First Day of School 3/3

As the bell rang I head to my locker to get all my books that I need for business and technology just as I was about to close my locker I loud bang takes me out of my thoughts.

Mars: What do you think you're doing Kyler

Kyler: Nothing I was just helping you also come to the trees after school I'll see if you can keep being arrogant you b1tch

Mars: Say whatever you want but 2 minutes is all I need to take you and your goons down

Kyler: Ooohhh I'm sooo gonna break that pretty face of yours you pus5y (intense glare)

Mars: Now move so I can get to class

Kyler: Sure but just remember that if you don't turn up I'll make Tory turn up instead

Mars: You dare (hateful glare)

Kyler: Oh I will and by the time I'm done she'll be begging me for more

Mars: I'm gonna make you feel pain

I then began to walk off to last period but I wonder why did I get protective of Tory? Is she a friend I wouldn't classify her as one but I would say she's an acquaintance but in others peoples eyes as she gave me her number maybe we are friends. I then calculate the shortest but fastest way to make Kyler feel pain shall I dislocated both his shoulders and put them back in place or make him see his guts without dying. I'll go with the arms but I'll take my time so I can enjoy myself.

Business and Technology ends in a flash with the teachers asking me a bunch of questions as I had a bored expression and was looking outside. However I answered them all perfectly as I am looking into college materials thanks to my photographic memory granted by Sir Death. After all the shenanigans the teachers left me alone as they couldn't anything as I was rich and smart. I walk behind the school and see Kyler and 4 of his goons waiting for me.

Kyler: Well well well look who we have here f&cking nerd

Goon 1:hahahha

Goon 2: that's a good one Kyler

Fat Goon: He's a b1tch boy as well cuz after we're done with you you'll go cry to your mom

Skinny Goon: That's the best one yet hahahah

Goon 1 + Goon 2: Hahaha

My eyes burn with hate anger and rage. For no reason at all even though it's sunny the temperature drop rapidly and the goons feel like they are staring at a primal ancient beast that is at the top of the food chain.

Mars: If you run now I will let you go but if you stay I'll make you feel pain beyond your imagination you c8nts

Goon 1+2: Eee run (whilst running turns their head) sorry Kyler

Kyler: Get back here now you idiots or else I'll make your life hell

Goon 1 and 2 keep on running without turning their heads back at all afraid to see what will happen to them if they go back to Kyler

Mars: Smart choice now who shall I start with first

Kyler: Get him

Fat Goon: Ahhh (runs in for a tackle)

Mars: [hmm what martial art shall I go for. I'll go with my freestyle]{Freestyle=All martial arts combined} Keep coming fatty patty

Mars then knees the fat goon to the face which makes the goon land in his back and knocks his breath out and hammer fists him 3 times to the face knocking his teeth out.

Mars: Not a challenge at all. Hey is that all you guys do grapple? Well I mean you are in the wrestling club.

Kyler: (Surprised expression) How'd you know I was in the wrestling club.

Mars: Well I just had to ask some people and they complied

Kyler: What are you doing standing around like a daffodil get him you fagg0t

Skinny Goon: Ye yes ahhhh

Skinny goon sprints with his arm back ready to punch Mars when he gets close enough but before he could Mars steps in front with his left foot and his right leg gets raised doing a mawashi geri to the throat which knocks him out due to the pain. However Mars only did it with enough force to knock him out not kill him.

Mars: So here's the last villain ready for pain

Kyler: I'll kill you!!!

Mars then runs at Kyler trying to flying knee him like Kahbib but misses as Kyler steps away just missing his face.

Mars: Hoh you dodged that did you

Kyler: Chill dude maybe we can talk about this

Mars: What is there to talk about you coward now take your beating

Kyler then throws a punch but Mars easily catches it and judo throws Kyler to the ground which knocks the breath out of him which leaves him gasping for air.

Mars: By the end of this your not gonna wanna look me in the eye anymore

Mars proceeds to flip him onto his stomach and puts his foot on his back whilst grabbing both arms and pulling them.

Kyler: Please I'm sorry your gonna break my arms ahhhh

Mars: We're not even near the amount of pain you should be feeling

Mars proceeds to dislocate his arms and puts them back into Kylers socket.

Kyler: (Bloodshot eyes and tears streaming down his face) Please let me go I'll be whatever you want me to be just please spare me this pain

Mars: Ah ah ah your gonna need to experience this 9 more times before we can call it a day no mercy

After 5 more times of dislocating his arms and putting them back in Kyler passes out due to the pain.

Mars: Well that should teach them to mess with someone they have no information on. [1st rule of being an assassin information is key and if you hold enough information you can easily destroy their career or end their life] (Sigh) what am I thinking about I'm not even an assassin anymore.

Mars then proceeds to walk to his BMW and drives off leaving Kyler and his Goons out cold thinking what have they done to provoke such as a demon no not a demon a devil.