Chapter 32 Father


Alfred opened the door while bowing like usual to his master whom he proudly looked up to now. Unlike before there was no courage in his eyes, only the wise look of an old man could be found in his eyes.

Arthur bit his lips looking at his butler with a surge of emotion that he couldn't hold in anymore as he hugged him tightly. His sole pillar in his darkest time and a person who never left his side from the beginning, this was Alfred and he seemed to be so little now. His stylish black hair was nowhere to be found as it all turned white due to the cruel passage of time.

" Master, you have returned. I always knew you would come back."

Alfred choked, trying to hide trembling hands. He was glad to see his son back. A figure that he always protected in the dark and a figure he always viewed as a child was now grown into a man that towered over him.

" I am back."

Only three words convened his heart. Alfred silently patted his back to calm him down since there were plenty of people who were waiting for him.

" Welcome back."

He said, guiding him to the hall where the rest had been waiting for him. The excitement and tension could be seen as they were looking at him with various expressions. Especially, Arthur saw his mother and grandmother who were wiping their tears with joy.

Furthermore, he could see three young children standing next to them with excitement and curiosity in their eyes.


Unknowingly, tears dripped from his eyes as he completely disregarded his etiquette. He knelt in front of his mother and grandmother, bowing his head to show his respect to them.

" Mom, grandma, your child has come home with honor and prosperity. I know I was selfish and cruel, so please accept my apology."

He said, placing his proud sword and knees before them. The greatest champion, hero, patriarch of one of the greatest clans, the most powerful martial artist, a century genius, a symbol of hope, a knight of the UK, a mayor of the greatest city, and the husband of the most powerful women in the world was just a son who was seeking their forgiveness at this moment.

Hill could no longer see the momentum of his power, instead, she saw a child who was desperately trying to embrace his mom and grandma.

Camilla wiped her tears as she hugged her son, and so did his grandmother Catherine. Although they had a huge family thanks to Arthur's behavior, his children could never replace him whom they cherished.

" My child, sniff*, my boy. Why did you let these old women wait for such a long time? "

Catherine sobbed, caressing his hair like he was a child. Lorenzo and Eliza silently watched next to them as they wiped the tears from their eyes. No words could describe this feeling of happiness and relief. The chains of despair and guilt were finally pulled down from their body as they broke free from their sadness.

" Art, these children are your children. They always asked about you and adored you since from a young age. Although I don't want them to follow your footsteps as a hero, they are bright children and heroes who inspire their peers."

Camilla said proudly, pushing three young children into his arms. One of them had green eyes and blonde hair, another one had red hair and blue eyes and the last one had black hair and blue eyes which showed who were their mothers.

" I see. My children, I know I can't make up to you as I am the failure of a father since I failed your eldest brother too, but at least I will guide you and be a good father to you."

Arthur hugged his children, hearing their breaths and heartbeats. He knew he couldn't replace the time without him, but at least he could be a teacher and a father now. Maybe he should ask Yondu.

" I don't blame you father. As a brother of theirs, I constantly remind myself that you were the greatest hero and your duty was to protect the innocents and heroes from harm whatever the cost."

The young boy with black hair spoke calmly, showing a bright smile on his young face which dazzled Arthur who was clearly caught off guard.