Chapter 10 Burning sun

Havoc threw his lasers and laughed maniacally.

" How is it? Better than last time, right?"

Banshee was also excited. His sound waves was generating powerful waves while he was also protecting themselves from his teleportation.

Azazel was at his wit end. He just wanted leave them, but he couldn't do that because he noticed that Arthur was kind of observing them even he closed his eyes. His instincts were warning him if he ran away from here, Arthur would catch him easily and he was sure that Arthur wouldn't forgive him.

" Damn it!"

He took a deep breath and did something crazy. He teleported next to Banshee as he tried to neutralize him first. However, Havoc already saw through his plan. He said coldly.

" Gotcha, rat!"

He attacked him with powerful attack. Unfortunately, Azazel teleported again. This time he was next to Havoc.

" You let your guard down."

Surprisingly, Banshee whispered and his ability was banned. His eyes grew wide as he was helpless against them.

Banshee sighed.

" Finally, it was hard to figure out your frequency."

Azazel groaned and knelt down. He asked with a groan.

" How?"

Banshee pointed to his ears.

" My device. This is the gift which I got from him."

Azazel gazed at Arthur and saw he was waving. He gritted his teeth and raised his hands.

" I give up. I am no idiot."

Havoc grunted.

" Ah, I was having a good time."


Emma was losing terribly. Her proud diamond body was chipped everywhere. Rose was spinning her spear and said lightly.

" How do you feel? Your proud mental power and physical body won't work against me."

Emma looked down to her body and looked at her again. She was calculating what she should do. Although her ability was powerful enough, Rose was just her nemesis. She was a predator who was born to kill her. Her divine power was so strong and her overall combat experience were far superior to hers.

She saw Azazel and raised her hands.

" I give up. It is not worth it to lose my life here."

Rose put her spear back and said calmly.

" A wise decision. I was thinking about to cripple you."

Emma snorted and gave up.

On the other hand, Riptide didn't have any thoughts to surrender. He spammed his bones to Darwin, but Darwin was standing. He looked at him without any expression.

" Really dude?"

Darwin walked to him and raised his hand. He said coldly.

" This might hurt a little bit."

His mouth was opened as he exhaled purple smoke.

Riptide felt danger, but it was too late. He already inhaled the smoke. He coughed and fell down.

Arthur looked at this and got up from his seat. He said calmly.

" Eric, Charles retreat. He is hiding his hand."

Eric frowned and looked at Shaw. He really didn't want to stop, but he followed Arthur's instructions.

Arthur smiled.

" You should have absorbed that nuclear reactor and warheads' energy righ?"

Shaw chuckled.

" Smart. As expected from the God, but you will die here."

Arthur sighed.

" Do you think that my divine power is the strongest power, I have?"

Shaw didn't say anything as he was certain.

Arthur shook his head.

" Pity then. You shouldn't have given enough time for me."

Arthur clenched his fists and his body started to heat up.

" Then feel the justice."

Shaw sneered.

" You are too early to talk about justice."

He also gathered his energy.


The air immune was heatened up by them. Shaw was sure that he can overpower him. However, Arthur showed no signs of stopping. His body was shining as his surroundings were starting to distorted.

Rose shouted.

" This crazy teacher! Everyone get behind me."

The mutants retreated and lined behind her. She raised her spear and shouted.

" Stars guide my way and protect me!"

A translucent barrier appeared.

Arthur saw this and smiled.

" Then that makes it."

He flew up and his body continued to exclude more heat and fire. He was basically becoming a living sun.

Shaw felt more threatened as he tried to overcome him, but the heat and energy were already getting out of his league. The fire was so overwhelming that he even felt hot for the first time.