Chapter 71 Women

Proxima looked at the woman with a cold face. Especially, the leading figures were all trained and tough women. She could feel their will and emotions through their gazes. The burning desire to protect their home and families.

" Give me the stone and I will reassure your safety. I don't want to waste my time here."

She said, creating a spear from her power. Her aura was no joke as the female heroes felt incredible bloodlust from her body. They could tell that she had killed countless beings.

" Not in a million chances. Do you think Earth is some kind of backyard that you could go ravage whenever you want? This is our home."

Natasha said, gesturing for them to attack. Proxima sighed at their foolishness before getting serious. Unlike before she summoned hundreds of energy spears toward them. They directly destroyed the heroes' formation, but it wasn't enough. Tyrande shouted while disassembling her bow to the glaive form. She used her magic to shield herself.


She had clashed with Proxima. As one of the strongest fighters in the city, Tyrande was no joke regarding whether her raw strength or her magic power. She directly clashed with one of the strongest females in the universe with her sheer power, not showing any weakness.

" You!"

Proxima narrowed her eyes with surprise since she hadn't fought this hard for a long time. She knew she was at disadvantage in close combat since the spear was a middle-to-range combat weapon.

" Where is your attention going?"

She heard a little sound from her back. Proxima turned her head around but saw nothing until she felt a stinging pain in her neck. She felt her skin burned from some kind of plasma attack. Furthermore, Valkyrie and Sif joined in the battle with Gabriel who was leading the air force.

Proxima guessed Valkyrie and Sif were slightly weaker than her, but Gabriel was no joke because she saw a pure pair of white wings behind her. As one of the rulers of the universe, she had countless pieces of information on her hand and one of them was about angels who served the unknown being. Their powers were enough to suppress those Eternals. Therefore, she immediately dodged her sword despite being slashed by Tyrande.


Blood dripped from her hand as she raised her with a complicated look. There was no way that she could beat them in this fight without any reinforcement.

Even her energy spears were lethal, they couldn't damage Tyrande and Gabriel who was leading them. Additionally, she saw other women were watching her with cold looks. She fought against the servants before, but she could feel something off from that maid. Her serene face was the same as Gabriel's. She was simply trying to preserve her energy for her lord. Also, there were other heroes who were guarding the city entries against the intrusion.

" Even if I die here, I will at least take one of you to the grave!"

She shouted, slashing her spear at Natasha who was caught off guard, but before killing her a sword stopped her attack. Hela walked before Natasha whilst the battle. Her green eyes were locked on Proxima.

" That is not up to you. You are talking about my domain and you disrespected my spouse."

She said, slashing her with flames of hell. Corrosion of her soul rendered her movements. Tyrande and Gabriel took the chance as they attacked with moon power and holy power.

" How can I die here?"

Proxima said, not believing that she was killed on this backward planet. She refused to believe there was a huge army of powerhouses that was protecting this planet. Also, she saw these humans were brave enough to charge to their death like them.

Proxima smiled helplessly thinking about their demise, but it was worth it. She fulfilled her role as a general.

" Our lord will take my revenge."

She whispered looking at the figures of the heroes. Hela scoffed at her words as she beheaded her with a single slash of her sword.


The head rolled on the ground while the body fell. The blood was slowly drained from it. Gabriel nodded at Hela as she flew away to take care of the ships.

" Now, all that is left is their leader. After that, we will finally end this war."

Tyrande spoke, looking at the fallen members of the elves. She prayed for them at the same time she mourned for them.