Chapter 57 Arthur


The heart monitor sound was echoing in the room while a single man was laying on the bed with a tired look. His eyelids twitched slightly as he opened his eyes.

Arthur got up from his bed and took off the pads from his body. He rubbed his forehead while trying to remember what happened last time.

" Ah right, I was fighting against a fire giant who had a giant sword that could cleave through the entire planet. Wow, I must stop doing reckless things like this."

Arthur smiled wryly, recalling a huge ass sword. Furthermore, he couldn't attack due to Asgard and people were behind him. Hence, he deployed various barriers which overdrawn his strength to the exhaustion point.


Arthur saw Tyrande who was sitting in the corridor while peeling an orange. She raised her head and smiled.

" You are awake at last. I was worried about you."

She said while handing her orange to him. Arthur grinned at her and took her orange. He put it in his mouth as he felt a refreshing taste of it. It was acidic and sugary at the same time. Even so, Arthur didn't mind it.

" So is everyone alive? You know something always happens when I am out of cold."

Arthur inquired about the overall situation since he knew the world was in the chaos. He was the symbol of peace that kept the balance between the worlds.

" No! We were attacked by unknown entities during your absence. They were at Kyle's level and they were aiming for the mind stone."

Tyrande didn't hesitate to tell about what was happening to him. Arthur's pupils shrunk sharply because he heard two powerful aliens were after the most dangerous power in the universe.

" Guess so. Bloody hell, I couldn't take a vacation."

Arthur sighed, taking his clothes from the robot. Tyrande buttoned his shirt and fixed his clothes.

" You are their leader after all. Without your existence, terrible things would happen to this world."

Tyrande said, knowing Arthur was only the reason for holding back all those ambitious humans and aliens. His sheer power and charisma were enough to hinder those who had bad thoughts.

" Perhaps, you are right l, but you can't deny the fact that superheroes can exist without me. Sooner or later we will all die and they will continue to move on. Our only objective is to pave their path."

Arthur commented on his thoughts while finishing his setup. He wore his iconic symbol of a knight on his shoulder and he walked towards the exit with her.

Tyrande shook her head with refusal since that wasn't the only truth. The citizens would tear apart the superhumans and other beings once Arthur passes away or disappear. His influence was that big to hold back all those ideals.

" So, what about the meeting? Have they decided on anything?"

Arthur asked, looking at the robot which was walking next to him.

" Unfortunately, we are at war. Master Kyle saw their interest wasn't peace. They were willing to sacrifice others for their goals and they have damaged Brussels city."

Star reported, handing him a document filled with satellite images. Arthur took the folder and skipped through it.

Tyrande who was walking next to him could feel cold air that was coming off him. She patted his shoulder to calm him down.

" There weren't that many casualties. Besides, we are preparing for the upcoming war."

She reassured him that everything was in their calculations. Arthur tilted his head and sighed.

" The war will cost us many. I will try to stop them alone."

He said with a calm tone. His eyes were clear and he was thinking about their overall strength. As the strongest hero, Arthur was confident enough to face the entire army by himself.

" Don't be foolish. Thor is missing and they got two stones. You will be killed in no time. You aren't omnipotent and omniscient."

Tyrande warned him that he was just a mortal even though he had godly powers. Her words weren't that far from the truth.

" Fine, I will wait. What happened to Thor and Loki?"

Arthur agreed with her with a slight smile.

" Loki is injured while Thor is missing. Our intel says they got Tesseract."

Star said, angering Arthur who was calming down.