Useless Magic?

" I have to go now, Bell. Remember, no dungeon crawling, you understand? "

" Yes, I do. You told me that line for more than ten times now, Goddess. Don't worry, I'd promised you that I will not go inside the dungeon for two days, so I won't. "

" I.... I just want to make sure! Since you understand already then I'll get going now. "

Hestia quickly turned around to hide her embarrassment. Her feet began moving in purpose of getting out of here as fast as possible.

" Wait a moment Goddess. "

" ?? "

Hestia stopped as she turn around to see why Bell called out to her when suddenly, her vision was blocked by something. She felt a gentle force at the back of her head, pulling her forward.

Though next moment she noticed, Hestia was already inside Bell's embrace. Her face was lying against his chest.

" B-Bell? "

" Please take care of yourself, okay? I'll be waiting. "

Unknowingly, her arms found their way to Bell's back, coiling around it. She nuzzles deeper into his chest as if seeking for his warmth.

" Mn. See you tomorrow, Bell. "

The two of them stayed like that for awhile before finally letting each other go.

Hestia quickly jumped back as soon as Bell let her go. Turning around, she started fleeing like a frightened rabbit. She didn't even dare to look at Bell again because she's afraid that she may not want to leave now if she ever did that.

" Y-You are not allowed to flirt with other woman while I'm gone too!!! " she shouted.

" .... "

Bell can only stand there dumbly as he watched his goddess' figure disappear in the distance. An amused smile slowly crept on his face.

" Silly Goddess.... Does it mean that I can flirt with woman of she's around then? "

If Hestia would hear what he's thinking right now, she might have sent another Divine chop on his head. It's a pity, because she didn't.

After sending his goddess off, Bell was left alone with nothing else to do. He can only return to the basement trying to get more rest but soon found out he simply cannot.

He's not tired at all.

The wounds and other injuries he received from the previous fights are almost completely gone now. If not for the still slightly visible scars on his skin, Bell might really think that none of those things actually happened.

Magic potions and magic healing spells, these two things here are truly incredible. Bell knows his body more than anyone else, he knew how severe and how plenty the wounds and injuries he got back then. Normally it would take months of rest and probably, he has to undergo more than a couple of operations. But with magic and potions interference, just a day had passed and he's now almost as good as new.

Even the slight exhaustion he felt back then had disappeared completely after his level up.

In short, Bell was now fully recovered and can immediately go back into action if he wanted to.

" Grimoire huh.. "

According to Hestia, Grimoire was a record of different kinds of magic spells and even curses along with their chants. It's an archive of magic---------- and Bell's newly acquired magic after leveling up should also be related to that.

It falls into a passive form of magic and a very rare one at that. Of which, enables the user to use any kind or form of magic he's capable of putting in it. As in ANYTHING.

Bell can't help but think of a certain elf girl, Lefiya after hearing that explanation from Hestia.

At some point, his [ GRIMOIRE ] actually works pretty much similar to Lefiya's [ ELF RING ]. Both magic allows their user to use multiple spells. The only difference between the two lies in their conditions of usage.

Lefiya's [ ELF RING ] allows her to duplicate any elvish magic that she could either recite the incantation for or fully understand the effects of that said spell.

This incredibly rare spell gave her access to a library of magical attacks, something that other people can only dream of having.

In exchange for the extended summoning time she has to spend and an incredible amount of Mind energy needed, Lefiya could make any other elf's magic her own, after witnessing it at least once. It's quite an overpowered magic, no doubt.

For that reason, the gods and goddesses of Orario had given Lefiya the title of " Thousand Elf. " Someone who has all the potential of surpassing even the strongest mage in Orario----- Nine Hell.

Bell's [ GRIMOIRE ] on the other hand was not in anyway inferior to Lefiya's [ ELF RING ] at all.

It can be said to have even surpassed it by a few folds when it comes to rarity alone since this magic had only appeared once in the last millennia.

Yes. It appeared just once. But that was more than enough to completely ruin its reputation.

It's because of the conditions this magic requires. For some reason, everyone unanimously agreed that they are simply ridiculous.

This [ GRIMOIRE ] requires its user not only to have a full understanding about the magic spell he/she wanted to use, but it also has to be self made spells.

That's right.

The magic spell has to be unique only to the user. Any spells that aren't will not be compatible and will only have a quarter of the spell's original effects/power even if the same amount of Mind energy was use.

Even the deities themselves had deemed this magic as ' something that wasn't suitable for the children here in Gekai. '

And it make sense. Fully understanding a certain spell was already difficult. As for creating one yourself? That's another level of difficulty.

Perhaps due to his frustration and fury, the previous bearer of this Magic had written a book that contains all informations about how terrible this magic was. How useless it was exactly. And this book was passed down and became popular enough for even Hestia to know about it.

" Meh. How ridiculous. Ignorance can indeed be quite scary sometimes. "

Bell can't help but laugh disdainfully at such nonsense.

He didn't know who that fool might be that ruined the reputation of this magic. But considering how popular this magic had become ( though it's in a bad way ), there are definitely some catch to it.

' How can those fools be so sure that this magic was useless if it only appeared once in history? Just because the user was incompetent doesn't mean that the magic was useless. '

Lifting his right hand, Bell slowly did a palm.


Scarlet lightning flashes through the hallway.

No, not quite.

They are actually electric flames.

These bolts came out directly from his palm. It carve sharp, random lines through the air before piercing right onto the stone wall in front of him.

An explosive flash of light exploded the instant the electric flame made contact with the stone wall.

But that was all.

Aside from the black burnt mark on the surface along with the small holes, that Firebolt had failed to deal any real damage to the stone wall.

Not to mention a quarter of power, Bell think that it was even weaker than that. It seems like the legend wasn't baseless after all.

" Frozen Spear! "

" Wind blade! "

" Bubble bomb! "

" Explosion! "

Spell after spell, Bell releases a barrage of elementary attack spells he can remember. If someone was here to see what he's doing, they will definitely be shocked by the fact that all of the spells he used are chantless. That was completely insane.

But the results remained the same, they are all weaker than how it should have been. And that..... is a huge problem.

" Self created spell my ass. "

Bell had also used a few original/unique spells just now but the results he got was no different from the other elementary spells.

That experiment alone was enough proof to believe the inaccuracy of that said book. Or perhaps the [ GRIMOIRE ] magic Bell has right now was different?

Whatever it is, the fact that this magic makes all the spells a lot weaker than usual remains the same. As it is right now, this magic was more like a curse, a huge debuff rather than a useful one.

Although this magic allows its user to use multiple, if not endless magic spells he/she can learn, it was still far from being useful.

Still, Bell didn't stop there.

He continued experimenting. He sent another barrage of elementary spells towards the poor stonewall. Till finally...


He fired another shot. But this time, he made a few minor adjustments. He manipulated the Mana himself instead of letting his falna do the work.




Electric flame conjured in an instant, it strikes at the speed of light with the power of fire.

The stone wall cracked almost immediately. A small part even shattered before melting, red flame continue burning on its surface.


Bell can only stare dumbly at the completely broken stonewall in front of him. The smell of burnt earth entered his nostrils but he ignored it.

Bell wasn't amazed by the power behind that attack. Yes he's happy to see that it worked well but... He's more concerned on how he will deal with this aftermath, how will he explain this damage to Hestia. It was their 'Home's' wall that he destroyed after all.

" Disperse. "

" Form. "

Bell quickly extinguished the fire with a basic water magic for starters. Then after that, he tried using earth magic to fix the stonewall.

Small debris crawls on its own, piling up with one another. It didn't take long before the wall was fully fixed, even better than how it was before.

" I see. So that's why. "

The results he got from those last three spells was very different. They worked exactly how he imagined them to be.



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