Chapter 76 One slash and one spell

Arthur looked at the battlefield with a heavy expression. His proud city had failed and he saw countless metal pieces and flesh on the ground, including human faces. He saw the destroyed ships, warships, and planes. The sad flags of the UK, Russia, and China were floating on the ocean.

Their armies were his closest allies even though they were political enemies. They agreed to protect the world from extraterrestrial creatures with Arthur.

" Damn it!"

Arthur's eyes teared up blood as he gritted his teeth. His body was emanating immense heat.

" Master."

Artoria cried out, holding her broken hand. She was ashamed to face Arthur who left everything in their hands. Yet they had failed him.

" Artoria, your arm. I will heal it for you."

Arthur said, throwing bright light to the sky. Although he was exhausted he valued every single life in this world without exception. He didn't care about his condition.

The light snow fell on the heroes as they were healed by the light. Even so, the damage was already done and most of them couldn't use their powers.

" Youngling, he has blocked us."

Hassan appeared next to Arthur while looking a little tired. However, he was in much better shape since he was a grand assassin. He could kill Thanos if he didn't have the Infinity stones, but it didn't matter. He had failed to stop him and the direct consequences appeared.

" Hassan, don't worry. I will stop him even if it costs my life."

Arthur said, placing his hand on his chest. His smile was gentle like the glittering star in the sky despite his exhaustion.

" But first, let me destroy this."

Arthur spoke, drawing out his zanpaktou. He felt the space was fragile in this place and he knew it was the aftermath of using the space gem. He could see the blue energy surrounding the city while protecting it from the outside, but it was useless to Arthur who had one of most profound knowledge about space. Even his power was closely related to space power.

" Stand behind me, this will be a flashy move."

With a single slash, his sword glowed brighter than the flashlight. If it was a normal human, the light of a supernova explosion was no joke. The space cracked like glass since Arthur inserted his space power to shake it.


Arthur panted as he looked at the destroyed Eden. He could see the burning buildings and destroyed ruins. His eyes reflected the burning fire and his face showed his worst nightmare.

5 minutes ago.

Thanos got up from the ruins and looked up to the sky. His muscles and skin were burned badly despite his super durability, but that didn't matter because he was used to the pain. He snapped his finger and everything went normal and the incoming attacks were turned into nothing even though they had divine power. He clenched his fist and aimed at the building where the last guardians were standing.


The building collapsed from the beam of the power gem. The Guardians landed on the ground and watched him with a grim look. Especially, Thor had a bitter face since he was strong enough to shatter stars now, but he was badly restricted by the Infinity stones. Moreover, he was only in his peak condition.

" Stop getting in the way of peace. Don't you see I am doing a favor for you? How many can sustain with this little resource? Sooner or later everything will meet its end and I am preventing that."

Thanos spoke passionately since he believed his goal was a noble one. Even though there were sacrifices, in the end, it was for the greater good.

Thor was triggered when he heard his words. It was the sheer lunacy of his twisted mind. Whether it was for the greater good or not, the peace shouldn't demand any sacrifice in his recognition. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called peace.

" Your words heed no truth, titan. Your hypocrisy will destroy many. Yet, you think of yourself as a savior. How ironic of you!"

Tyrande sneered at his word. In her mind, only Arthur's way of peace was the most logical one. He demanded nothing except cooperation.