
Twilight Manor.

Home to one of the top familia in Orario, the Loki familia.


Gareth's drum-like laughter filled the entirety of Finn's office.

The three highest members of Loki familia had just finished discussing about the 'New species' of monsters they had encounter in fifty and fifty-first floor of the dungeon when Finn suddenly opened up the thing Lefiya, Leene and Aiz reported to him yesterday.

It was about a young level one adventurer that not only survived two Minotaurs' attack but also slaughtered them. A feat that will be very difficult for anyone to believe once they heard of it.

" So those lasses hav' met a promisin' adventurer on their way back uh? To think that a level one adventurer can pull somethin' incredible like that. No wonder those three lasses looks different when they came back aren't they, Finn? "

" Well, you're right. And not to mention two Minotaurs, even if there's only one of such monster, I doubt any of us three can defeat it at level one. " replied Finn before looking at the high elf standing at the left side with the air of elegance. " What do you think, Riveria? "

" I'm also thinking the same. " Reveria nodded in agreement. " But Finn, it's not like I'm doubting Lefiya and the others' reports but, was it confirmed that that adventurer was indeed just a level one? "

Though it wasn't an ironclad rule, every adventurers knows that it was impossible for a single level one to defeat a level two monsters especially a Minotaur which was known as the strongest and most dangerous monster in middle floors. That level of feat usually requires a party of level one adventurers and strategies to pull out.

Hearing that a level one adventurer defeated not just one but two Minotaurs at the same time of course brought quite a shock even to a high elf like Riveria.

" Aiz confirmed it herself. She probably happened to take a glimpse on that boy's falna. We all know that Aiz is capable of reading hieroglyphs so her words can definitely be trusted. I think that's also the reason why she insisted on coming with Lefiya and Leene to see that boy this morning. "

" Yeh. That make sense. And to think that they will even pull Loki with 'em. "

" It was Loki herself who insisted on coming along with them, Gareth. It seems like she has something personal against that boy's goddess. "

" Was it? I hope that she won't giv' us more trouble this time then. "

" Agreed. But it is Loki whom we are talking about here. Making trouble, that's her specialty. "

The three of them can only looked at each other before sighing helplessly.


" Heh! So this is where that shrimp's livin' huh, how pathetic of her. "

Collapsed walls, broken window and a roof that was full of holes. And not just tiny little holes but incredibly huge holes that can even fit an adult person without a problem.

Just a single glance would be enough for anyone to think that this place had been abandoned for a very long time now. There's no way for someone to be living here at all.

Loki stands in front of the dilapidated wooden door. Behind her was the young elf, Lefiya whom Bell had met before inside the dungeon pantry and the sword princess, Ais Wallenstein. She's holding a huge sack with unknown content in her embrace.

Knock Knock!

Loki has a triumphant smirk on her lips as she knocks on the door. She came here for two reasons. First was to make fun of that boob goddess whom she considered as her greatest enemy and second was to confirm whether that shrimp did found an excellent child or not.

" Coming! "

She heard it, that annoyingly lively voice. It definitely belong to that person.


But even after waiting for long time, no one came. The door remained closed and they can't even hear any approaching footsteps at all.

" That Lil shrimp..!! "

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Loki knocks on the door again. But this time, with much greater force.

" L-Loki? You might destroy the door.. " Lefiya tried to stop her about to rampage goddess.

" This door was already broken. "


The door doesn't even have its doorknob anymore, it had long fully rusted and crumbled. Lefiya and Aiz can only stare at Loki not knowing what to say. Loki was right, they can not deny her words and only stay silent.


The door finally opened. Hestia's petite figure came out and when she saw the person standing outside, see frowned.

" I was wondering who's that annoying voice belongs to so early in the mornin-.. "

" Yow, Ittty Bitty. Still as small as always. "

Loki cut her off before Hestia can even finish what she's saying.

How spiteful!

Furious, Hestia crossed her arms on her bountiful chest, pushing them up even further as she threw a disdainful looked at Loki.

" Tsk. How ironic of you, Loki. The only small thing I can see her was your tits. Ah wait, I can't even see them at all! "

" You!! Want a fight Lil shrimp??! "

" Bring it on! "

These two goddess had just met but they are already on each other's necks. The feud between them that had started way back when they are still in heaven was brought here in the lower world making them like this.

" Heh! Won't stoop with your level. I didn't came here for you, anyway. "

" Hmph! That should be my line. "

It was Loki who initiated the truce. Hestia was still full of fighting spirit with here but she also chose to back down as well. As much as she hate seeing Loki, Hestia knew that she owes her children a favor.

" Hmm? Why's your face so red huh? " Loki leaned forward, putting her head right in front of Hestia's. " Did you... do something naughty inside? "

" Wa-wa-what are you talking about?!! " Hestia's face turned red. Remembering the scene of Bell hugging her tightly made her feel even more embarrassed. But there's no way in hell she will let Loki use that against her so she tried to brush it off. " You came here for something, didn't you? Let's go over there. "

" Tryin' to run away huh. "

" Hmph! "

Loki smirk triumphantly but Hestia ignored her and just led them towards the tree just across the road. There's a table and chairs there which they can use since the underground basement of the church was too small for three more person. And Hestia absolutely didn't want to let Loki inside either.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

A graceful figure passes through the long passageway with extreme speed.

Left, then right, up and then left again..

Like an unstoppable arrow, she easily pierced through the small groups of monsters that was blocking her path. These pitifull monsters ends up either decapitated or bisected in half without even knowing how or who killed them.

There's no resistance at all, or more like, they can't even resist due to the huge difference in strength.

Long golden strands of hair flutters, white and black battle cloth that embraces her slender body, black arm covers, and long blue boots that suits her perfectly.

The sword princess, Aiz Wallenstein.

She wears armor consisting of a head guard, breastplate, arm guards, hip guards, and knee guards.

The Loki familia expedition team had successfully exterminated all the Minotaurs that have escaped from seventeenth floor. Loki familia hunted these monsters all the way to the fifth floor of the dungeon before finally exterminated them. All except for those two who had run towards the pantry of twelfth floor.

Aiz made her way back to the twelfth floor by Finn's order, to deal with the last two Minotaurs and also, to get Lefiya and Leene back. Their expedition team can't go back to their headquarters without all of its members. Aiz was chosen to go not only because she's the fastest but also because she's very strong.

However, by the time she arrived there, Aiz found out from the other adventurers that Lefiya and Leene had long left and headed straight to the pantry so she didn't waste anymore time and made her way towards there too.

Those Minotaurs are only level two monsters, Aiz was confident that Lefiya and Leene can easily deal with that level of monsters. She's not worried about their safety at all but, she still went there at full speed.

Arriving there, Aiz immediately found the the two girls standing near the cavern entrance. They are currently battling against low level monsters so she just let them be and tried looking for the two Minotaurs instead.

" ? "

That's when she saw him.

A young boy, definitely even younger than her by a year or two. Bloodstained white hair, tattered battle clothes, bruises all over his body ------------he's in a complete mess.

But what made Aiz to be surprised was that this boy, who looked like he was about to collapse any moment by now was the one who's battling against the Minotaur!

What was Lefiya and Leene even thinking, letting a boy like that to face those monsters? She thought confusedly.

Based on his speed and the weight of his attacks, Aiz Wallenstein can tell that boy was only level one. Fighting a Minotaur with that level was no different than seeking death itself. And there's two Minotaurs at that!

Lefiya and Leene haven't noticed her presence yet.

With the help of Lefiya's magic, the two girls easily dealt with all the monsters around aside from the two Minotaurs.

Gripping the handle of her sword, Aiz gazed was focused on the boy. By the look of it, she can tell that he won't last for long. She was about to rush forward to help when suddenly, that thing happened.

The next time she noticed, Aiz felt like the atmosphere around her no, around the entire cavern has changed.

The air seemed to have thickened and became colder than usual.

" !! "

Unknowingly, Aiz Wallenstein found herself on her guard.

' That was.. ' Before she can finish her thoughts, the scene in front of her changes again. And the next moment, the two Minotaurs was dead, both has two holes on their chest.

Instant death!

Aiz watched the boy collapsed on the floor, butt first.

" Strong.. " the single word that unknowingly came slipped out of her mouth unknowingly. That last attack awakened something inside her that she had long forgotten.

By the time Aiz, Lefiya and Leene have finally recovered from their shock, the white haired boy was already back on his feet and is heading towards the small mountain of monster corpses.

However, before he can even reach halfway there, the white-haired boy collapsed again and this time, it was for good.

Mind and body down. He lost consciousness.



Hello everyone.

I have a new book.

Well, it's actually wasn't a new one since I'm only continuing it with the approval of the previous author.

Anyways, the title of that book was, Re : Child again.

It was an original novel(not fanfic) and it already has 13 chapters right now.

If you haven't read it yet, then please feel free to give it a try and tell me what you think of it.

Also, while you're at it, please don't forget to leave your reviews at the review section. That will surely help a lot.

Hope for your support.
