Chapter 40 Gilgamesh is furious

" You are ready to go. It appears that all of us have accomplished our goal. Although the price was heavy, it is worth it."

Gorgon smiled, looking at the books. HAND never sought after magic because they were sure that Arthur would have enough reason to wipe out them if they had it, so they were only interested in other areas.

The artificial reality gem was made from human sacrifice and homunculus usage, thus it was expensive. However, it was worth it since Eden never thought they would use cosmic power to steal from them.

A few hours after the incident.


Gilgamesh crushed his tablet while placing his hand on his table. He looked at the colorless stone in hand, realizing the thieves used cosmic power to invade his jurisdiction.

" Call Holmes to identify the thieves and prepare for a battle. Enkidu, you and I will retrieve our properties before Arthur comes back from his travel. Also, notify other leaders for emergency meetings. We need to consider the loopholes in our security and grave mistakes of losing such tomes to our enemies."

He said coldly, rubbing his forehead with stress. As one of the leading figures, Gilgamesh had to responsibility for checking on the site, but due to his recent visit to DC Universe caused him to be absent most of the time.

" Gil, it isn't your fault. Even Merlin couldn't sense their presence."

Enkidu calmed his friend down. He was also one of the few who were traveling with him. He understood how busy Gilgamesh was since he was Arthur's mentor in politics and negotiations. He had less time as the head of the district, he couldn't even pick a battle mission or holiday due to his schedule.

At the crime scene

Sherlock Holmes lit up his pipe looking at the library with a serious face. He paved between the shelves, looking for clues that would help his investigation.

" So, how is it Holmes? Do you think it is work of a new alliance that has been giving us troubles lately?"

Watson scratched his head, knowing the famous detective would find out quickly. As his partner, he was long accustomed to his behavior and understood his every move.

" No, dear Watson. They aren't exactly an SV alliance. I think they are part of it, but strangely I see only 4 people here. That means they are highly skilled people who were confident to escape from us. Furthermore, they thought the library was much more profitable than our armory."

Sherlock said calmly while motioning Androids to record his words. Androids nodded at his command, writing down the information on the central base where leaders can read his report instantly.

" So, that means they know us for a long time. Their goal was to develop themselves not gather power. They are for the long-term benefit, not short-term profit."

Watson replied lightly, showing his intellect in the matter. As the head detectives of Eden, they were one of the most intelligent people in the city. Hence, they could easily figure out what was going on.

" Precisely, Watson. Although it is difficult to tell who was the culprit, I can guess their profession. "

Sherlock pointed at the magic books area. They saw there were missing spaces in the special book area and they concluded.

" Report this to the council. Our friend is likely a mage."

He cleaned his monocle and prepared to go to the next area since he was busy. Besides, the aftermath would be inspected by the engineered dogs. Therefore, he needs to wait for the report of which books were missing.

In the high council meeting

" This is outrageous. They are blatantly provoking us. We can't let them get away with those books. You know every book in our vault can cause huge problems."

Logan who was representative of Xmen hit his table with rage. The Xmen found out Magneto was working with the SV alliance and they took a huge hit in their recent fight due to outside intervention.

" I agree with Logan. We must retrieve those books before they utilize their powers."

Bruce who was representing DC agreed with him. He understood how powerful magic is since he knew Constantine and Arthur. Furthermore, Superman was vulnerable to magic, so they couldn't afford to be careless because they didn't have enough intel on the SV alliance.