means.

" Damn it, Cap help me. You must brought something from Arthur's inventory, right?"

Steve nodded.

" Guys, prepare the emergency energy dispenser. We only have one shot."

Sam, Price and Bucky moved immediately. They went to 3 different angles and created a square with Steve. Steve took out a cube like object and placed it down.
