06 A long night.


"I'm back."

Bell pushed the door open. Climbing down the narrow stairs, he made his way down to the basement of the church.

The magic stone lamp was lit up, indicating that his goddess, Hestia was here already though Bell can't see her yet. It was not long after he said that when he heard a rushing footsteps coming towards his direction followed by a shout.


Like an agile fox, Hestia, bolted and jumped onto Bell when she's only a few meters away. Afraid that she might get hurt, Bell quickly put down the box he was carrying and caught the Goddess in his arms.

"What are you even thinking!? That was dangerous-. Eh? Why are you wet...did you just finished bathing?"

Bell can feel the smoothness of Hestia's skin and he can swear it was topnotch!

She is so soft, like a cotton. Bell was afraid he might break her with a little squish if he is not careful. That, along with Hestia's fresh fragrant smell says the same, she undoubtedly had just finished taking bath.

"Tee - Hee. But you do want a wet woman jumping in your arms right, Bell-kun.?" Hestia cheekily teased, separating herself from Bell. When she the things he brought back, she asked. "Hmm? What are these?"

"You really like to joke around, Goddess." Bell shakes his head, picking up the boxes and headed towards the table.

He didn't dare to stare at his goddess too much. The way she is right now, Bell is afraid he might not be able to stop himself from taking a bite.

"But I'm not joking.." Hestia whispered under her breaths before following after Bell.

She was both happy and relieved to see that her child was able to return home safely and without any visible wound. That's the most important thing for her.

"It is a roasted duck, along with some more food. We will have another feast tonight, Goddess."

Uncovering the box, Bell took out a huge whole golden brown duck meat. It looks very appetizing that Hestia can't help but gulp by the mere sight of it.

Bell didn't stopped there. Putting down his back pack, he took out fruits, more meat, a pasta dish and a bottle of wine.

He really did went all out.

"Bell-kun these food."

"Why? Butter s there any problem?"

"No, but.... I already bought something for our dinner for tonight.."

Hestia got some money from Bell last night so she was able to buy food after her shift.

Hestia glanced at the sofa where she left the food she brought before but it is far less extravagant compared to what Bell brought with him.

"That is okay, Goddess. As I said earlier, we will be having a feast tonight. The more food there is, the better."

"Moah. You're too much of a spender, Bell-kun. You shouldn't waste your money like this you know? Save some for your equipments and weapons too so you will be safer inside the dungeon."

Bell shrugged his shoulders and continue preparing the food, putting them on the plates.

"I'm not exactly wasting money. I am only treating someone very important to me a feast. The only deity who accepted me into her familia when no one else did."


Tears unknowingly flowed from Hestia's eyes. She felt very emotional for some reason. She didn't know that Bell cared for her this much and she felt very happy. It's really her luck meeting him that day and accepting him to her familia wasn't a mistake at all.

But she felt guilty. Hestia find it unfair that Bell is the only one being honest here. She has to tell him the truth.

"You See, Bell..." Hestia wiped the tears from her eyes before looking directly at his eyes." We are kinda in similar situation back then. I actually had been trying to recruit other people to join my familia but was constantly rejected. After all, who in their right mind would want to join an unknown goddess' familia right?"

What the fuck? How did it suddenly get so dramatic? Bell thought to himself. But he choose to just ride along.

"I see. But that does not change the fact that you're the only one who took me in at that time, Goddess. I am truly grateful to you."

These words came out of Bell's mouth without feeling awkward or something similar. There's something inside him that feels really grateful towards this Goddess and wanted to protect her.

Hestia fell silent. She can only stare at Bell's smiling face. She can't find any sign of falsehood from his words, not even a little. As Hestia was having trouble on deciding what to say next, Bell had finally finished preparing the food and spoke once again.

"Let's eat, Goddess." Bell pulled out a chair and gestured at Hestia to sit there. Of which, she gladly accepted with a bright smile.

"Mn. Thank you, Bell-kun!"


"Hey hey, Bell-kun. Feed me?"


" LEh? But why?" Hestia can't help but pout her lips after being rejected.

"Just because." Bell replied, putting another piece of sliced fruit inside his mouth.

"Humph! Stingy."

What a joke. He might have only met Hestia for two days now but Bell knows how easy it is to spoil her. He didn't want her to keep on asking him to spoon feed her in the future.

"Then.... Can I feed you instead?" Hestia isn't about to give up. She picked up a small meat with her fork and put it in front of Bell's mouth. "Aaah..."

Bell can only let out a helpless sigh. Looking at the small meat in front of him, then to Hestia's hopeful face, to the meat, to Hestia, to the meat, to Hestia, then to her boob-

No no no no!

Bell immediately get rid of his unhealthy thoughts inside his head. He didn't even know why his eyes was suddenly got dragged towards that part. Those two white proud bunnies are really dangerous.


Bell ate the food Hestia gave him which made her very happy. There's also a small red hue that appeared on her cheeks but Bell is too busy eating his own food and failed to notice it.

'T-that was.. an indirect k-kiss right?' Her cheeks are warming up.

Bell took a bath after eating while Hestia took his clothes saying she will wash them for him as there's a lot of bloodstains on them. Her face shows that she will not take 'NO' for an answer so Bell can only agree.

On the Bed.

Hestia and Bell are sleeping side by side, their back facing each other. They are like this because for some reason unknown, the sofa that he had been sleeping on all these time had 'mysteriously' disappeared. Bell can't find it anymore since he came home tonight. He wanted to ask Hestia what happened to it but looking at her guilty face at that time, Bell already had an idea what probably had happened. This silly Goddess probably, no, definitely had gotten rid of it so the two of them can sleep on the same bed from now on.

It's definitely not appropriate for a woman like Hestia to act like this as it will look like she's desperate to sleep with a man, to Bell. Like a slut who's been craving to be Fuck.

But Bell definitely won't think like that, especially to Hestia. She's after all one of the BIG 3 virgin Goddesses in the heavens. A woman capable of protecting her Chastity for thousands if not millions of years definitely can never be a slut. Her acting like this is perhaps either because she loves Bell very much in Both familiar and romantic way or simply wanted to cuddle with him. Who knows.

Mortal can never fully comprehend how deities mind works.

"Bell-kun, your dungeon clothes probably won't get dry till midday tomorrow so.. Can you not go the dungeon and instead come with me to the market tomorrow? I'm planning to by some things we need in this house."

"Is this the reason why you insisted on washing my clothes earlier, Goddess?"

'Yes! Exactly! I am so smart!' Hestia felt victorious but there's no way in hell she will admit that.

"D-definitely not! You also saw how dirty your clothes are earlier right? I-it's definitely not on purpose!"

"You sure?"

Bell turned around and went face to face with Hestia which made her blush. She's so cute.

"Moah. Will you come with me or not? Stop asking a lot of questions, Bell-kun!"


Bell chuckled, wrapping his arm on Hestia's waist, pulling her closer. This action of Bell made Hestia feel even more embarrassed but she did not resist. She's waiting for his reply as she leaned her head on his chest.

"Fine then. I'll go with you tomorrow, Goddess."


"Mn. But I have to meet up with someone tomorrow so I can only go with you after that. Is that okay?"

"You bet. Yehey! It's a date then, Bell-kun!" she excitedly cheered. "But who will you meet with Bell-kun? It couldn't be.." Hestia's brows visibly narrowed. "It shouldn't be a woman right? Right?!"

"No. Definitely not a woman." Bell hurriedly replied. He really won't meet up with a woman tomorrow... not entirely... right? After all, it was Arnold whom he will meet tomorrow. As for the woman Arnold will introduce to him as his new dungeon adviser, Bell didn't have any control over that matter.

Hestia continue looking at Bell's face suspiciously. She always had this suspicions inside her before but Hestia was now certain about it.

She really.... can't see through Bell at all.

Hestia can't tell whether he's lying or not despite being a Goddess. Just what's going on here? The only thing that was keeping her from getting worried is the connection between her and Bell through Falna - the blessing she bestowed upon him.

Through that, Hestia can still tell whether Bell's feelings, intentions, show of affections were real or not. She can feel it.

Hestia has been meaning to ask this question to Bell but she's afraid that it might affect their relationship in a bad way so she didn't do so. Their relationship is very good right now and Hestia didn't want to damage that. Definitely not.

"Okay. I believe you then. Meet up with me at the plaza tomorrow at 9 o'clock. You heard that, Bell-kun?"

"Mn. Loud and clear."

That night, Hestia and Bell didn't stop conversing with each other until midnight when Hestia finally felt sleepy and fell asleep. Bell soon followed after her.

It has been a long night..