Chapter 61 Ice

Arthur led the way while looking around with vigilance. He was sure Strange was near since he was perceiving the immense energy of time from the direction where they were heading towards.

" Shush, we are near the area where Strange is held. Be careful!"

Arthur warned them while creeping out from the corner with caution. He used his light to camouflage himself, but that wouldn't work against powerful entities due to their perception was stronger than most advanced radars. He wasn't an idiot who would blindly trust in his power.

" Ugh!"

Arthur heard a groan from the wide space. He raised his head and saw countless metal needles that were poking Strange. Tony raised his arms to blast it, but Arthur stopped him with a serious gaze. He pointed at Maw who was waiting for them. His blue eyes were searching around them because he could their presence in this perimeter.

" Rats!"

Maw said as he pointed to the space. The iron thorns came down to them with incredible speed, but they weren't packed as they looked. Even so, Arthur blasted the iron thorns with his power and came out from hiding.

" Arthur Frost! What have you done to Black Dwarf?"

Maw questioned him while throwing the thorns at him. Arthur sighed as he walked towards him with a serious expression.

Maw broke one thing he shouldn't. He touched his friend and he would pay for that price now.

" I would let have you live if you didn't touch him much less torture, but it appears you chose your fate."

Arthur said, creating a deep blue ice sword from nothing. His blue eyes glowed brightly in the dim room as he slashed Maw with his sword.


The entire room was filled with ice instantly as Peter and Tony opened their mouth in surprise. They didn't expect Arthur to be holding back in this nerve-racking situation.

" Absolute Zero!"

His cold words send a chill down their spine as they felt an unbearing coldness from the ice which covered Maw. It was beautiful yet deadly.

" Strange, are you alright?"

Tony said while freeing Strange who was tortured. Strange groaned, raising his head with slight difficulty. He was injured, but not badly injured thanks to the time stone.

" Star healing."

Arthur's light fell on him and healed his wounds with its gentle power. Strange felt warm and he saw his wounds were disappearing in his naked eyes.

" Thanks. I thought I was a dead man."

Strange spoke while cleaning his cloak with his magic. They sat down on the ground and looked at each other.

" We are already too late to stop this ship. I don't know where we are going, but they would probably expect their allies, so we will give them a little surprise."

Tony said, showing his intelligence wasn't a joke. He guessed they might be heading towards a planet or a ship that could probably accommodate this giant ship. Moreover, the enemies shouldn't be expecting their arrival thanks to Arthur's complete overpower over them.

" But delivering time stone is too dangerous. We can't possibly think they are that weak since my power is already beyond yours."

Arthur said, folding his arms with a serious look. He knew they already had 2 stones. Therefore, it was too dangerous to confront them directly even though he used his last power.

" However, aren't you the strongest hero? We can surely beat them if you are there."

Peter commented naively, thinking about Arthur's power. Arthur laughed at his words and patted his head like he was his younger brother.

" Peter, power isn't always the solution. Tony can create a suit that can counter me, Hulk is physically stronger than me, Thor has more divine power than I do and Strange can access other dimensional magics. Even I can't possibly outclass them on my own."

Arthur spoke while praising others. His words were indeed true because he wasn't a loner. From the beginning, he always fought together with his teammates and got here together with them. Hence, he believed that power wasn't the only solution.


The harsh sound of the ship landing echoed through the hall as the tremor traveled through the ship. Arthur created a barrier to isolate them from the potential danger.