Complicated feelings. (2)




Well, those informations are probably not new to those who already had read the novel but I still put them here for those who did not. It's not that much anyway so just bear with me.

I hope you will enjoy this chapter. O.-.0


Dining area.

As the two were eating their lunch, Bell noticed Hestia stealing glances of him. She's observing him, from time to time. But once Bell met her gaze, she will immediately turn to the side---- like a frightened rabbit.

More than half an hour had passed since that incident happened. Bell had also gotten rid of all the mess like debris of the poor cabinet and had thrown it outside. Everything should have turned back to normal by now.

But... that doesn't seemed to be the case.

The Hestia right now, was more docile and.... 'tamed'. Very different from how she usually was.

" You want to say something, Goddess? " Bell lowers both his hands which holds fork and knife. He cannot bring himself to continue eating his food with his goddess acting oddly like this.

Don't get him wrong, a 'tamed' Hestia was quite adorable and cute-------- someone you'll want to pet all day if given a chance to. But Bell can't help but be bothered by it especially because he knows that she's not supposed to be like this.

Hestia is after all, Hestia. Her carefree personality, her shamelessness, her unique antics, those are the things that made her Hestia.

" What is it? I'm listening. " he encouraged her.

" I..... " The young goddess was taken aback by his sudden questioning. The grip on her fork tightens as Hestia slowly lifts up her head to look at him. " Bell... are you.... still angry? "

" I am. " Bell answered, almost immediately. His answer made the goddess grits her teeth in guilt.

" But.... I already apologized. I promise I will not do that again and will be more careful next time so... "

" I'm not angry at you, Goddess. I'm angry at myself. "


" You almost got yourself into an accident while I'm around, that's undeniably a failure in my part. "

" But.. but that was not your fault, Bell. It was me who did that an-... "

" It doesn't matter. " Bell cut her off. His rubillite eyes met hers. And with a more gentle voice, he continued. " Can we forget about this thing for now, Goddess? If you are really sorry then just be more careful next time, is that okay? "

" M-mn. " Hestia can only nod her head.

" Great. Is that all you wanted to say, Goddess? If that's everything then let's continue eating." Bell forked up a piece of meat and put it inside his mouth.

' Damn, this one's quite salty. ' He thought.

" Erm... I still have one more thing, Bell. " This was the thing she really wanted to tell him.

" Okay, say it. "

Hestia then began speaking out what's inside her mind. It's about the appointment she made a couple of days ago. But she's now hesitating because first, Bell had just woke up from that incident inside the dungeon. And second, was because of what happened just a few hours ago.

" You are planning to go shopping with lady Hephaestus? "

" Yes. You see.... there will be a banquet of gods tomorrow in Ganesha familia. Hephaestus asked me to go with her to look for dresses we can use. Is that... okay, Bell? "

" Mn. That's perfectly fine. And you don't have to get my permission over something like this, you silly Goddess. You can go and do everything that makes you happy. "


" Anyways, do you still have money in you? "

" Mn. I still have plenty. "

Bell has been giving her money as her allowance along with some extra that she can use to buy things they needed for themselves such as food etc. Not only that, Bell had also given her the bank card with millions of valis inside to keep. Hestia's pocket is fully loaded right now.

" But I might not be able to comeback tonight... are... are you sure that's okay? You haven't fully recovered yet. "

" I'll be fine. The guild doctors did a great job in me, I can move freely now. Just make sure to come back here tomorrow first, Goddess. I will personally send you to that banquet. "

" You will really do that?! " Hestia's eyes shone brilliantly in excitement.

" I will. Let's continue eating our food then. "

" Mn. But you can't go back with promise okay, Bell? "

" I won't. "


The Labyrinth City, Orario.

This large city surrounded by a thick and sturdy, circular wall.

Judging by its appearance alone, there was no doubt this looming structure would be able to repel any enemy attacks from the outside.

A formidable fortress.

However, this wall's true purpose was actually the exact opposite of that.

This great wall was built in order to contain the monsters that will emerge from that giant breach in the ground--------------- the Dungeon.

Built in the Ancient Times, this wall was proof of how hard people fought to keep the monsters that emerged from it contained. It witnessed how much blood and lives are thrown away just to achieve the peace and prosperity the Orario and its people has today. A very long time had passed since then but this wall remained intact and strong------------------ a solid reminder to the present day.

This stone barrier enclosed buildings of all shapes and sizes. Standing at the center of it all was an enormous white structure that seemed to have pierced the sky.

The Babel Tower.

It was built directly over the entrance and served as a lid of the great hole.

With this gigantic tower as its symbol, the city built above the Dungeon had become a thriving metropolis. Known as the center of the world, this city had become very popular worldwide.

A great deal of the city's population was made up of adventurers, people who made their living inside the Dungeon. It went without saying that many restaurants and bars were built to help these people celebrate their successes and and safe return.

Humans and demi-humans gathered at their favorite taverns, drinking and living it up side by side however they like.

Occasionally, some deities would get carried away and join them with jugs of liquor or ale in their hands. These were places where divisions of races and allegiances did not exist, where people laughed and enjoyed one another's company.

Aiz Wallenstein


Strength: D 549->555

Defense: D540-> 547

Dexterity: A 823 -> 825

Agility: A 821-> 822

Magic: A 899

Advance skills: Hunter: G Immunity: G Knight:I

Aiz fought back disappointment as she looked at her new Status. This was far too low.

She had slain hundreds of the strong monsters that lurked in the Deep Levels of the Dungeon over the last two weeks. And yet, her Status went up only a few points in each area.

At this rate, she could kill thousands of the things and barely see a difference.

'Have I hit a wall…?'

The limit for each Basic capability was 999. It became more difficult to gain excelia the closer each Ability got to S, but she had encountered another barrier judging by these results.

Aiz couldn't grow anymore as she was now. That's the worst news for her.

Her Status had grown as much as it could. It didn't matter how strong or fast she was, this was her limit.

Each Ability's level was expressed using ten letters: S, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I.

For Basic Abilities, 0–99 was an I rank, 100–199 was H, and so on. The higher the number, the more powerful the ability.

Excelia was directly expressed in these numbers. For example, an adventurer received Defense Excelia every time they survived a hit. For Magic, their spells would increase in power and range the more they used them in battle.

However, every fight didn't necessarily result in excelia. Should their opponent be at their level or stronger, excelia came in bunches and said adventurer would grow quickly.

However, defeating thousands of weaker monsters would have no effect on their Status.

Additionally, adventurers could learn Advanced Abilities—in Aiz's case, Hunter, Immunity, and Knight—along with Skills and Magic when they raised their Level.

Three years had passed since she became Level 5 but an invisible barrier loomed continuously before her, preventing her advance.


Aiz was stuck.

Level up. Improving the excelia "container." That was her way through the barrier, overcoming this limit.

Stronger. Even stronger. She craved strength almost to the point of greed.

More power, more speed. To reach a new level, to travel to new heights.

To make her wish a reality.

" I should have said it to him.. " she murmured unconsciously.

That miracle fight she witnessed yesterday.

That boy who fearlessly battled against foes that are much stronger than him.

And that last sword technique he used in the end.

Aiz's hands curled into a fist as she crumpled the paper his status was written into. There was this hint of regret lurking inside her for not being courageous enough to speak her real thoughts to that boy. If she can learn that technique then perhaps, she can grow stronger even without leveling up for the time being.

That sharp movements that had won her admiration, that strong power, that incredible speed. If only she also has that.

If only...

Her expressionless, doll-like face concealed the desire burning within her.



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