Halloween 4/?

Got online lessons so won't be able to release 2 chapter a day from now on as they are setting tasks which are meant to be done because it gets forwarded to teacher assessment grades. Sorry Everyone.


As Mars exited a shower he thought about about what happened earlier today with his Sensei as they never came here when they traveled the world together. So Mars thought there must be something special about this place. As Mars got dressed into his costume he finally decided to buy a bouquet of pure white chrysanthemums flowers as the Moon was white to represent her name. By the time he finished dressing up it was 5:30 so he decided to head out. On the way to Moons house he kept thinking and thinking what Alexis is doing right now even though he held no feelings towards her she was still his friend even when she knew he was a bodyguard her father paid for her. As he approached Moons house he got out the car and approached the house.

Knock Knock

Mars: Hello Mrs Moon I'm here to pick up Moon

Mrs Moon: Well you must be Mars the one my daughter talks about when she's on video chat with Yasmine and Sam

Mars: That's me I'm also sorry that I didn't get a gift for you as I thought she'd be the one to answer the door

Mrs Moon: Don't worry about it my husbands not in as he has a business meeting so just come in or else you'll freeze to death in that outfit

Mars: Thanks Mrs Moon

Mrs Moon: Moons still preparing right now so give her about 5 minutes and then you can head to school for the dance

Mars: No problem

Mrs Moon: So tell me Mars what do you do

Mars: Well I'm into stocks and shares that nonsense I have gotten quite lucky a few times but I've also got shares not much but a few good companies such as Thenx a gym I've invested and bought shares in

Mrs Moon: Well well done young man very mature of you

Mars: Thanks Mrs Moon (hears footsteps from the stairs)

Moon: Mom! What are you talking about with Mars

Mrs Moon: Nothing special honey

Mars: Hey you really beautiful

Moon: Thanks you look very handsome in that outfit

Mars: Thanks as well I got you these (gives her the pure white chrysanthemums flowers)

Moon: They're really beautiful and I can see why you got them (smiles and sniffs the flowers) smells really nice as well

Mrs Moon: Well you two stop flirting in front of me you better start going or you'll be late meeting up with your friends at the dance

Mars: Thanks Mrs Moon

Moon: See you later Mom (kisses her on the cheek)

Mrs Moon: Shoo shoo (smile)

As Mars gets out of the house he opens the doors for Moon.

Moon: Gentlemen I see

Mars: Gotta impress the lady you see whatever I put my mind to I put in 100% [that's why my completion rate of being a assassin is 99.47% as I declined the assassin on Alexis]

As we got in the car we made some small talk and jokes here and there which livened up the mood in the car. As we got to the school the drop off zone was packed with cars luckily though the parking area was not. As I got out the car I see Kyler and Sam heading in.

Mars: (Opens door for Moon) Ladies first

Moon: Sure sure when you went out first does that mean your a lady (laughs)

Mars: Okay you got me there (gives a fake small chuckle) well we better head inside or your gonna catch a cold

Moon: Well let's go then (holds arm out)

Mars: What are you doing?

Moon: I though gentlemen were people who were the escorts of a lady especially one so noble as me

Mars: Yeah yeah (walks with Moon as they are interlocking arms)

As Mars entered the building he sees an blonde middle aged man putting posters up on the lockers but decides not to pay attention to it. As he finally reached the sports hall he realized that Daniel Larusso was there and locked eyes with him for at least five seconds before pulling away. With banging music food and drinks Moon and Mars had a good time.

Mars: May I ask for a dance M'Lady

Moon: Of course kind sirs

Mars: (Smiles genuinely)

Moon: You should really smile more often

Mars: I would've said the same to you but your just a bundle of joy

Moon: Aww thanks

As the music changed to classical music they started to slow dance and looked in each other's eyes and Mars made the move and kissed her. Moon was caught by surprise but welcomed it as they started to put each other's tongues into each other mouths intertwining them both not wanting to lose dominance. And when they finally separated what was left was puff of smoke as well as the eyes of everyone on the dance floor which makes Moon blush.

Mars: Well let me ask this do you want to go on dates so we can get to know each other better

Moon: Sure but after that (starts whispering) we better be boyfriend and girlfriend

Mars: Maybe

However out of the corner of his eyes he sees Daniel Larusso exiting the hall and starts following his daughter.