[SPOILER] * Title hidden below *

Inside Ganesha familia's great hall, the banquet's liveliness was still at its peak. Different group of deities are drinking and laughing with their fellows like there's no tomorrow. While some are silently drinking their wine as they try the food on their table from time to time.

Ganesha had gone all out in preparing this party. The food and alcoholic beverages are all top quality.

" You have another wicked scheme again? "

" Hmm? What makes you say that, Demeter? "

At one corner, the goddess of fertility, Demeter asked the harmless looking male god standing beside her.

Dionysus has a blonde hair and a handsome appearance. He looked like a royalty of medieval times.

" Well, everytime you have that smile on your face, something big is definitely going to happen. "

The two of them came from the same region in Tenkai so Demeter has a certain grasp of this god's personality. She can easily tell that this guy was up to no good.

" I don't know what you're talking about. "

Dionysus flatly denied her claims with a sip of his wine. Demeter was about to continue speaking when a servant suddenly approached the two.

" Lord Dionysus, someone's looking for you outside. She said her name was Filvis. "

" I see. Please lead the way. " Dionysus quickly replied.

The male servant slightly bowed before leading Dionysus towards the backdoor exit.

As he passed in front of Demeter, Dionysus whispered. " Please stay out of this, Demeter. It's none of your business. " There's a hint of malice within his words.

Then he followed the male servant towards the exit. Demeter can only watch her fellow deity's back with complicated thoughts inside her mind.


The waiter guided Dionysus to the backdoor of the building and then left to do his job.

Dionysus on the other hand continue walking through the long corridor towards the exit. At the end of it, he saw a hooded figure waiting for him.

" Lord Dionysus. " the hooded figure greeted him. Based on her voice, this person is definitely a female.

" Didn't expect you to come personally, Ein. "

That thick hood wasn't able to stop this deity from recognizing the person in front of him even without hearing her voice.

Surprisingly though, the name Dionysus called the hooded figure was different from what the waiter told him inside.

" Where's Filvis? " he continued asking.

The hooded figure puts down her hood and a beautiful female was revealed.

She has a long black hair, crimson eyes and long pointy ears. The rest of her body is covered with a grey robe.

A beautiful elfess.

" Filvis is currently watching over the package, Lord Dionysus. "

" Ohh. So those things had arrived? "

" Yes, Lord Dionysus. Five of them in total. And as you ordered, we had moved them under the sewage systems of Daedalus Street. " The woman named Ein explained.

Satisfied, Dionysus stepped forward and then patted the beautiful elfess on her head.

" Good job, Ein. Now we only have to wait for the festival. "

Elves are known to avoid being in contact with other races as they find them impure or dirty. But this girl named Ein is different.

She seemed to be enjoying the god's touches instead of being uncomfortable.

" Anything for you, Lord Dionysus. "


Meanwhile, at the fountain right at the center of Ganesha familia's garden.

Whatever's going on inside that strange building right now was out of Bell's concern.

Well, he do have some guesses of some possible events like his goddess storming all the tables inside, tasting each and every food she can find there.

His goddess loves delicious food, Bell knows that very well.

As for alcohols, Hestia probably won't touch them since he warned her not to drink any this afternoon. Bell didn't want to bring home a drunk Hestia if possible. He told her that if she wanted to drink, then Hestia can do it at home since they still have a lot of untouched wine there.

Sitting at the edge of the stone fountain, both his hands are anchored on his sides; Bell's head was facing upwards, staring at the moon.

" There are still too many things to do.... I wonder if I'll be lucky enough tomorrow? "

His trip to the guild tomorrow is crucial for his plans. Bell can only hope that he'll be able to get his hands on the knowledge he's been looking for. That way, he can be more flexible and will have more ways to get stronger.

If everything goes well, his short term goal of becoming the strongest in Orario within six months should not be a problem at all.

That's why Eina's involvement is very important because that will save him plenty of troubles. If that won't work, then can only proceed to plan B which he wanted to avoid if possible.


The splash in the water made by a huge carp, jumping out of pool behind him pulled Bell out of his trance. Looking back, he saw plenty of fishes swimming freely in the pool of water below.

The water from this fountain is clear because it wasn't stagnant. It's robably around two meters in depth and seven meters in diameter. The biggest water fountain Bell had ever seen so far in this world.

Bell placed his palm over the water. His eyes staring at the stone sitting at the bottom of the water pool as he began channeling the mana inside his body.


The stone below vibrates, then as if being pulled by an invisible string, it slowly rise up.

" Too slow. "

Bell put more mana on his spell and as a result, the speed of the stone increased as well.


The stone emerged from the water and was caught by Bell's hands.

This trick was pretty easy for him to do now. But Bell noticed that when it comes to rocks, stones and dirt, the easiest way to manipulate them or to make them float was through earth magic spells instead of gravity magic spells.

[ FLOAT ] was a gravity magic spell and as what the results shows, though it can make the stone floats, the speed was slow and uses more mana.

Since this morning, Bell has been testing plenty of magic spells he knew that can make an object floats. He's doing this in preparation of achieving one of humanity's lifelong dream, to fly.

Bell had long wanted to do this but only recently did he gain acces to mana. He also haven't found the right place to practice this magic as well, somewhere secluded that's rarely visited by people.

He can't simply fly anywhere he wanted, can he? That will gain too much attention since even in the entire Orario, there wasn't a single person who's capable of flying without magic items. Bell didn't want to get into unnecessary trouble/attention while practicing. Not for now.

While he's secretly practicing his spells like that, the people around Bell that are also waiting for their deities were merrily conversing in different parts of the garden.

Some of them probably knew each other as they are either laughing together or arguing. Some were on the verge of brawling.

Bell was too lazy to pay attention to thare people. Throwing the stone back to the pool, he fixed his position and straighten his back before closing his eyes. He's planning to take a small rest while waiting for Hestia to come out.

Time slowly passed by.

Click-click Click-click!

With his advanced senses, Bell heard small footsteps coming towards his direction.

Just by its sounds alone, he can tell that it belonged to a woman and he's sure it wasn't from his Goddess so he ignored it.

After all, he didn't own this place. Whoever it was who's approaching him probably just wanted to take a closer look at the fountain behind him. He also can't feel anything wrong about this person so there shouldn't be a problem

" May I have a seat here? "

But that doesn't seemed to be the case.

The other party spoke.

That female voice just now was unfamiliar to him, but it's beautiful; like a music in his ears.

Bell also noticed that his surroundings seemed to have fell into a complete silence now. The laughing and arguments from before was gone, completely.

Slowly opening his eyes, Bell turned to the direction of the voice and.... he was surprised. But only on the inside.

" ... You are? " He pretended to ask. His facI'll expression remained the same, not showing even a hint of surprise at all.

Bell didn't expect to meet this person face to face this early.

In front of him stands the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid his eyes onto.

Her skin was similar to the color of fresh fallen snow during winter and was incredibly smooth.

The smell of her perfume drifting under his nose was soothing. That seductive body covered only by a thin fabric, her gold-trimmed, full-length gown was open in the front.

With only one layer of fabric over each breast, she proudly showed off her full shape. Her cleavage was bright pink, like she was too warm.

The goddess of Beauty and Love, Freya.

No wonder the people around him fell silent. They are all captivated by this goddess's out of this world beauty.

That title suited this woman really well. No, she even exceeded it.

She had this perfect body; better proportions did not exist. Her beauty transcended beauty, to the point that no one else even came close.


Title: Goddess of Beauty.

Alternate title: Storm brewing. A wild Goddess of beauty has appeared!


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