Night walk.

" Aaaaahh! That was one satisfying meal. " Bell lazily stretches his arms with a yawn. " What do you think, Eina? "

" Me? I-It was a little overwhelming.... I didn't expect that they are serving their food in such quantity... "

The first time Eina saw that pasta she'd ordered really surprised her. She thought it was a food that is good for five to six people.

" Ha-ha. You're right. But they have to do it like that. Because if not, how can their food satisfy all the ravenous appetites of the adventurers that comes there? "

" That..... make sense.. "

It's already past eleven when the two finished eating their dinner. It took them quite longer because of Syr and Chloe who kept messing with Bell when they get a chance.

Eina has to go back to her apartment now, but it's still far. The horse carriages aren't available anymore either since it's very late at night already. Bell can only bring this independent woman there personally to make sure she'll arrived there safely.

Eina's apartment was in far North of Orario. It's just a few blocks below the twilight manor of Loki familia, but was placed on the other side of the main road.

Just like before, the two of them are now walking side by side, heading North.

" But Bell, why does the pub owner seemed to be hostile at you? You two look quite familiar with each other though.. "

During their dinner, Eina noticed how casual Bell conversed with Mia, without any honorifics at all. Which she find rather unusual because according to how she knew Bell, he doesn't seemed to be a rude kind of person at all.

" You mean Mia? Well.... that's actually quite hard to explain.. "

" Hmm? "

Bell scratches the back of his head.

" You see, I met that scary woman one night when I first had a dinner with my goddess in that same pub. "

Bell then proceed on telling Eina how he first met Mia and also, the other girls that are working there. How most part of it was due to Syr insisting for him to come everyday so she can give the breakfast she specially prepared for Bell.

That's also how he met Chloe, Anya, Lyu and even Runoa who rarely talks to him for some reason. The girls just happened to be there so Syr began introducing them to Bell.

" I will never use any honorifics again when talking with that scary woman. The first time I did that, she sent me flying. "

Mia was like, " Your friends with ma girls' aren't you? Then just call me Mama Mia or simply Mia like how they do it. "

For some reason, that rough looking woman seemed to always treat Bell like a child, her child perhaps. Well, Bell's indeed still a child but.... the way Mia treats him was more intimate than how she treated others.

" Hee-Hee. That was funny, Bell. " she laughed at him. As a guild employee, Eina of course knew who Mia was and how strong she is before her retirement.

Just imagining how Bell may looked like during that event was more than enough to make this half-elf chuckling like a kid.

" But that didn't tell me why lady Mia was hostile towards you, Bell. Based on your story, she seemed to be quite fond of you before isn't she? So what happened? "

Mia seemed to treat him like that of her foster child before. With him being 'sent flying' aside, of course.

" Well, about that... "

Surprisingly, Bell didn't find it embarrassing to tell Eina about all of these 'misfortunes' he received in Mia's hands at all. That's quite unusual.

" It all started one day when I tried inviting Lyu and Chloe to form a party with me. "

" You mean, a dungeon party? "

" Yes. But Mia happened to hear our conversation and she just freaked out. What happened after that was history. "

" Mn. She seemed to be always on guard against you now. " Eina answered with another chuckle.

A sudden cold breeze passes through them. The wind was strong enough to sway Eina's hair, forcing her to tuck them behind her pointy ears.

" That was cold... " she muttered, crossing her arms around her plentiful chest.

Bell noticed this but he can't do anything about it since he didn't brought any extra clothes with him.

" It's getting coldwe now, Eina. We must hurry. "

The half-elf advisor nod her head with an "Mn." as the two of them moves forward.


Inside a popular clothing shop.

" Something good happened, Hestia? "


" You've been acting strange for a while now, so I thought... something probably happened. "

Hephaestus and Hestia were standing in front of a huge mirror as their sizes were being measured by the shop's professional tailors.

" Was it... that obvious? "

" Well, with that silly smile on your face, I think anyone with normal eyes would be able to noticed it. " Hephaestus teasingly replied. Then she turned to the tailors. " Please leave us for a moment. "

" Yes, lady Hephaestus. "

As the two tailors went out of the room, the goddess of forge led Hestia towards the sofa and they both sat down.

" So, what is it that makes you that happy? Was it... because of Bell? "

Their friendship started way back to Tenkai so Hephaestus has enough understanding on Hestia. Aside from Bell, she can't think of any other person that can make Hestia act like this.

" Well.... " Hestia turned left and right before nodding. " Mn. "

Then she began telling Hephaestus what's inside her mind.


" Shhhhh.... shhh...! Your voice. Other people might hear you, Hephaestus! "

The word 'shocked' was clearly written on the forge goddess' face. Hestia quickly jumped at her and quickly covered Hephaestus' mouth with her hands. Only when she saw that Hephaestus finally calmed down did she let go of her.

" I'm sorry about that. " Hephaestus apologized. " But did Bell really leveled up, Hestia? How? When? "

" Just this morning. " Hestia answered. Then she proceed telling Hephaestus about the events yesterday.

The more she listen, the more shocked Hephaestus become. And at the end of the story, a frown unknowingly appeared on her face.

" He's incredibly reckless! If I knew that he will be like this then I shouldn't have made him that weap-. No, how can Bell even pull something like that in the first place? "

Fighting a horde of monsters alone? Defeating two Minotaurs? Just how ridiculous was that? There's simply no way for a level one adventurer like Bell to survive that.

" I... I don't know too. But Bell is very talented and... and he's very good at fighting. " Hestia haven't noticed it yet, but her voice has a hint of pride while saying all of that to Hephaestus.

Hephaestus noticed that, but she ignored it. There are more important things that she wanted to know about Bell and his ridiculous growth.

" Didn't you say that you only gave him your blessings half a month ago? How can he improved so fast? Did he received other deities' falna before? "

" No. I am sure that my blessings was the first falna that Bell had. That I can guarantee. "

" Then.... How? " Hephaestus continued asking. But the loli goddess had enough of it.

" Aaaah! Stop asking already, Hephaestus. I already told you that Bell leveled up and no more. The rest are all my familia's matters so I can't tell you that. "

There's no way in hell for Hestia to tell Hephaestus about that unique skill of Bell. That was something she'd even hide to Bell himself, so why would she tell it to others?

The only reason she told Hephaestus about Bell's level up was because she will get to know it anyway a few days from now. Because Bell still has to report his level up to the guild.

As if realizing her mistakes, Hephaestus quickly apologized to Hestia once more, which she accepted.

" Let's continue this shopping tomorrow. We have to go back to my house first. "


" I will not ask for any sensitive details but I want to here more about what Bell did inside the dungeon. That should be fine, right? "

Hephaestus can't help this rush of curiosity inside her. She has to pull more information out of Hestia.

" Well, I don't see any problem about that. "


Back to Bell.

After walking for almost an hour, the two finally arrived at Eina's apartment.

Eina invited Bell to come inside first then she went to the kitchen to prepare a warm drinks for the both of them.

This wasn't his first time coming here so Bell quickly invited himself and sat down comfortably on the sofa.

" Eina, about my level up... can you postpone the report for a few days? " Bell said as he received the cup of tea from Eina.

" Why? "

" Well, I'm planning to busy myself for the following days and I don't want people to come and disturb me. Is that possible? "

Eina didn't answer immediately but instead continue staring at Bell. Her emerald eyes behind her glasses are fixed on him alone.

" E-Eina? "

" In one condition. " she finally answered after awhile.

" What is it? As long as I can do it. "

" I want to have a full day with you. "




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