Chapter 41 I am looking for you, mate

" Swing horizontally. Focus on precision, not a move. In the battle only the strong are allowed to show such fancy moves, contrary weak will die at the moment when they show it."

Arthur coached 4 young girls in the field while being observed by the young Amazonians who heard the strongest human would train them. They were curious about Arthur whose power went beyond human scope and reached the threshold of Godhood.

" What are you two doing, bind him!"

Jess said, trying to slash him with her sword, but Arthur was like a ghost. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't touch the hem of his clothes as she struggled to keep up with him. Moreover, Cassie and Vera who had superior power couldn't even mix into their fight, showing helplessness for the first time. Vera couldn't control her power and Cassie lacked the experience. Fortunately, she had another teammate which was a girl who looked like Diana. She had a lasso like her and wore a suit like the night sky.

" Sister Donna, please help me. At this rate, I am going to be squeezed like a sponge out of the water."

Jess begged her help, thinking she would help, but Donna didn't move an inch. She was closely monitoring their moves, writing down Arthur's advice like it was a priceless treasure.

" It is hopeless, cousin. Father is just toying with us."

Vera gasped as she sat on the ground like a dead dog. She didn't care about dignity whatsoever because she was dead tired.

" Ugh, I have to agree with her. We can't touch him."

Cassie said helplessly, believing they would never be able to catch him under normal conditions even if he was at their level. His mastery of martial arts coupled with his superpower made him practically a monster that they couldn't face.

" It appears that you have understood our gap. That is right. It is meaningless to fight against a master with your move."

Arthur smiled, stepping like a feather as he went up into the air. He was using moon walking and he didn't plan to stop there as he reached extreme height.

Swoosh, crash*

With a single move, he fell like a meteor and crashed into the ground with his legs only. The young warriors felt like they were witnessing ancient gods' war.

" How did you do that?"

Cassie asked with excitement, knowing it was a chance to learn a powerful technique from him.

" I polished my body to the extreme and have perfect control over it. Although I can't regenerate like my friends, I can partially heal quickly and harden my body like steel even I am weakened."

Arthur spoke calmly, clenching his fist and gesturing for her to slash it. Without hesitation Donna slashed his arm, believing in his words. The sound of a metallic clash appeared as they looked at him with amazement because he was unscathed even though he was slashed with an Amazonian sword and super strength.

" This technique is called haki. Not a cheap technique to learn, but worth to learn it. But I have to say that I have mixed it with other powerful techniques, so it isn't pure haki."

Arthur explained to them, encouraging them to learn more. The world offers more than they can imagine, so he was paving the way for them to develop. He knew they were lacking experience and development because they were caged inside an island or a country that rarely uses mystique techniques and martial arts.

" I see."

The Amazonian warriors nodded with excitement. The older generation sighed with various emotions since his words were true. Even though they were the cream of the crop, there were many mysterious beings outside willing to teach them.

" That concludes my lesson today. I hope you can meet up with your peers and exchange knowledge with them. Those who want that, please follow me when I leave the island."

Arthur said lightly, heading inside with a serious face because he felt magic inside their house. Diana also followed him, knowing something was amiss in this situation.

" Come out. How dare you use magic before me?"

Arthur spoke coldly, summoning magic circles that surrounded the room while Diana unsheathed her sword. They saw a man who was walking out from a space rift with embarrassment on his face.

" Let's calm down. Diana, it is me."

Constantine smiled wryly, believing Arthur would blow him up.