Chapter 66 Ascended Emperor

A tall man with a bird head went out from the shadow, observing them with a sharp gaze. He could Arthur and his companions were immensely powerful as they radiated extreme pressure that only experts had. Especially he saw Zoe and Arthur were absolute monsters that could level this place.

" Granddaughter, get behind me. They aren't simple people."

Azir spoke gently while summoning sand soldiers that surrounded them. However, his sand soldiers were immediately crushed as Arthur glanced at him with interest. As an expert who could control elements, he could intervene in his control. He was able to tell Azir wasn't used to his power yet despite his divine power.

" My name is Azir. The divine emperor of Shurima and last ruler of Ascendeds."

Azir glanced at him as he introduced himself with proper etiquette.

" My name is Arthur. Lord of Eden and I am the star aspect of Targon. It is an honor to meet the emperor."

Arthur bowed slightly as he showed his respect. Both of them silently scanned each other while Sivir scratched her head with puzzlement. Honestly, she was imprisoned by her ancestor and he refused to let her go unless she overpowered him which was impossible.

Therefore, she spent days here, not seeing anyone from outside until they arrived here. She saw the most handsome in his life along with beautiful women.

" Old man, they aren't bad people. Look at them, they could harm me if they wanted to do it."

Sivir persuaded her ancestor, knowing he would listen to her. Besides, she could tell these people were pretty loaded as they wore expensive clothes and gadgets on their bodies, blinding her eyes with gold.

Azir who had a distrustful side, narrowed his eyes with a serious face. He knew his granddaughter wasn't a fool and he understood she was distrustful about them too. However, if they battled here, there would be catastrophic damage, so he decided to lower his stance out of respect.

Furthermore, if he was right, they were allies of Ascended who used to have friendly relationships with Targon and Celestials.

" What is your purpose here, aspect? Although I don't ban your entry, you aren't here for a simple reason, are you?"

Azir asked lightly, summoning sand chairs while looking at them. Arthur didn't mind it as he sat down with a smile and placed his sword on the ground to show his sincerity.

" You want to build your empire again, right? I will give you a chance to do that. You see I am probably the wealthiest person in this world and I can invest in your country in exchange for a single thing. That thing can benefit both of us."

Arthur explained their technology and magic his and mentioned that he could help him expand his country to its former size, but there was one thing that he wanted.

" So, you don't want any colonization and war. I can do that."

Azir pondered deeply as he weighed down the pros and cons. He was sure it was profitable to him as he would gain access to superior technology and magic that could help him rebuild his empire. However, one thing puzzled him.

" What will he gain from this? Except for our military help and magic, there is no benefit in this alliance even if we offer them rare metals."

Finally, he agreed to join in his alliance. He wasn't an idiot who would push away candy in his mouth.

" Wise choice. My friend here will help you to clean this area quickly."

Arthur glanced at Clark as he whispered something in Lois's ears. Lois who heard something good from Arthur, immediately ordered her husband to clean this area because the temptation was too big.

" What did you do?"

Clark asked calmly while flying up. Arthur laughed at his expression as he showed an expression like he was saying you don't need to know.

" So, I heard you were rich. By chance, do you need manpower to handle some tasks? I can assure you that my service price is much cheaper than the market rate."

Sivir quickly showed her true intentions, believing Arthur would be her future boss and she was right because he was a tycoon.