Advisor. (2)

" Ha-ha-ha! "

" You're still laughing!!? "

Inside the basement, the half-elf advisor, Eina complained to the still chuckling Bell.

Eina's emerald green eyes behind her glasses was staring daggers at him but her pouting lips and blushing face ruined everything. It only made her look cuter this way.

Bell didn't expect this mature girl to visit him this late but he still invited her inside. He asked her to sit on the dining area while he swept the blood on the floor and also, changed clothes.

" I'm sorry Eina. I swear, I didn't mean to scare you like that. "

Bell put a cup in front of Eina and poured a hot chocolate in it. He still has plenty of fruit juices inside the fridge but since, it's already night, Bell chose to served her hot chocolate instead.

" Please help yourself. "

" Thank you. "

Eina curiously held up the steaming cup of black liquid and put it near her lips.

' It smells familiar.. '

She remembered that this liquid has the same fragrant smell with the sweet treats that Bell had given her before.

Although she will never admit it but Eina loved those treats a lot. To the point where she became very reluctant to eat more after she finished half because she's afraid she will run-out of it.

Eina tried taking a sip but it was still too hot for her. She can only put it down before looking at Bell.

" You don't like it, Eina? "

" No. It's just too hot.. " The half-elf explained, shaking her head slightly. " Wait that's not what I came her for bell! "


As if realizing something's wrong, Eina's expression turned serious once again as she faced Bell.

" I heard that you had an accident inside the dungeon. Are you okay now? Why are you moving around like this already? You should take more rest! "

Eina wanted to open up the topic about Bell not seeing her even once for the past week but she stopped herself. She's more worried about his condition right now and wanted to find out if he's okay, especially after seeing him soaked in blood just awhile ago. That image of him really did frightened her up for real.

" I'm completely fine now, Eina. Actually, all the injuries and wounds I got inside the dungeon was all healed up now. "

" Who are you trying to lie to? I just saw you covered in blood just awhile ago, how can you be fine? "

Eina didn't believe him at all.

" And look, you are still very pale, even now. This won't do, Bell. Let's go to the Dian Cecht familia first so they can treat you. "

The worried advisor tried to stand up and but before she can do that, Bell's two hands pushed both of her shoulder down, preventing her.

" What are you doing?! "

" Relax, Eina. I'm happy to see that you are concerned about my well being but, please trust me okay? I'm really alright now. "

As he said that, Bell slowly let go of his advisor. He smiled at her before whispering..

" Heal. "

A magic circle instantly appeared beneath his feet. And from it, a yellow pillar of light rose up, completely covering Bell.

" Wha-.. "


It was so bright that Eina has to cover her eyes with her hands and looked at the side.

One.... Two... Three...

After five seconds, the pillar of light finally dispersed and Bell's figure reemerged.

" Y-You!! "

" I told you, didn't I? I'm completely fine now. "

" T-that's not what I'm talking about! " snapped Eina.

She saw that Bell looks completely different now. Not only did his extremely pale skin from before became rosy, even those green bulging veins from before are not visible anymore.

Just what was that blinding light?

" You can use magic now? "

" Yes. I do. " Bell nodded in confirmation. " But that wasn't magic, Eina. It's my skill. "

Bell's skill, [ Light Purification ] works more like a magic rather than a skill.

Not only was it also chantless, but the healing effects it gives was very potent. Without this skill, he probably had a more hellish experience from expanding his circuits.

And now that he succeeded, its effects has been enhanced even further. But for as to what extent, Bell wasn't sure yet. He can slowly find that out in the future.

Bell had no idea on just how surprised he made his half-elf advisor.

She didn't see him for only a week and now, he can already use magic? And a very useful skill too!

Eina was of course happy for Bell, because him acquiring magic means that he will be safer inside the dungeon.

But.... there's this sour feeling inside her heart that she can't get rid of.

Eina felt useless.

She was Bell's Dungeon advisor but what has she done to help him? Bell can get stronger even without asking anything from her and that made her feel very bitter inside.

" If you can use magic now then..... "

Eina's eyes stretches as a certain thought came inside her head.

No that's impossible. Simply impossible. There's no way Bell can be a le-.. "

She repeated that inside her mind as she looked at Bell. Eina witnessed how a smile slowly blooms from his lips, his rubillite eyes narrowed slightly.

Then.... He dropped the bomb.

" Yes. I am level two now, Eina. "

" !!!!!! "


It had long become a Loki Familia's 'tradition' to celebrate after long expeditions at the bars around town.

This was Loki's way of showing her appreciation to her followers since most of them shared her appreciation for a alcoholic beverages.

After a long and tiring expeditions, this was one perfect way to calm their nerves and relax.

Food and beverages that they can barely have inside the dungeon was abundant here. They can have as many as they can fill their stomach.

It's already night by the time Loki Familia was all done with their errands. All Magic stones have been delivered to guilds while monster drop items have been sold out to the familias for better price.

The major difference between the Northwest District and the West District was the number of average people who called it home.

Since Orario was the world's only source of magic stones, it needed to have a strong workforce to produce magic-stone products.

The Guild had gone to great lengths just to lure as many people as possible to the city to fill those jobs.

After all, although plenty of people from all over the world are swarming Orario each year, most of them wanted to become adventurers. And majority of these guys died inside the dungeon.

As terrible as it might sounds but the amount of people coming every year can only barely catch up to lives that are being lost inside the dungeon.

That's why average people are very important. They play a huge role in Orario's world wide production of magic tools.

Most of these people had settled here in the Northwest District.

Everything that they needed to raise a family and live out their lives comfortably without joining any familia was located here.

It went without saying that they needed a place to blow off steam just as much as the adventurers. Bars and hotels lined the main street.

Many men came all the way here for a chance to meet a simple, girl-next-door type of young lady.

" Mama Mia! We're here! "

As the evening had arrived, Loki led her followers to one of her favorite watering holes.

The Hostess of Fertility

A group of waitresses rushed out to greet them as soon as the deity called out the owner's name.

This was the largest bar here on West Main Street and every employee at this bar was female, all wearing the same waitress uniform.

Aiz and the others knew this was the main reason that Loki liked this place so much.

" We have tables prepared for you inside and on the terrace. We apologize for the inconvenience. "

" Not a problem, not a problem. "

The Hostess of Fertility pub had a café terrace that can be use in case the main room had been completely filled up.

Loki had made an early reservations, but a group this large simply wouldn't all fit inside the bar.

A very polite elf explained the situation and the group separated into two, one going to the terrace and one going inside the bar.

Aiz joined the group being led inside.

" Hello there! "

Every seat was full. The table they'd reserved seemed like an unnatural hole in the middle of this mass of humanity.

Other customers had the same idea as Loki. Several young men looked at the young waitresses with distant eyes, wishing they had the courage to approach them.

They had good reason to be cautious though. They are doing this to save their lives.

That's because these waitresses were cut from a completely different cloth from the girls outside.

All of them has thorns!

Any kind of physical advance was met with swift retribution.

Loki's cheek was already red from a catgirl's slap. She's the perfect proof on how violent can these beautiful roses here be.

" The food here is so good. I accidentally eat too much every time I am coming here. "

" More like ya eat everything in sight… you old fool! "

Other adventurers sat in awe, the color draining from their faces. None of the topclass adventurers cared as they made their way to their seats.

Aiz could feel the pressure of all the eye contact on her face, but her expression didn't change the slightest.

Her mind was currently still preoccupied by the thought of that white haired boy's technique and also, how she could level up.

" Whatcha waitin' for? Everyone bottoms up, no one will go home unwasted tonight! "


And so, the Loki Famili's celebration began.




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