Halloween Dance 1/?

After that fight a week flashes by with Kyler and Goons avoiding me minus 1+2 I suppose their living hell right now not that I have any sympathy for them. As the week went by me and Tory got to know each other more and more such as her mother being sick and she has to take care of her little brother whilst working jobs to pay rent. I felt bad for her but she made me admire her just a bit by her saying.

Tory: Look I don't need your sympathy I can see it in your eyes I can do this all by myself

Mars: Was it really that obvious that I was sympathetic for you

Tory: Yes dumbass (playfully punches Mars shoulder)

Mars: I apologize for thinking like that but do you want to know my opinion of you

Tory: What don't tell I'm that horrible I didn't mean to hurt you with that punch

Mars: Haha very funny no but on a serious note I think your a strong young lady as you are facing the world by yourself so I admire you

Tory: Thanks (Blushes a lot)

Mars: No worries this is what I genuinely think about you

Tory: Oh yeah by the way if you were gonna ask me to the Halloween dance I'm afraid I have to decline

Mars: Wasn't going to ask but why decline

Tory: I'm working a shift as a co worker decided to pull out so I have to work for an extra 2 hours but the pay will be good

Mars: Oof that's harsh don't worry about it though just keep doing you

Tory: Thanks for understanding

Ring Ring Ring

Mars: Well that's the bell I'll see you later

Tory: See ya round you loner (smiles)

Mars: Bet

Mars walks to his locker but find a girl waiting for him a beautiful one at that as she might outclass Tory on her looks but he needs to see about her personality.

Mars: Hey what you doing in front of my locker

Moon: Nothing I-

Mars: Nothing then move I need get my stuff (opens locker) you have 2 minutes to explain why you're in front of my locker

Moon: I just wanna ask you a few questions but first of all my names moon

Mars: Mars now shoot your questions

Moon: Do you have anyone you like?

Mars: Not sure

Moon: Are you going with anyone to the Halloween dance?

Mars: No also you have thirty seconds left

Moon: Ok erm well I

Mars: 15 Seconds to spit it out right now

Moon: Will you go to the Halloween dance with me? (Blushes furiously) [why did I say that so loud hopefully nobody heard]

Mars: Hmm lemme think about it and by the end of the day I'll tell you my answer

Meanwhile by a certain corner Tory was there listening into the whole conversation.

Mars POV

Hmm I could've sworn I hear movement. I focus my senses and hear boots must've been Tory damn how will I fix this. You know what I'll message her during class and ask her to the dance but if she declines then I'll go with moon.

Text conversation

Mars: Hey Tory

Tory: Yeah

Mars: Imma ask you a question answer truthfully ok

Tory: No problem

Mars: Do you like me

Tory: No

Mars: Then are you gonna say yes to me asking you if you want to go to the Halloween Dance

Tory: I already told you I have a job unlike some privileged loner now f&ck off and stop bothering me

Mars: Excuse me I'm privileged do you know how hard I worked for that money

Tory: Do you mean daddy's money

Mars: I've put my life on the line multiple times for money and food

Tory: Do you mean you begged for the money

Mars: You wanna know a bit bout my past my dad died when I was 6 and my mother died when I was born

Tory: ...

Mars: Silent now ain't ya do you realize I've got abused when I was a child by my father before he hanged him self. Have you ever seen a parent look at you with such hate and disgust you're filled with despair. Have you ever been thirsty for water. Do you know what it's like to almost starve to death? Because I do. You know what I'm done

Tory: ...

Mars: Still silent huh should've known thought I could change, view the world differently from its darkest to the brightest but I guess that will never change now.

I then block Tory on my phone and wait till both my classes finish to tell Moon my answer. Time whizzes past as I was asleep most of the classes the teacher not bothering to wake me up. I try to find Moon but she's with her group of friends. I shift pass all the students rushing to get out of school and go over to them.

Mars: Hey Moon I accept

Yasmine: Accept what

Mars: None of your business

Yasmine: Geez sorry

Moon: Thanks so much for accepting my invitation to the Halloween Dance (elated)

Mars: No problem what time do you want me pick you up at

Moon: Well the party starts at 5 so I guess maybe 5:30 or 6pm if that's good with you

Mars: That's perfect also do you wanna exchange numbers

Moon: Sure that'll be great

Mars: Aight say less (exchange numbers) See you later beauty

Mars then walks to his car but unexpectedly someone's waiting there.

Tory: Mars I-

Mars: Save it I should've judged you better now move or I'll make you because I'm all about gender equality

Tory: (Moves away with tears in her eyes) Mars I'm sorry!!!

Mars: I forgive you but just know this you have lost my trust. I can forgive you a hundred times but only one time can you get my trust. Now please leave as I'm busy

Mars drives away into the distance never to be see again just kiddin he heads back home

Moons Group x Tory

Yasmine: Look what we have here a wh0re who sells her body for money

Tory: Okay you can shut up with you and your sugar daddy your brother is probably your half brother.

Moon: What did you say to my friend

Tory: Shut it you spoilt brat

Yasmine: I don't know what Mars sees in you honestly

Tory: You say that like you know him

Yasmine: I'd say that as your dad but who knows where he's gone with the milk

Tory: B1tch (Slaps Yasmine)

Yasmine: You slapped me (holding her cheek)

Tory: Yeah and I'll do it again if you don't move

Samantha: Apologize now

Tory: Hell no

Samantha: NOW

Tory: What you gonna do about it huh


Daniel: You must remember this hey you listening Sammy

Samantha: Yes dad

Daniel: Miyagi Do Karate is about self protection not to bully anyone

Samantha: Yes dad I understand

Flash End

Samantha: Just apologize

Tory: (Barges past her) Yeah that's what I thought

Samantha: I'm sorry Yasmine

Yasmine: No worry's

Samantha: We still friends right

Yasmine: Yeah we are just that I'm gonna slap that b1tch back if I see her again

Meanwhile this all happened whilst a certain someone is in his pool meditating underwater like a Jedi.