Chapter 30 Behind the tables

" So, let me get things straight. You went into another world with zero memory and you are telling that world is much more dangerous than our world. Also, do you want to open a portal extension there?"

Tony rubbed his forehead with stress after listening to Arthur's story. Although he understood Arthur regarded SCP as one of his own, the monster lurking world without proper guardians was a pain in the ass to his perspective. Especially he was semi-retired after grieving his loss and he has a family now, so he couldn't actively oversee the situation through the camera.

" Well, let's forget about it. How is the alliance doing? I mean our family looked huge from the outside."

Arthur smiled, recalling the huge numbers of heroes that were battling against the aliens and invaders with their might. Some of them might need polishing, but overall no army in the world could stop them if they go all out in war.

" Terrible. Even though our numbers have been steadily rising in recent years, the governments and the private forces our pressing down the superhumans and using them as their guinea pigs or some kind of human weapons. Moreover, the dark forces of Europe and Asia have been constantly warring us for the hegemony of the USA and the UK."

Steve replied, sighing with helplessness in his tone. No matter what he did, the governments were exploiting them as weapons for their wars and they kept experimenting on humans, believing superhumans like Arthur, Charles, Eric, or Avengers could be born through them.

" Hmm, your world seemed to be in a chaotic situation like us. We are also experiencing such problems."

Diana groaned, showing the image of kidnapped children and adults that were being transported somewhere.

" In the end, every world uses them as weapons because one ant cannot beat an elephant."

T'challa commented while folding his arms in silence. The joy of winning was instantly lost as they understood the alliance was now facing internal challenges that were coming from their objects.

" The situation of other worlds isn't ideal either. Azeroth's portal intervened and in the end, the other side lost touch with us for 10 years and many things happened there without our help. Runeterra has lost 5 years, Red Earth had lost 3 years while others seemed to be fine thanks to the quick works of our AIs."

Chloe showed the data of the timeline and other important elements to Arthur who was distressed by the mess that had been created by Thanos.

" So, you could only fix them after a few months or years due to my energy issues. Additionally, it says that the world council had protested against us with the issue of our new androids and homunculus."

Arthur sighed, blaming himself for the cause of this chaos. Both mentally and physically he was drained of strength because he couldn't raise his children which was terrible and his city was being targeted by greedy fellows.

" We have compromised with me as we promised to keep them at fixed numbers. Therefore, there would be no problem."

Red Queen replied, showing the document to Arthur. A long sigh escaped from his mouth as he got up from his chair.

"Never mind these things. I would go to other worlds and try to connect more worlds as a port city. Hence, the troubles of this world shouldn't bother our plan for the future."

Arthur spoke lightly, signaling his friends to leave him with his family. They understood he was sick after being separated from his family and he couldn't even see his children.

" Alright, we will dismiss today's meeting then. Since we have free time, why don't we play outside?"

Banner suggested the idea of having fun outside and that was immediately supported by the council members. They were always busy because of their roles and today was a great day to celebrate since they have won the war in the end. Furthermore, their beacon of hope returned home safely and brought new members to the council.

" Why don't we go home and have some dinner? Of course, you are invited too, Diana."

Hill invited her to their home, knowing she was one of Arthur's countless women. Even though she was sick of his playboy attitude, she chose to be his wife.

" It would be an honor. I heard you were his first wife."

Diana smiled, showing her goodwill to her fellow victim of Arthur's charm.