Date 2/3

As our date officially began. I started driving to an Italian restaurant named Angelini Osteria which by the way served amazing pasta. It will take us ten minutes to get there as it was not that far away from her house. I made small talk and a few jokes to keep Moon entertained whilst keeping my eyes on the road.

Mars: Now that I think about it our names are quite similar

Moon: Yeah your right about that why didn't I notice before (smiling)

Mars: Maybe its because I'm too handsome that you forget my name (also smiling)

Moon: Oh please I've seen people more handsome than you

Mars: Really what they called (stares intently in her eyes as they stopped at a red light)

Moon: Erm erm

Mars: I'm kidding Moon Pie

Moon: (Pinches his waist)

Mars: Ahh chill I'm driving ahh it was just a joke mercy please

Moon: Humph serves you right (smiling)

Mars: I've just noticed something

Moon: What

Mars: You look beautiful today

Moon: So your saying I only look beautiful today

Mars: Your beautiful everyday but today your outstanding

Moon: No more please its too cheesy (blushes)

Mars: Really

Moon: Really now get going its a green light!!!

Mars: Yes ma'am

As we approached the restaurant we could see Kyler's car driving to a cinema with Sam in it so Moon waved at them but Sam didn't wave back which meant that she couldn't see us. As we parked the car we headed inside the restaurant and talked to the assistant.

Mars: Ahem excuse me but we have a reservation under the name of Mars Alexandrine

Assistant: It is a booking at 4:45 correct

Mars: Yes it is

Assistant: Well then can you excuse me so we can set up the tables and get everything ready

Mars: No problem

Assistant: We'll be with you in 5 minutes sir thank you for your patience (slightly bows and walks away)

Moon: This place is really beautiful

Mars: Isn't it they serve amazing food here trust me

Moon: I trust you

After 5 minutes the waiter comes back and leads us to a balcony reserved for us.

Assistant: Mr Alexandrine here is your reservation

Mars: Thanks also can you give us 5 minutes to see what we'd like to eat and drink

Assistant: Of course

Mars: Thanks for your time

Assistant: (Backs away)

Moon: Its very beautiful here. We can see the view over Reseda

Mars: That's why its also a great restaurant

Moon: Thank you Mars I mean it

Mars: No problem now lets get onto what to eat Moon Pie (smiling)

Moon: Don't call me that its embarrassing (red hue)

Mars: Okay Okay Also I recommend the pasta here

Moon: Hmm (looks at the menu on the table)

After discussing what they are going to eat. Approximately five minutes later the assistant comes back and asks what they want to eat.

Assistant: Mr Alexandrine and Madame what would you like to order

Mars: I would like Caesar Salad with Garlic Butter Breadcrumbs as a starter for the main I would like Tagliatelle with sausages, rosemary and porcini mushrooms please and for dessert I'd like Affogato please. Also for the drink I would like water please

Assistant: Yes sir and what would you like Madam

Moon: Same as him please

Assistant: Of course we will get it to you as soon as possible

After that I made some small talk with Moon and what her interests and her hobbies were and what she liked doing in her free time. Not long after the assistant left the food got sent to us by some waiters.

Assistant: Mr Alexandrine and Madame this is the starter Caesar Salad with Garlic Butter Breadcrumbs please enjoy

Mars: Thanks

Assistant: (Goes away)

Mars: Well lets eat shall we I can tell your hungry

Moon: Mmm it smells so good

Mars: Well taste it

Moon: (Eats the starter) Mmm its soo good how did you find this place

Mars: Well the week before school started I went everywhere and fount this place and tried it (Says it after chewing)

After they finished their starter half an hour later the Assistant came with the main. As the starter was a small dish so they weren't full at all.

Assistant: Mr Alexandrine and Madame this is the main Tagliatelle with sausages, rosemary and porcini mushrooms. Please enjoy.

Mars: Thank you

Assistant: (Walks off)

Mars: Well lets dig in

Moon: Yes I cannot wait for this (eats the Tagliatelle). Mmm this is amazing I can feel the flavors bursting on my tongue

Mars: Right (Starts eating)

After finishing their main. 45 minutes later came the dessert which was Affogato.

Assistant: Mr Alexandrine and Madame this is the chefs special the Affogato

Mars: Thank you very much also how much is it

Assistant: Altogether that will be $122.99

Mars: Thanks I'll pay for it now can I pay by card

Assistant: Of course here sir just scan here (beep)

Mars: Thank you

Assistant: Of course sir (Backs Away)

Moon: Lets eat

Mars: Don't eat this one too quickly this one you need to savor it

Moon: Okay

After 10 minutes they ate their desert and could see the sun going down in the distance.

Mars: Now is the time

Moon: Time for what

Mars: Look to your left

Moon: Its beautiful (looks at the sun setting)

Mars: Isn't it (stands up and holds her waist)

Moon: (Looks into his eyes and kisses him)

After 5 minutes of passionate kissing they finally separated for a breath.

Mars: Want to have pictures

Moon: That would be lovely

Mars: (Takes pictures of her posing with the sun going down)

Assistant: Sir would you like me to take a picture of you two together

Mars: That would be appreciated (hands over his and Moons phone)

Assistant: Here you go Sir and Madam (1 minute later)

Moon: Thanks we should get going though

Mars: Yes lets go continue our date

After they exit their restaurant they headed to the car and drove to the next place...