Date 3/3

As Mars drove onto the next location he didn't realize that 2 people were staring at his car and Moon as he was too distracted. After a few minutes Moon couldn't keep her curiosity away so she asked Mars where they were going.

Moons: Mars where are we going

Mars: That's a secret that will be fount out in 10 minutes cutie

Moon: What's the point just tell me now

Mars: Hmm

Moon: (Expectant face)

Mars: Nahh

Moon: Come on (pouts)

Mars: What's the point of the surprise if you know early

Moon: You win

After 10 minutes they pull up in a place called Northridge Skateland. Many cars were parked here but they could still find a place to park in.

Moon: Roller skating (excited face)

Mars: Yup heard that you like roller skating so I thought why not

Moon: Aww thanks this might be the best date ever (happy expression)

Mars: Might be?

Moon: Yup if you pull out one more stop it will be the best

Mars: Okay okay

Moon: Now let's go inside. I can't wait (pulls Mars hand)

Mars: Hey chill it's not busy

Moon: Well let me show ya inside and I will change your mind

Mars: (Sigh)

After walking inside Mars is amazed by the amount of things they could fit inside and the space utilized for it. Such as the food area and where you pick up your roller skates.

Moon: Hey Marge can I get 2 roller skates one sized 5 and one sized...

Mars: Size 8 please

Marge: No problem Moon and

Mars: I go by Mars (Smiles slightly)

Marge: Well nice to meet you Mars (blushes). Altogether that will $30

Moon: I'll pay considering you payed for the food

Mars: Let's split

Moon: I. WILL. PAY (Glares at Mars)

Mars: (Gulps visibly) Ye-Yes Ma'am

Marge: Hahaha you've got him in the back of your hand haven't you Moon (laughing expression)

Moon: Yes I do. Oh yes I do (pays in cash)

Mars: (Looks away in shame)

Marge: Well just go to the roller skating area and receive your skates

Moon: Thanks Marge see you later. Hey Mars let's go (pulls his hand)

Goes to the counter

Assistant: Size 5 and 8 correct

Moon: Yes

Assistant: Alright here you go (hands the skates)

Mars: Thanks. Here (hands Moon her skates)

Moon: Thanks (kisses him on the cheek)

After they went onto the area to skate Moon showed him some tricks and she had fun laughing at Mars for being unable to do the tricks. After fooling around on the rink they went to eating area and had something to eat such as fries and hamburgers. Overall they had a great time until...

Tory: Hey

Mars: What are you doing here? (Frosty expression)

Tory: I work here

Mars: Oh

Tory: I just hope that you forgive me. I'm so sorry (tearing up)

Mars: (Sigh) Maybe. It depends on you

Tory: I will try my best to earn your trust again

Mars: Okay now stop tearing up or you'll look like a zombie whilst working (smiles slightly)

Tory: Mm (nods her head)

Moon: Oh hi Tory

Tory: Hi Moon

Mars: I guess I don't need to introduce each other

{Comical scene of sparks coming off Moons and Torys Eyes}

Moon: We should go it's been 2 hours

Mars: Okay let's go

As they head out they could see 2 men trying to steal his car

Mars: Hey who the fuck do you think you are

Unknown 1: What does it look like cunt

Mars: Put one more hand on the car and I'll ring the ambulance for yous

Unknown 2: What. You. Hospital hahaha

Unknown 1: Hahaha

As they laugh Mars rushes out and flying knees him to the face knocking out at least 6 teeth and a broken nose. Officially knocking him out cold as well.

Mars: Do you want some as well

Unknown 1: You'll pay for that!!! (Takes out butterfly knife)

Moon: Be careful (Tearing up)

Mars: Don't worry I got it

As Mars says this Unknown rushes to him with a knife but Mars easily dodges to the side and elbows him to the back of the head causing him to fall down.

Mars: Come on get up it shouldn't hurt that bad

Unknown 1: You prick!!!

Unknown slashes at Mars but Mars steps back whilst throwing and throws a lead hook with his right hand stunning the Unknown guy and started unleashes a barrage of punches to his face. After the punches his face could even be said to disfigured.

Moon: Mars stop (hugs him) it's enough (whispers in his ear

Mars: (Exhales) I'm sorry for this unsightly scene

Moon: Don't worry you did it to protect me

Mars: Well let me go wash my hands

Moon: Okay

Mars: Here's the keys to my car go inside and lock yourself

Moon: Mm-Hmm be careful

Mars: Thanks after this let's continue our date

As Mars headed inside he gathered the attention on everyone as his clothes were bloodied as well as his hands.

Tory: Mars! What happened to you (shocked)

Mars: Nothing also can I buy some clothes

Tory: Sure I'll get an outfit ready for you

Mars: Thanks. Tory. Just leave it outside the bathroom

Tory: Okay

As Mars was getting changed the police pulled up and started asking Moon questions. As Mars went out he also got questioned by the police.

Officer: I need to take you to the station for a statement

Mars: Alright Moon let's go

After 30 minutes of making a statement and driving to the station it was 9:00.

Mars: Hey there's one more thing I wanna show you

Moon: What there's honestly nothing more that you can do on this date as it was a roller coaster of emotions (laughs)

Mars: Just get in the car

As they headed towards the secluded hill where Mars set up the telescope Moon was starting to get fidgety.

Mars: Hey why you okay

Moon: Yeah

Mars: Come on what's wrong I can see your not

Moon: I just wanna know will you always have to protect me

Mars: Of course that's what a man is

Moon: I don't wanna be a liability please teach me Martial Arts

Mars: Okay

Moon: Promise

Mars: I promise you speaking of which we're here

Moon: This is beautiful

Mars: Isn't it also I know you can see the Moon normally but I got a telescope to look further and hopefully if the Moon has rotated enough we can see the flag

Moon: This has got to be the most nerdiest most romantic date I've ever been

Mars: Objective completed

Moon: Hahah (Stares into his eyes and kisses him)

As they kissed for more than 10 minutes Mars started going further and further touching her peaks and fondling them like a masseur. Just as they were about to go further Moons phone rang and on it said Dad.

Mars: I think you need to get that

Moon: Ok hey dad blah blah blah. My dad said we have thirty minutes left to get back (blushes)

Mars: Okay let's go then

After 20 minutes of driving they were soon approaching Moons residence and when they got there he could see Mason standing at the door.

Moon: Thanks for today it was amazing to say the least

Mars: (Kisses her) No problem

Moon: We could do this again (Started walking to her door)

Mars: Anytime (Went to his car)

As Mars approached his car and headed home he didn't know the storm he brooded for beating up them men. Either way as soon as he got home and took his shower and brushed his teeth he had the most peaceful sleep he had in a few years.