[Chapter 27 – Revelations – Part 2]

After a few seconds of silence, new information started to arrive directly into Xeno's mind.

The raspy and unpleasant female-like voice that transmitted them, was confirmed to be none other than Aiduth.

[Indeed, in the temporal age progression of our kind, you had been still an infant. In fact the real stage of your body and the power you can exert is considered very primitive for our species.

Firstly, I'll inform you of a few things you need to know beforehand. Then I will cover the main objective of my speech, that I'd like you to think more about.

I won't oblige you neither to obey me nor to believe me. The choices are all yours.

I forgot to answer to one of the questions you asked me before. The motive behind us losing our bond is quite simple, as we are not attuned anymore.

Before your awakening you still possessed all your emotions, as such the ones I currently have were included too.

This is why our minds could be in contact to a quite profound level. You may think that this kind of information is pretty useless, I assure you that it is not.

A few days ago, you had indeed guessed right, as I speculate that other than the two of us there aren't any Azots still alive. However I cannot be sure, as I am no omnipotent being.

You need to understand that we didn't just disappear out of the blue. As a war-like species, our race had a long and ferocious war against various galactic unions. We had an incredible number disadvantage, but held on the conflict nonetheless. As we had a relatively high quality superiority, in both our technology and warriors.

But, believe it or not, we caused our own demise. Our kind is too unpredictable, not only towards our enemies, but even against ourselves. Even in death the various factions inside of our kind couldn't cooperate, some even betrayed us.

However, the intergalactic unions couldn't let such a living and unpredictable disaster that represented our species.

Consequentially no one has been spared, other then be, but I am a rather special case. Now that you know, I strongly advise you to be very careful if you'd ever encounter another Azoth.

Now, to speak about your present situation, you don't need to be fearful of the little union you are residing in. A lot of the things you had learned at the gymnasium are mostly just propaganda.

Thousands of years ago, after the fall of our species the various intergalactic unions and federations created what you now refer to the system. The put all of their best minds together and made them study our advanced technology, with the task of creating something that could greatly advance their civilizations.

Thus a powerful artificial being was created, the current system you know of. However it still had been greatly influenced by the style of our kind. It was a totally independent and impartial being.

It was no slave of their creators, its only aim was that of gaining more power and riches, thus it collaborated with its founders civilizations.

At the same time it inherited our values, that one could summarize as 'the survival of the fittest'.

Then, as a matter of fact you don't need to be afraid of the system. At the same time a lot of time has passed since our fall, I doubt anyone could really distinguish your origins.

Now that you know a bit more of your descendants, I'll tell you about the important part.

About our species didn't remain much, most of our technology had been seized by our enemies and our planets had all been conquered.

However two important structures should have been remained intact until now.

Masked with a powerful concealment technology, the heart of our civilization is still intact deep underground in our planet of origin.

This is also were I'm currently located, thus I'm pretty sure to be the last remaining at least here.

There is also a very particular scientific outpost that should have remained in one piece.

Not only it is situated in a rather desolate location, but furthermore its placed in the heart of a nebula.

This outpost represents the opportunity to increase considerably your strength in a short period of time. However is quite far from your current position.

Speaking of something more at your current reach, there is an important device that is currently residing in your current planet.

You can think of it of an exchanging device, it is connected to the storage that is still active in our main planet. You can think of it as the only way for you to access to the [shop] of our own civilization.

It has its own currency, but without it you won't be able to progress that farther from your current situation.

I can give you a simple cultivation method that can help you regarding the strength and control that your nano-heart can exert.

I only know that the device it's located in the deepest place of what on Siri-0rF you call the 'dungeon'.

I wish you to continue the legacy of our species, to regain our legacy and avenge our past.

I know it might seem an unrealistic request, but I hope that the gains I prospected you will make up for it.]

The long speech of Aiduth had left Xeno silent for a few minutes.

He had listened very carefully to the points she had mentioned, and most of his curiosities has been satisfied.

Nonetheless a bit of surprise had escaped from him before it being quickly suppressed. This happened the moment she mentioned the false propaganda made by the union.

During his whole life he had been brainwashed with the knowledge of it being the supreme representation of good. In the whole universe all the sentient creatures had merged under one flag, the so called [Union]. They needed help from their talented citizens to fight against the horrible and evil shadows.

However right now Xeno realized how wrong this concept had been. The union was just one of the many that were present in the universe, still its domain was in a galactic scale and it couldn't be underestimated. Furthermore the system wasn't their owning, but on the contrary they heavily depended on it.

Who knows, maybe neither these 'shadows' weren't such evil beings, but just another civilization that was in conflict with the union.

Suddenly a pile of information had appeared inside of Xeno's mind through his mental link with Aiduth.

It had a clear big title over it, 'nano-energy compression technique'. Probably it was the little help she had promised to give him before.

Soon after the connection abruptly got interrupted, as the mental bridge quickly collapsed.

Xeno recognized this as a sign of Aiduth energies running low.

'Well, at least now I have a lead to follow, and I am aware of potential enemies too.'

Thinking about this, Xeno realized that he had completely neglected the situation of his servants.

All of a sudden a he felt a painful sensation around his chest, it wasn't particularly focused one one point. In fact he now could distinguish the nature of this grief, it was a non-physical one.

An emotional pain that he hadn't felt since the last moments in his previous body.

As his feelings of friendship and worry for the well being of his comrades got stronger, Xeno hurried himself to check on their conditions.

He felt relieved to discover that the only corpses that were present in the battle zone, were that of the bandits.

Near each other there were three figures, laying on the bloodstained red grass. The big figures of Zaha and Vix were completely motionless. But since he could feel their bond, they were probably just resting.

Near Vix there was the third figure which Xeno had not anticipated the presence. Even more Dock's complexion seemed rather pale and thin.

Trying to sense better the entire disposition of their figures, Xeno understood how the situation developed in the end. Vix had tried to save Zaha by transferring her vital fluids with her tendrils. However she wasn't in her best conditions to sustain such action. Then Dock had finally decided to help her by proposing himself as a 'donor'.