Chapter 30 Sigh!

Arthur sighed looking at the city in ruins. He didn't know how this happened, but he was sure it wasn't an invasion since he didn't sense any hostile army or individual that is powerful enough to level down the entire capital city of Demacia.

However, he also sensed something. He sensed a few entities with powerful energies and he sensed they were fighting against each other. Thus, he instantly warped next to them without any hesitation. He saw familiar faces and he saw a man in armor kneeling on the ground while a man with chains stood before him.

" Don't step in, Arthur. She is gathering her mana to attack."

Diana stood before him, pointing at Lux whose eyes

were shining with brilliant light. She summoned her staff back to herself and lit up the sky with her immense ray of light. The ground shook as the giant fell from the sky, looking at the hostile enemies with indifference on its face.

The knights and soldiers got up from the ground, holding their weapons tightly to face the rebels.

" I think that is enough. As a warrior, I can't see anymore from the sides."

Wonder Woman said calmly, arming herself to stop it before something terrible happens. As a hero and a warrior she respected the knights and mages, but that didn't mean she would just stand on the side while they fight for death.

" Should I freeze them or let them take a nap, Art?"

Zoe ran around Arthur, trying to get his permission for her act, but there was no chance that Arthur would give her a chance to do that. She literally washes her hair with a cosmic trail. There was no way she would do no damage to them without any complications.

He suspected she would kill half of them or make something terrible. So, he stepped in himself before they could do it.

His eyes shone with bright starlight and his aspect power was activated as the sky immediately turned dark despite the sun being there. The stars shone down on the shocked people, creating a scene where everyone wondered what was going on. Only celestials had such power, but Arthur was able to do this due to his irregular power and soul. He held divine power, mana, dimensional energy, Chakra, reiatsu, and so on.

Therefore, he was able to connect with the will of the universe and harness their power if he was close to them. However, the drawback was his stamina. There was no way that he could do this forever now, but he could do this longer in his transformation.

The aspect daughters also felt his power when the abnormality appeared. Kayle observed him from the celestial realm while Morgana looked from somewhere in Demacia. They could tell he was in the same league as their mother aka the aspect of Justice who held tremendous power, Mihira.

" Enough of this show! Stand down or face the wrath of stars!"

Arthur stood before both sides, looking at the rebels and royal knights with cold eyes. They were puzzled by his sudden entrance, but they could this phenomenon had something to do with him since his hair turned golden and his eyes were in rainbow colors.

Moreover, both Diana stood by him. One had a shining lasso while the other's moonlight shone with Arthur. Zoe was floating behind them with a smile.

" Cough* Arthur, is that you? How can you be here?"

Garen stood up while holding his wound with his hand. His eyes were blurry from the blood and trauma, but he could see the familiar faces.

" Garen, you are in bad shape. Rest for a minute. I will heal you after dealing with this mess."

Arthur rubbed his temple, showing his stressed face because the rebel leader was Sylas and on the other side Fiora and Lux were standing together. There was no way he couldn't tell what was happening.

The mages and anti-mages probably clashed against each other and created this kind of situation which ultimately resulted in war between the people. Demacia feared mages and despised them due to their ability to use magic while mages hated them because most of them were innocent and they were torn away from their families. Hence, the conflict between the two was bound to happen and Arthur saw it ages ago.