God's banquet. (1)


I have to say, I am very disappointed about the voting. 😖

I did asked for it to be taken seriously and even bothered to make the instructions as simple as possible. But it seems like not everyone had bothered themselves reading those instructions at all. 😭

There are still some who just did whatever they wanted. Sigh.. I better not comment about this any further... but it was really disappointing.

Anyways. Here's another chapter..


" Eina, are you... asking me out for a date? "

" D-d-daaaate????!!!!! "

The half-elf advisor's face instantly turned beet red, with Bell's question.

Now that she think of it again, what she said just now was really misleading. But she really didn't mean it like that! I really don't!

" T-that's not it Bell... I mean... No... I.... you see... "


Eina's now waiving both of her hands in front of her, flustered. Trying her best to deny Bell's claim.

" I... I mean... "

" Pffft! "

" Please stop making fun of me, Bell!!!! "

The way she panicked like that made Bell unable to hold back his laughter. He didn't expect that Eina can be this shy too. He find her rather cute this way.

" Ehem. I'm sorry about that. " He apologized to her with a fake cough." Please continue. "

Eina can only roll her eyes to this infuriating fellow as she began explaining.

" I mean.. you are level 2 now, Bell. You are probably thinking on heading to the middle floors, aren't you? "

" Well, yes. I do have that in mind. "

Now that his level two, there will be no point for him to stay at the lower floors. Bell can only dive deeper in the dungeon. That was his only way to move forward, to continue getting stronger.

" That's why you have to learn everything that you might encounter inside hose floors, Bell. "


" Like the monsters you might find there, their weaknesses. What you need to avoid, how big those floors are, what are the dangers you have to expect, the mappings, and everything. I'm planning to use that full day to drill all of those information to you, Bell. I will not allow you go there unprepared. "

Middle floors are very different compared to lower floors. Not only did the monsters within does floors become stronger, but even there quantity along with the speed of their respawning time decreases.

Middle floors are where the dungeon truely started showing it's fangs.

It's the place where anything can happen, and the best way to counter that was to get as prepared as possible. And that's what Eina wanted Bell to do.

" Well, that's fine. I can agree with that. "

" Really?? "

" Mn. I'm actually planning on doing that anyway. "

As knowledgeable as he was, Bell knows very well that he cannot hold a candle to Eina when it comes to knowledge about what's inside the dungeon.

Yes he did watched and read the novel of the series before but that wasn't much.

As for discovering what's in there on his own, Bell didn't want to entertain that idea as it was very dumb.

Why would he waste his time doing something troublesome like that if he can just learn it directly from Eina?

Bell was sure that there are a lot of useful records being kept by the guild. The culmination of information throughout the millennia, Bell wanted to get his hands on those books.

Even the biggest libraries in this city have failed him so he can only try his luck to the guild.

But the question is, how?

Bell has been trying to think of a solution about this since this morning. And then, as if an answer sent by the heavens itself, Eina arrived at his doorsteps!

There's no way he will waste this opportunity.

" Great! Are you free tomorrow? The earlier we start it, the better. "

" Hmm.. " Bell pretended to think for a few moments. He'd already promised Hestia that he will accompany her tomorrow at the God's banquet tomorrow he can't go with Eina.

" Is there anything wrong, Bell? " she asked after seeing that Bell wasn't speaking.

" I'm sorry Rina but, I'm afraid tomorrow wasn't a good idea. I'd already promised my goddess that I would accompany her to the God's banquet tomorrow. " He explained.

" I see.. "

Eina also heard about that banquet herself since it was included to one of the paper works she has to do in the guild.

" The day after tomorrow, then? "

" Mn. That will be perfect. I'll see you at that time. "

The two then finalized their agreement and talked for a bit more before Bell finally left.


" The boy has changed. "


Freya undid the button of the fur cloak covering her body. The cloak slowly slides down revealing the smooth skin underneath as Freya made her way towards her chair near the huge glass window.

" Hey, Ottar… "

" Yes, milady. "

" ....The boy has changed, yet again. But why didn't I get report about this? "

Freya has sent someone to watch her Odr. She's been receiving reports in almost everything he's doing, no matter how insignificant they are.

That's how intense her curiosity towards him.

However, the reports didn't come to her this time.

When Freya saw him again last night, she can tell that her Odr has improved. That he got stronger yet again because he became brighter, though not much.

If Bell was here right now, an evil smirk will definitely appear on his face and probably say, 'Nice try, inferiors.' or something like that.

Proud to see that his efforts of concealment worked a little albeit not completely.

He might also has to praise Freya's incredibly keen eyes or perhaps blame himself for his incompetence, since Freya was still able to see through him.

Freya was now pouting like a moody child, disappointed by not getting what she wanted.

They were currently on the top floor of Babel, the looming tower at the center of the Labyrinth City, Orario.

This one-of-a-kind space was a physical manifestation of the special privileges granted to the patron goddess of the familia that reigned at the top of the city.

The giant, flawless glass window that looked out over the metropolis below, an entire wall devoted to elegant bookshelves that were filled to the brim, the plush carpet so thick that crossing feet sank into it, striking depictions of the sun and moon and a side table that tastefully evoked the image of an apple tree.

Compared to the conspicuous gaudiness of the avaricious wealthy, this room was furnished with relatively few items, but the craftsmanship visible in each and every item was enough to demonstrate the class of the room's owner.

It was here, inside the beautiful goddess's private chambers, that Freya was trying to get some answers to her strongest follower, Ottar.

" I have received a report from Allen yesterday, lady Freya. It said that the men he sent to watch the boy was attacked by the Ishtar familia while they are inside the dungeon. Our men ended up fending them off but also, losin track of the boy in the process. "

What they didn't know though was that, Bell deliberately used their skirmish to get rid of his followers.

" Ishtar again? "

A dangerous frown instantly appeared on the goddess of beauty's perfectlying beautiful face. But it disappeared immediately as if it never happened.

Freya was enraged.

The aforementioned Odr was the companion she believed she was fated to be with one day. She was even willing to set off on an aimless journey just to find him, wherever he were.

And now, she'll hear that some children from Ishtar familia had dared to get in her way, causing her to lost one valuable information about his growth.

" It seems like Ishtar's little games are not as cute as before... "

Freya looked ahead, straight to her huge glass window as she picks up her wineglass on the side. She watches the arrival of dawn as a few rays of sunlights starting to become visible at the far horizon.

" Tell Allen that I am disappointed. " she gracefully take a sip of her wine with her seductive red lips. " But I will forgive him this time. "

" Yes, milady. "

For Ottar and the rest of the Freya familia, their goddess was the sole object of their absolute loyalty.

The one they offered all their respect, veneration, and love to.

Freya's someone whom they are willing to give their everything, including their life if needed without any hesitation.

As far as they were concerned, Freya was their everything. All her wishes must be done without fail no matter and whatever that is.

Ishtar familia have been pestering them for a long time now, doing almost everything just to get in Freya familia's nerves------- like a sore thumb.

Like an annoying fishbone trying to stuck itself inside their throats.

The only reason why Ottar and the other members of Freya familia hadn't decimated Ishtar familia even up to now was because of their goddess.

Freya simply didn't care about Ishtar and treated everything she did as child's play. Freya never acknowledged Ishtar at all.

But this time, Ishtar went in between Freya and her Odr. That's unforgivable even though they have no idea what they have done.

" No. I have to be more tolerant this time. Ishtar might still have some of her fun games that can amuse me. "


* Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwnnn. *

It was already late in the morning when Bell woke up.

Since he has nothing else to do today as he was still grounded, Bell can only continue practicing and experimenting with his magic and skill. Which he got desirable results

He then went to the market to look for a nice looking horse carriage he can rent for the banquet tonight.

Bell also bought some formal clothes for himself just in case he will need them along with some other things.

Only after he finished doing all of that did he finally met up with Hestia.



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