Chapter 191 Meeting

" Sister, look at this."

Vereesa showed a giant grilled spider to Sylvanas who freaked out when she saw the thing. She pulled her cheeks, scolding her to be more elegant because others were looking at them with curiosity. The high elves and white elves rarely visited this, so they were attracted to others and citizens.

" Be mindful, you two. We are here to look around for some material. Don't lose the way."

Alleria spoke with a stern tone, trying to warn them to be careful but before she could finish her words. She was bumped by a goblin who was strolling around the street.

" Oh, I am sorry."

The goblin smiled with an apologetic face, bowing with respect.

" Oh no, it is alright. It is my fault for being mindless around in the bustling street."

Alleria shook her head, accepting his apology with her apology while going to the shop where they would find one of the rare ingredients for the potion of fire resistance.


The chimneys rang gently as they entered the shop bickering with each other.

" Hello, how may I help you?"

An orc vendor greeted them with a polite face, showing them the list of the items while they looked around the shop.

" Can I buy ingredients for the fire resistance potion?"

Alleria spoke calmly while skimming through the pages. Some of the herbs were extremely rare herb and she didn't even hear about most of the rare-section herbs which was fascinating since she grew up in the forest.

" Ah, that will be 5 silver."

The orc placed a sack on the table as Alleria reached for her waist but to her surprise she couldn't find her purse. She even checked her breast pocket, thighs, and all around her body but it was gone.

" Hey, did you see my purse? I can't find it."

Alleria turned her head around with confusion, asking her sisters which didn't end well.

" Customers, perhaps you have been pickpocketed in the street. The bustling streets are all filled with the kind of people who would steal your everything."

When she heard his words, Alleria's face paled because she bumped into a goblin prior to this. Her pupil shrunk with shock and her lips felt dry.

" Sis, are you alright? Did someone rob you?"

Sylvanas asked with a light tone as the trio fell into awkward silence.


Suddenly, a group of people entered the room Alleria saw a beautiful night elf with a crown-like jewel.

" Hmm, high elves? What are you doing here?"

Tyrande asked with a calm tone, looking at the trio with a hint of amusement. Kyle and Arthur also directed their gazes to them while the trio looked at them with confusion.

" Hello, we came from the great well of the sun. I wonder if you are willing to help this poor sister because we were robbed."

Alleria swallowed her pride, begging for help from them. Arthur and Tyrande looked at each other with a sigh as Arthur pulled out his purse and placed a gold coin on the counter.

" I will pay for them. Take the rest. Also, give me some relief for the sea sickness."

He added one more gold even the orc cashier tried to refuse it but Arthur insisted on it. He didn't want to be selfish, knowing the livelihood of the city was extremely expensive.

" Thank you very much, sir. I will wrap it in a good bag. Please wait for a moment."

The orc retreated back to the shop while the six people remained there in uncomfortable silence.

" Um, thank you very much for your kindness. My name is Alleria Windrunner. This is my sisters, Vereesa, and Sylvanas. I will definitely pay back this debt."

Alleria bowed her head to them, but Kyle stopped her before she could do so. He didn't want to see others act like this for mere money.

" It is alright. You don't have to pay. Just cook for us or host for us when we come to your home. I always feel curious about your culture and cuisine, so we will probably visit you during our holiday."

Alleria's eyes lit up when she heard his words, knowing they had high status after observing their behaviors.