Halloween Dance 5/5

As soon as Mars sees Daniel Larusso exit the hall he gets a suspicious feeling about the whole thing so he also decided to follow Daniel Larusoo to confirm this suspicious feeling however not before telling Moon hes going to be away.

Mars: Hey I'll be away for a few minutes if you can wait for me princess

Moon: Of course my king

As Mars goes away to find Daniel he is greeted by a goodbye kiss from Moon and thinks he could really get used to this as his life was too solitary however he puts his feelings for Moon aside and decides to put full attention on tracking and listening to Daniel. As he approaches a corner he sees Daniel and the middle aged blonde man conversing with each other but they don't seem to like each others guts so he immediately rules that they are enemy's that go way back.

Daniel: What do you think you're doing?

Blonde Man: Promoting my business. Why don't you try minding yours?

Daniel: Minding mine? You know what? Look, this is this is ridiculous, ok. We can both be adults here. I just don't know why you'd ever wanna bring back Cobra Kai after what they did to you Johnny

Johnny: Cause I'm not Kreese

That singular word hit my mind like a thunderstorm and started ruling possibilities that this guy knew Sensei Kreese however I focused and controlled my emotions to not over cloud my thinking and started to eavesdrop more.

Daniel: Strike first no mercy real good job your doing Johnny

This made my mind clock into overtime like the hour handle on a watch as those words had the essence of Tang Soo Do which made me believe that when Sensei was younger he taught the man named Johnny and they had a falling out. This also might be why Sensei never came to this place as his disciple a failure lived here.

Daniel: If you think you can brainwash these good kids with your teaching then you must be nuts man.

Johnny: Is that why your following me around

Daniel: I'm not following you I'm looking for someone I'm here to... (stops talking)

From what I can hear I heard Kyler and Samantha chuckling down the hallway which confirms that I was correct to follow Larusso or else I may have never got that much information in a single day without calling in favors which can lead to my one sole weakness at the moment. Moon.

Daniel: You need to get off school property your not allowed to be here I'm serious

As soon as Daniel paced further after his daughter I decided to finally confront Johnny about Sensei Kreese.

Mars: Hey

Johnny: Ahh you must be a potential customer you must've seen my posters and gotten interested so the fees are

Mars: Shut it dickhead how'd you know Mr Kreese [I decided to use Mr instead of Sensei as that would lead him to ask about questions]

Johnny: You heard that

Mars: Yes

Johnny: Listen kid your not meant know Kreese

Mars: But I do

Johnny: Then let me tell you something about Kreese he has no honor and also taught me how to fight with no honor but I realized that was a mistake as true Martial Artists are meant to have honor in fights so Kreese was a deadbeat Sensei who had no honor and did not bother to instill a sense of honor into his students when he was teaching

Mars: But what makes you think you have honor. Wake up this is not a game or tournament this is real life when people are out to beat you and harm you you expect me to show mercy so they can punch me no no no I would break their arms and finish him off. NO MERCY!

Johnny: ...

Mars: That's what I thought. Truly pathetic from a guy trying to teach an aggressive style of karate. Your delusional

With that Mars walks off and sees Sam storming away furiously and what came was her dad right after her. But he saw Kyler laugh and smile with his goons so he decided to follow them and ended up outside the boys locker room.

Kyler: Dang it I almost got her with the bracelet

Skinny Goon: Ain't that the cheap one you bought from the market and gave the other girl

Kyler: Yeah but her stupid Dad interrupted before I could give it her. DAMN!

Tap Tap Tap

Kyler: Well well well ain't it rhea lipsy and nerd

Eli and Demetri run away but did not find Mars standing behind the door as they ran the other direction trying to exit the building. But what he did not expect was the skeleton kid kick Kyler but got beaten up as he was outnumbered and what lead was a one sided beat done. When Kyler and his goons left Mars decided to enter and saw Miguel lying on the floor unconscious but did not care as he decided to go to the toilets and piss. After his piss he exited and went straight to the hall as the dance was ending soon and he did not want to be stuck in traffic so he asked Moon if she wanted to go home yet. But 5 minutes after Mars left Johnny entered and saw Miguel on the floor out cold. So he decided to ask who beat him later. As Mars approached Moons home they stared in each others eyes.

Moon: Well Mars I want to thank you for this amazing night and I will cherish this in my heart for the rest of my life

Mars: No problem Moon (leans into kiss)

And what happens is a full make out session which lasted 10 minutes before Moon said she needed to go as her dad would be home soon. So he opened the car door for her and waved her goodbye, however behind that smile was a calculating mind on what to do with Johnny but first he needed to contact his Sensei.