011 Things escalated - stalemate.


Hello everyone.

I have some things to say so please bear with me for a minute or so..

I can't believe how much effort I've put in this book. From researching, downloading, rewatching the anime again from season 1 to 3. Even the 12 episodes of Sword Oratoria.

Well, it's not like I am complaining because I actually kinda enjoyed that journey though I wasn't able to publish new chapters because of that. Hehe.

Why am I saying all of this?

It's because I want to announce something. It's about one of my favorite Goddess in the series---- Artemis.

I can actually write something to save her and familia's ass if I wanted to but... I won't do that.

Why? Because that movie, 'Arrow of Orion' was not canon. As simple as that.

Who knows if the author will stick on what happened to that story as Artemis being death already or perhaps make a new approach and will make her appear again? Who knows?

So I won't write about her yet. Not for the time being.... I'm not sure though because I sometimes change my mind unexpectedly.

Also, if you noticed already, this story is indeed quite slow paced, no, it really is slow place but, I have to do that. It's kinda hard for me to bring this story forward without getting into details. And personally, I enjoyed the characters interactions more, building their relationship, building his personal strength, etc than continuous neverending fightings.

Give me a few more chapters to build a stable foundation first and the story will definitely progress a lot more faster after that.

Whatever. Hope you enjoy this chapter.


The same reason applies on why Bell has not been selling any of his monster cores to the guild these past days. He simply didn't have the ability and opportunity to do so.

All of those purple stones are stored at the abandoned church's basement where he's staying, guarded by Hestia. His Goddess who probably had become numb of seeing Bell's insanely fast growth by now.

The more Bell saw how fast his progress was, the more dedicated he became. His mind is filled with killing dungeon monsters, to slay, to go deeper. In his eyes, those monsters are not at all scary but instead a moving excelia that can make him stronger.

" Are you... telling me the truth? "

" I shouldn't have any reason to lie, right? "

" If that's the case then.. Why are you here now and haven't gone to the dungeon yet? " asked Eina.

She had most likely understood everything by now and believes on what Bell had told her but... she felt very reluctant to let him off so easily. Not after how much Bell had made her worried for five days. He has to be punished somehow!

" About that... " Bell hesitated whether to tell her or not but still decided to do so in the end. " Because I kinda had injured myself last night and I have run out of potions. I have to replenish my supplies after this. "

" I see... huh? Injury? "

" Mn. Got hit by an orc's club and was sent flying but... eh? Eina don't get angry!!? "

Bell tried his best to cover his head with his hand but was too late. Eina had already sent a Divine Chop on his head.

His second serving for today!!

Well, he can actually block or avoid that hit easily but Bell didn't do so as he did not want to anger her more.

" How can I not get angry?? You've been hit by an Orc's club? Does it mean that you went down to the tenth floor already, Bell?? Just how careless can you get!! "

" Erm.. I actually went down all the way to twelve, Eina.. "

" BELL!!! "

Eina felt her world spinning so she has to take her seat again. But that doesn't mean she's finished. She's only starting.

" I know I know. But look, I came back right? I'm still alive. "

" ALIVE?? " with a 'bam' sound, Eina hit the table as hard as she could with her hands. That shows how angry she was at Bell. " What if you didn't came back?? Huh?? What if something bad happened, what if you d-d... I can't take this anymore. If you will continue doing this and won't listen to me then you better find a new dungeon adviser to handle you!! "

Bell fell silent. He's thinking about what Eina said very seriously because.... it makes sense.

As it is now, their current situation is actually difficult for the both of them. Bell knows that his case is very unique, normal scale does not apply or can't be apply to him at all.

He's a variant.

He grows a lot faster than others, he's a lot stronger than people with similar level to him, he's smarter, he's a transmigrator, in short, he has the ability to go deeper down the dungeon without a problem.

He has that ability!

But Bell can't tell that to Eina. There's also no way for him to let her see his back right now because that will be insane and moronic. If Eina will see those A's he got in his basic abilities, she might, no, she will definitely passed out!

Eina didn't know about Bell's current strength nor any idea so she's worried. She's thinking very rationally here and Bell not listening to her at all makes her feel useless and wronged. What's the point of her being his adviser if Bell would not listen to her advice?

Given all of that facts, ending their Client-Adviser relationship right now sounds very reasonable.

That way, Eina will not need to get worried about him anymore and Bell also doesn't have to be in a difficult situation like this where he has to explain everything.

Eina is kind, smart l and beautiful. Probably the best dungeon adviser any newbie like Bell can ask for but... that doesn't seemed to be the case for Bell.

Definitely not.

Eina quickly regretted the last words she said about telling Bell to look for a new dungeon adviser. She wanted to immediately take that back but she cannot bring herself to do so.

Silence enveloped the two of them. None of them spoke a word for a period of time.

" I see... " Bell was the first one to break the silence between them. " If that's what you want, Eina. It's not long but, I enjoyed working with yo-. "


Eina stood up while shouting those three words. She didn't even let Bell finished his sentence. She turned around and was about to rush inside her room to get away from this idiot, this insensitive boy, this infuriating white haired creature that can't read between lines!

She wanted to cry, to shout all of her frustrations under her pillow inside her room. What's wrong with her today? Why does she seemed to be very affected by this?

How did it all came to this where she has to say those words to Bell? Why did Bell agree that they really havery to end their current relationship now? Why did she even has to say those words to Bell in the first place? Aren't they still okay just awhile ago? If only... If only...

Eina had only managed to take two steps forward when her right hand was grabbed by Bell, firm enough to not allow her to take another one.

It's an unconscious action from Bell. He simply has this feeling that he should stop this feeling from leaving today or he will regret it.

' Haaa!! Why all women are troublesome?? ' Bell complained inside his mind.

" Let go! "

No. Why am I saying this?

" No way. You sit down first, Eina. "

" I said let go of me, Bell! "

Huh? Why am I still saying that?

Eina kept on asking herself.

She felt very happy when Bell grabbed her hand, which is very surprising to her. That means she didn't have to leave now. That they still have a chance to fix this but... what the hell is she saying right now? Her words are very different from what she really wanted to say. What if Bell will get mad and.....

" No means no. " Bell took a step forward and put both his hands to Eina's delicate shoulders before applying enough force to make her sit down.

" What are you d-... "

" Sit down first. " Bell briefly opened the lid of the glass container and took out two pieces of chocolates. He put one inside his mouth before putting the other one in front of Eina's mouth saying.. " I heard that chocolates can make a person to calm down so Aah..."

Eina only looked at Bell in confusion. She can't understand why he's doing this and the point to do so. Luckily, she immediately recovered and looking at Bell's hand still in front of her mouth holding the chocolate, a daring idea came into her mind.

Eina slowly opened her small mouth as she approaches Bell hands. Her beautiful lips parted and when it's only a millimeter away....


Bell was shocked, no, amazed? He only frowned for a moment trying to figure out what's going on.

" HA-HA-HA-HA!! "

He burst into laughter. Bell never saw that coming. For someone as mature as Eina to... bite his fingers like a kid? That's very unexpected.

Seeing him laughing like that instead of showing a painful expression, Eina became angrier. She felt insulted. She bite him harder!

But Bell continue laughing for awhile, definitely not the reaction Eina was expecting to see. Soon, a copper like taste had touched her taste buds. Eina recognized that taste immediately as blood, she went too far!

Eina panicked and let go of her bite immediately while looking at Bell worriedly.

" Done already? " Bell asked with the same gentle smile he always had.

" You... Why did you not.. resist?? "

" You'll only get angrier if I did that. Besides, you will probably only cry like a child if I allowed you to go inside your room now right, Eina? "

" Humph! And whose fault so you think that was?? It's because you don't listen to me at all. "

" Because Eina is being unreasonable too. I know you are worried about me but, I'm not a child anymore. I'm an adventure and adventurers should go adventuring right? "

" No! Definitely not. " Eina denied Bell's words right away. " Adventurers should not be too adventurous. Only short-lived people does that! "

" You are so stubborn, Eina! "

" That should be my line, Bell! "

Haah.... Haaah...

The two of them took a couple of deep breaths. They are back to stalemate again.
