Chapter 60 Unbelievable

Taliyah rubbed her forehead with stress because she couldn't get used to what she was seeing no matter how many times she had seen. As a stone weaver she was a powerful earth mage with great potential but in front of this absurd man, she felt like a child with a toy.

Crack, boom*

With a single move of his hands, Arthur flipped the entire earth and sand to crush monsters that were heading toward them with a terrifying phase. He didn't even bother to hide his elemental abilities as he toyed with monsters that struggled to defend themselves. Moreover, his companions weren't normal either. A sniper who could snipe monsters from long distance, a woman who could punch them to death, a woman who sliced them like sashimi, a woman who threw them to the horizon with sheer strength, and lastly a man who could literally stand like there was nothing in front of him.

Fortunately, there was a normal woman and a girl in their team. She felt grateful and useful when she saw those two, not knowing the girl was an aspect while the other was the wife of the man of steel. Practically, there was almost no one who could touch their hair before getting incinerated.

" Wow, these monsters are really different from our world. Look at them, they are huge and powerful."

Lois continued to take pictures while noting down their special traits. Clark helplessly shook his head, thinking Lois was Lois after all. She would place her job first.

" There are more monsters than we thought. It would take forever to reach the old ruined capital."

Samira spoke lightly while looking at the map with a serious look. She didn't want to waste her precious time in this goddamn desert as she tried to travel quickly.

" Because we are traveling in a straight line. We had to go like this and get on sandswimmers to travel quickly."

Taliyah commented on her thoughts while pointing at the map. Arthur seemed to be impressed by her wit as he smiled. Diana gently stroked her hair because she thought she was like their daughter and somehow Taliyah didn't hate it.

Usually, she minded others touching her, but these people seemed to be all alright. They didn't treat her like a mercenary or outsider, they treated her like she was their companion and family as they shared good things with her like her family. They even shared their stories and protected her despite her power.

" So, tell me, Tali. What do you feel from my earth power?"

Arthur asked gently while walking next to her. Taliyah placed her hand under her chin, pondering with a deep look.

" Free and beautiful. Your magic or so-called bending was the most elegant earth power I have ever seen. It was like a living being or part of your body."

Taliyah said honestly, believing his magic was the most advanced magic she had seen in her life and that was correct. Arthur who had lived for centuries perfected most of his abilities and upgraded them into something like miracles. Especially his control over the energies in his body was so precise, that he could tell where and when they would reach.

" Indeed, but I am far from perfect. If you think of earth as Earth, it will be Earth in the end. However, if you think of it as other things, it will become like that. In this world, everything can be altered and changed. Even the hardest metal can be bent and move like liquid. So, imagine earth being free unlike its stoic and hard look."

Arthur explained calmly while controlling the earth with his fingers. The rocks and sand danced between his fingers and metal turned into liquid, surrounding it.


An earth ball with sand and metal thorns came out from his palm, slowly changing into a picture of a girl with a scarf. Taliyah gently took the ball, believing she would reach his length one day.

" You have the potential to be great, but your experience and age are limiting your power and imagination."

Diana (aspect ) also agreed with Arthur's view. She had rarely seen people with such abilities and she could tell Taliyah had talent.

" Well, if that is the case you could teach her in our city."

Clark said lightly while giving Lois a snack. Lois nodded at his words while eating the snack with glistening eyes.