07 Eina Tulle.


"That was everything Bell, Eina. I have to leave now so you two can talk on your own and get to know each other." Arnold said as he gave them both one last pat on their shoulders before finally taking his leave.

Silence followed for awhile after Arnold's departure as not Eina nor Bell spoke a word for awhile for different reasons.

Eina was still a bit shy meeting her first client. After all, though she has been working in the guild for about five years now, this was still Eina's first time being dungeon advisor.

What if she messed up? Is really she ready and prepared to do this job? What if she will give this young man a wrong advice and ended up losing his life? How can she get to know this young man in front of her etc.

Different questions and worries endlessly circling inside this half elf half human beauty at this moment as she sneakily observes Bell from the corner of her emerald green eyes. He has white hair and rubillite eyes along with a handsome appearance.

But what caught Eina's attention the most was his bearings. That is not something a young man like him should have. It was like... a bearing of someone that has seen a lot in his life, like that of someone with high status. These things gave Eina an urge to observe him even further. And as she did so, Eina noticed that he's not speaking a word either but was simply... staring at her?

This made Eina blushed a little but she also became more courageous. She pouted and said in a fake angry tone. "Bell right? Don't you know that it is rude staring at a lady without permission you know?"

"Really? I'm sorry."

Eina was quite surprised seeing Bell apologizing right away. It seems like this client of hers wasn't that bad?

Besides, while he was staring at her awhile ago, Eina saw nothing more than curiosity and.. amazement? ---from Bell's eyes. He seems to be looking at her ears specifically, is this perhaps his first time seeing a half elf?

"As.. as long as you understand." Eina paused for a moment before looking directly at Bell's eyes. "I'm Eina, nice to meet you."

"Hmm? Excuse me?"

"I said it is Eina, not Miss Eina. We will be working with each other from now on so I hope we can start by getting rid of formalities first?" Eina reached out her hand forward for a hand shake."Can we do that, Bell?"

She's smiling and Bell can swear it's one of the best he had ever seen so far. It's a pure smile like what a kindhearted person would give. Almost similar to what his goddess Hestia was showing him everyday.

"Looking forward to working with you, Eina." Bell also reached out his right hand and grabbed Eina's.


The two of them then once again took their seat. "So Bell, Mister Arnold told me you only have two days of experience inside the dungeon? Could you tell me how you feel about the first floor? Did you find it hard dealing with the monsters there? How was it?"

'It's always good to start with the basics.' She thought. Eina believed doing this will help her give better advice to Bell.

"Well, yes. I only went inside the dungeon twice since I only got my Goddess's blessings three days ago." Bell answered honestly. "As for the monsters on the first floor of the dungeon... let's see... I think they are... okay?"

"What do you mean by 'okay', Bell?"

"Okay means okay, Eina. First floor monsters are not that hard to fight with but they spawned in too few numbers and the monster cores they drop are too small and cheap. Not that profitable for sure but still okay." Bell explained, but he saw Eina became even more confused based on her expression so he continue, "That is why I tend to go deeper down to find stronger monsters and yesterday, I went to the fifth floor and I can s- "

" T-The FIFTH FLOOR??!!! " Eina stood up hitting the table with her hands. Perhaps she noticed that her actions gained other people's attention inside the guild so she sat down once again. But her eyes are still staring daggers at Bell, like they want to crush him to pulp in a caring way. "You really did came down to the fifth floor, Bell? What are you even thinking?"

"What am I thinking?"

"Yes! Do you know how dangerous that place was? Adventures should not be too adventurous, ever heard of that saying before?"

"Erm... Actually, Eina I-."

"You what?"

Eina interrupted him once again but Bell didn't get angry but find it funny, instead? He's not sure but a small smile unknowingly appeared on his face which made the frown on Eina's face become even deeper.

"What are you smiling at, Bell? Please take this seriously. What if something bad will happen to you? I am now your dungeon adviser so if something bad will happen to you I... I don't want that."

"I did not do that out of recklessness, Eina. I'm actually pretty strong, you know? I won't do anything that I cannot handle."

"Pretty strong? You? " Eina didn't believe him at all. "You only have been inside the dungeon for two days and you'll say you are strong? Would you please be serious, Bell?"

"But I'm really serious. I shouldn't have been able to go down to the fifth floor if I'm weak couldn't I? Much more to come back alive unless..... you do not believe me and was thinking that I'm lying?"

"That.." Eina lowered her head. She knows deep inside her that she really do not believe what he said and even thought that he's only bragging. Just how can a two days old adventurer be able to go down to the fifth and comeback alive?

"It's okay, I know that what I've said just now were hard to believe but I don't need you to believe me. I don't know about others but I'm quite good on handling weapons and martial arts so I'm doing better than others. I'll say that normal standards shouldn't be applied on me because it won't fit. Besides, my stats are high enough."

Eina can only stare at Bell without saying a word. She's observing him and listening to what he's saying. How can he speak does words with full confidence? Why is she being pulled towards believing this boy despite how unbelievable his words are? Is he... really telling that truth?

"You said you have high enough stats wasn't it, Bell? Can you show it to me?"

"Show it to you?" Bell tilted his head and showed a confused look. "You know how to read those words written in my back, Eina?"

"I...I know a little.. If you don't mind..?"

Eina knew she's being rude here, asking someone to show her his Falna. But she still did. Bell is now her client so she has to have an idea on how strong he really is, right? But only if Bell should agree to show her his back..

"Well, that's fine. But we have to go get room first, Eina."

" The guild has plenty of rooms available." She quickly pulled him inside one of the room and asked him to remove his shirt.

Bell did exactly what she said and took off his shirt. He did it all naturally without a problem.

But not Eina. She can't help but feel embarrassed and shy seeing a man, stripping his shirt off right in front of her. And they are even alone inside an empty room!

Looking at his back, Eina's eyes moved on its own and admires Bell's well tuned muscles - not less nor too much muscular. It's almost perfect, just like how she.. like it...

'Huh? What are you thinking Eina! Pull yourself together!' Eina hurriedly thought to herself trying to get rid of all the unnecessary thoughts inside her mind. 'That's right, he is just a little boy.' She repeated.

She began reading what's written on Bell's back.

"This is...." Eina's jaw almost fell on the floor because of what she saw.

Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength : E 418

Defense : F 384

Dexterity : E 467

Agility : F 379

'Is this really a stats of a two days old adventurer? All adventurers should start from zeroes right? How can Bell be able to grow this fast? Is it because of.'

Thinking like that, Eina tried looking at Bell's skill slot but found nothing there. He can't even use magic yet so.. how?

Questions after questions started filling Eina's mind as she fell silent. She didn't even noticed that Bell had already turned around and wore his T-shirt again.


"Aah! I'm sorry, Bell!" Eina hurriedly tried to bow but Bell stopped her from doing so by holding both of her shoulders.

"There's no need for you to apologize. But I do have a favor to ask you, Eina."

"A favor?"

"Mn. If possible, please keep my stats secret to anyone no, to everyone, especially the guild. You see, I'm trying to be low-key here and I only showed you my stats because I feel that you are trustworthy. Also.."

"Also what?"

"I don't want you to keep on stopping me from going deeper down the dungeon."

"Pffft." Eina can't help but laugh. " You are a funny person, Bell. But you saying that you trust me made me happy so, fine. I will allow you to go deeper inside the dungeon and will not tell anyone about your stats. Happy now? "

"Perfect. Eina is the best. Happy working with you?" Bell stood up and reached his hand out once again."

" Yes. Happy working with you."