Fels. (1)

Under the cool shed of a huge maple tree, there are five people that can be seen sitting around a normal looking wooden table. This place used to be surrounded by stone rubbles but was flattened and cleaned by Bell to be use as a hangout area.

One crimson and one black haired goddesses sitting across each other. Aiz and Lefiya were sitting beside Loki while Bell was with Hestia.

Bell's hair was still quite wet. He'd just finished taking a quick bath not so long ago and came here to check for a few things. By the time he arrived, Hestia was already 'entertaining' their guests.

Bell didn't expect their visitors to be from Loki familia which brought quite a surprise to him. What was Loki familia? They are one of the strongest familia in Orario.

Well, it should not have been that surprising if it's only a normal member like Lefiya or Leene that came here since Bell had already met them once before.

But for the goddess and one of the captains of the Loki familia themselves to also come along, Bell found it very unusual.

Bright golden eyes, beautiful golden hair, unblemished pale skin, well endowed body paired with that seemed to be emotionless face that's in no way inferior to that of a deity.

Aiz Wallenstein, this young human girl is simply too beautiful--------- like a fairy. Enough to make even Bell to be stunned for a moment the first time he saw her.

Don't get it wrong. Hestia and Loki, as someone who came from Tenkai, these two goddesses both have a peerless beautiful face. That fact remained the same despite their divinity being sealed.

Lefiya on the other hand is an elf, a race known not only for their high magic affinity but also for their beautiful appearance itself. There's no need to doubt her level of attractiveness at all.

All of these women are high class beauties. But perhaps due to his personal preference, Aiz Wallenstein brings more impact to Bell. Of course it's not to the point where she can make Bell go crazy for her like an idiot.

It's a pure admiration from his part.

" I see, so that's what happened. "

" Y-yes. And it was miss Aiz who carried you back to the surface. You better be grateful. Hmph! "

" Ha-ha. It seems like miss Lefiya didn't like me. "

" Y-you're imagining things! "

Bell simply laughed off the minor hostility coming from the young elf. He's very aware on how much this girl adores and admire the sword princess so this reaction of hers wasn't surprising at all. She's probably jealous by the fact that he had been personally carried by Aiz Wallenstein herself back to the surface.

Bell finally understood and connected everything that happened yesterday after hearing Lefiya's recollection of the events. No wonder why there was a huge part of his memories about the event that are missing, it turns out that's all because he fainted.

Seems like he really did overexert his body and mind last time which led to that kind of outcome that even Bell himself had failed to anticipate. Being carried back by a woman, probably like a sack messed up potatoes. The way he might've looked really pathetic during that time still bothers Bell inside. He swear to not let that kind of disgraceful thing to happen again.


Bell puts down a wooden box on the table. It's a magic fridge, one of the technological products here in Orario that was being distributed globally.

Some of the technologies of the modern earth can also be found in this world or more specifically, here in Orario. Like this fridge for example, it works very similar to any other fridge. The only difference is that, this one here wasn't run by electricity, but magic. It's more convenient and can be carry and use anywhere you like.

Inside the fridge was another wooden container which Bell unceremoniously took out before opening it's lid.

White frozen cream with dark crumbled cookies unraveled in front of their curious eyes.

A Cookies and Cream ice-cream.

Bell expertly scoops the surface making a perfect sphere shape ice-cream before putting it on a small glass bowl he'd prepared before. After making three more servings, he finally distributed them to the lady's.

" Here miss Lefiya, I hope it will suit your taste. "

" T-thank you.. "

He then proceeded on also giving a portion to both Aiz and Loki before finally, to Hestia.

" Thank you, Bell. " Hestia sweetly replied.

" This is.... "

Loki confusedly looked at the food in front of her. Not just her, but even Aiz and Lefiya are doing the same.

" It's an ice-cream. " Bell explained after seeing the confusion on their faces. " It may look a little different from the one being sold at the market due to the slight difference in ingredients but, the process of making it was pretty much the same. "

Ice-cream wasn't an uncommon goods in this world. They also have this kind of food due to the existence of the magic fridge.

However, the diversity of flavors and the way it was prepared here was very limited. Not only that they are mostly in Popsicles form, the flavors are also limited to fruits alone.

" Ice cream huh.. This doesn't look like one at all. What's with this wooden spoon anyway? It's simply too small. " Loki played with the smallest wooden spoon she'd ever seen as she admire the ball of unique ice-cream in front of her.

Aiz tilted her head slightly as she also stares at her portion of ice cream curiously without saying anything.

" It's my first time seeing something like this too. " Lefiya added.

As the most free-spirited one here, Loki was the first one to make a move after seeing that Hestia had already began eating her portion and was smiling like an idiot according to her.

' Damn you Lil Shrimp! ' Loki cursed out inside. She poked her small wooden spoon on the ice-cream, tearing a small chunk and put it inside her mouth.

" Omo!!! "

Her narrow eyes visibly widened in surprised.

" So sweeeet!!! "

Scoop after scoop, bite after bite, it didn't take long before Loki fully consumed all of her portions. " This is very delicious! EEEKK! It's freezing ma brain solid.. "

" Tsk. " Hestia clicked her tounge but didn't say anything. She continue to slowly eats her own portion of ice-cream enjoying it to the fullest.

Aiz and Lefiya also took their first bite.

" Uwaaahh.. "

" ...Tasty. "

Lefiya felt herself melting instead of the ice-cream. The combination of the flavors that's enveloping her taste buds, though not that complicated still won her over. It's a new kind of flavor that she never had before.

Aiz on the other hand still has the same emotionless expression on her beautiful face. But her hands didn't let go of the small wooden spoon and though not as ungraceful as the way Loki did before, she continue filling her small mouth with bite sized ice cream.

" Want some more, lady Loki? "

" Yo bet! "

Loki quickly gave her glass bowl to Bell which he filled up and handed back. Everything has been forgotten and set aside for the time being, all for the sake of fully enjoying their ice cream.


Guild Pantheon.

" ----We have a problem, Ouranos. "

A voice echoed through a dark stone chamber built to resemble the temples of old.

The only source of light was four burning torches in the center of the chamber. The dancing flames slightly illuminated the dark area of the room where the voice came from.

A black robe completely covered the mysterious figure. Absolutely no skin was exposed. This person wore black gloves decorated with intricate designs over both hands, probably magic items. It was as if a shadow itself had come to life.Even its voice gave no hint as to whether it is a man or a woman that was speaking.

If Bell was here, he will immediately recognized this person as Fels, the god Ouranus's right hand man. Also, Fels the fool ------one that used to be known as the Sage.

The hood of Fels robe swayed slightly and hoovered over the blue crystal as he continued to speak.

" It was confirmed. There are indeed a group of adventurers that are smuggling monsters out of Orario. Some of these are even one of those intelligent lifeforms------ the Xenos.

The blue crystal displayed an image: a view of badly abused monster corpses, most are female species with an a appearance that's very similar to humans. They are all dead.

Those images came from one of the countries outside Orario. The monster corpses were found at the basement of one of the corrupt nobles that's rumored to have a monster fetish. People that are sexually attracted to female monsters.

" Have you found what method they are using to transport these monsters out of the city and who are those people that involved, Fels? "

A different, majestic voice echoed through the chamber from the vicinity of the four torches while the black-robed figure focused on the blue crystal.

The dancing flames cast flickering light on a towering stone throne-like altar in the darkness and highlighted the imposing, elderly deity sitting on it.

Well over two meders tall when standing, the deity, clad in a robe of his own, displayed no emotion.

" I don't know yet. These people are very secretive and leaves no evidence at all. " The black-robed figure------Fels------responded right away.

The elderly deity frowned at this revelation, his blue eyes narrowing.

" Continue investigating. You can go and ask Royman to get the help of Ganesha familia if needed. We have to figure out the identities of these hunters as soon as possible. "



Try reading my other novel [ Re : Child again ] if you have time. If you and I have similar preference in books then I can guarantee that that book will be worth your time.

That's all, cyah!