Chapter 52 Ragnarok!

Thor couldn't believe his eyes as his jaw dropped in midair. He swore he killed the king of the giants, but he was standing in front of him with an even bigger body than before. Moreover, his heat was almost violent as Arthur's fire.

" Thor, who is this?"

Arthur shouted while pushing him to the left. They barely dodged the giant fire sword. They could feel the immense power of this giant since he was getting stronger every moment.

" Surtr, I have slayed him before. Looks like he consumed the eternal flame. We need to stop him before it gets out of hand. Can you use your power now?"

Thor asked while cracking his knuckles with a serious expression. Arthur patted his shoulder and sighed with distress. As he said before fate always troubles him in his vulnerable time.

Arthur took out his zanpaktou. He immediately released Shikai since the Bankai would destroy the balance of time and space. Even he couldn't guarantee his survival due to the immense usage of reiatsu.

" Freeze to death- Frozen realm!"

Arthur shouted while stabbing the ground with his strength. The ground around them immediately turned into an ice field as the ice fought against the fire.

" Your ice means nothing to me, mortal!"

Surtr said, cleaving the area with his enormous sword. His giant sword vaporized everything on its way and he was aiming at Asgard to destroy it.

" No, you don't! Ice Wall! Magic Mirror! Barrier of Light! Bakudo! Fire Wall! Gravity Distortion!"

Arthur used his protective techniques against the raging flames of destruction. His hair was flying wildly under the immense wave of the collision.

" Arthur, stop!"

Thor saw Arthur bleeding from his mouth because he was pushing himself to protect Asgard from his attack. He was forcefully holding back to save the place.

" Thunder Barrage!"

Thor used his thunders to bombard Surtr who was furiously assaulting Arthur's barrier with the infinite strength of the eternal flame.

" You dare!"

Suddenly, he heard a scream from a familiar figure. Hela had arrived with Hulk, Loki, and the warriors of Asgard.

She threw Gungnir to Surtr, but Surtr blocked it with his fire armor. Hela teleported next to him and grabbed the spear to stab him in his heart, but Surtr sent her flying with a single swing of his arm.

Sif and Heimdall tried to cut his legs. Surtr lifted his leg and stomped on the ground so hard that it immediately threw off them. The four warriors attacked from each side of his.

" Annoying bugs!"

Surtr blew them away his flame and heat. However, Fenrir and Skurge used the chance to bind him down.

" Die monster!"

Maeiv said while slashing her sword to his neck with her all might and magic. Surtr moved with incredible speed as he threw her to the city.

Maeiv coughed up blood as she felt her bones broken.

" You stay down!"

Hela said seeing her condition was far worse than her. She gritted her teeth because Surtr cut away the connection between Asgard and Ygdrassil. He was slowly consuming their stamina.

" Hulk, save a friend!"

Hulk roared while punching Surtr to the ground with his immense strength of rage. His body was enlarged from the rage, he was feeling.

" You piece of shit, this is my kingdom!"

Loki pressed his fingers together to bind him to the ground with his spell.

" I will kill you this time!"

Thor shouted while attacking Hela who was furious. Their attack nearly razed everything around them to nothing.

" You think you can kill me again, son of Odin!"

Surtr spoke while struggling to get up from the ground. His face was cut in half by the fire of Helheim and the thunder of Thor. Furthermore, his armor was smashed by the Barrage of Hulk's attack.

Despite his injuries, Surtr was still kicking. He was putting up a good fight against heroes.

" Arthur can't hold his attack forever. How is the evacuation going?"

Thor asked while panting. His sweat was dripping down to his face as he was struggling to breathe in this heat.

" Done, we need to get out of this place."

Heimdall warned him while maintaining his posture.

" This is my kingdom! How can I leave this place?"

Hela said looking at them with a threatening look.