Chapter 64 Those who were cursed by the fate

Thanos smirked smugly looking at 40 meters majestic dragon. He was amused to see such a powerful creature which was one of the ruling classes in the entire universe. Although dragons weren't powerful as celestial much less 5 greats, they were well known for being equal to the gods and powerful lifeforms.

" It is indeed unique."

He muttered while walking to Tony. His powerful beam was obstructing his movements. A blue light enveloped his hand as he punched in the air with no expression.


Tony flew back to the ship without any reason. He felt like he was hit by Hulk and his armor was shattered in a few places. However, Tony didn't give up, instead, he smiled because the first phase of the plan was completed.


Arthur roared at Thanos who was now facing him with his power. An afterimage was left as Arthur appeared next to him at light speed. His giant claws crushed Thanos with their super strength.


The ground was cracked by his strength and it was turning red from the heat that was carried by his body.

" Fall back, all of you!"

Arthur said, ignoring their expressions because this was his part. He decided to not hold back since Thanos had 4 stones in his hand.

Thanos isolated himself from the attack while turning the spell into nothing with reality stone. He noticed Strange was behaving strangely a while ago.

" You think this could take me out? Don't make me laugh."

Thanos spoke, activating the power stone. Huge inertia hit Arthur, sending him a few kilometers away, but he came back and fought against him like it was nothing to him. His giant claws easily tore open the space thanks to his unique star power and attacked Thanos with its power.

The destructive power of various elements was no joke as Thanos constantly used two stones offset his power and ability. Most importantly, he saw Arthur had been using troublesome elements like radiation and poison to wear him off.


He hit Arthur in the stomach and grabbed his tail. He spun around and threw him to the ruins before descending on him. He furiously hit him while using reality stone to render his abilities useless.


He lifted his head and looked into his eyes with a cold look.

" You made a mistake. Even though your power was strengthened, your size was a fatal weakness. Now sleep for a bit."

He muttered while clenching his fist to knock him out because he couldn't kill him.

Arthur laughed at his remark as his giant mouth opened.

" You made a mistake. You forgot I had a team and I am a mage."

As his voice disappeared, binding spells took over his body. Thanos tried to destroy them with his power, but he couldn't do that due to the insane chanting speed of the greatest mages on Earth. Moreover, Parker used his webs to immobilize his movements and prevented him from activating his power.


A single woman jumped on his head to finish their job. Mantis used her telepathic ability to hypnotize him.

" Sleep."

She said while two antennas on her glowed brightly. Her ability was restricted due to the mentality of Thanos who was much more powerful than her. Therefore, she warned them to hasten their movements.

Arthur shrunk down and grabbed one hand while Tony grabbed his other hand. Drax and Peter grabbed his leg, giving Nebula to hold down his other leg.

" Peter, quick! Take off his gauntlet."

Arthur shouted, urging him to finish this fight, but he miscalculated one thing. He forgot that Peter Quill was a simp.

" Where is Gamora?"

He asked while looking at Thanos's face. He was both desperate and guilty for not being to able rescue her. Hence, he wanted to know whether he was safe or not.

Arthur's face changed slightly as he and Parker tried to take off the gauntlet which seemed to be stuck in his hand.

" Ah, my daughter. I am sorry. I am so sorry, but this has to be done."

Thanos sobbed, dreaming of his daughter's face and showing his guilt to her. However, this managed to irritate Peter. He understood his words as he shouted.

" You bastard!"