
Simply.... Boring.

That's what the goddess of beauty's final assessment about the banquet inside.

Due to her unparalleled looks, Freya can easily become the 'center' of attention wherever she goes or whatever party she attends to. This comes without effort at all but just by simply her being there.

At first thought, there should be nothing wrong with that. After all, being noticed and appreciated by everyone was kinda fulfilling for many people. It usually brings great amount of joy sometimes.

But not for Freya.

Perhaps millions if not, billions of years ago, she also did felt that once or twice before, but not anymore.

Freya had long gotten tired of it.

She's sick of it!

Instead of feeling happy about all the attentions and admirations she's getting, it actually annoys the goddess. That's why she had not attended any kind of party for eons now.

Freya would rather stay inside her room at the top floor of Babel and be alone. Sometimes she spent her time at her castle in South Main; The Folkvangr.

That's also the head quarters of Freya familia where a seemed to be endless life and death battle happens everyday. Everyone are thriving to get stronger and win the favor of their goddess.

Most people believes that this enchanting goddess of beauty could never be satisfied with just one love. That she's like a wind, and wind seeks no companion. Not even countless loves could ever be enough.

To them, Freya's amorous nature appeared to simply be outrageous and immoral.

However, that was merely by the standards of mortals. Only the goddess of beauty herself knows what she really wanted and what was it that she have been looking all this time.

For that purpose, Freya was even willing to go on a unknown journey alone, no matter how dangerous it was. She might even willing to instigate war if necessary.

" Perhaps I really shouldn't have come here after all... "

The only reason Freya attended this party was because of that 'thing' she wanted to find out. Freya wanted to see for herself what thar certain goddess's stance about someone.

And she succeeded, so there isn't anymore reason for her to stay.

After having a few more exchange of words with her fellow goddesses and taking a few sips of her wine, Freya finally headed to the front exit.

" Hmm? "

Right after she went out of the building, something, no------- someone caught the goddess's attention from the corner of her beautiful silver eyes.

" ...Odr. "

A slightly broken smile grew on her luscious lips. Freya's eyes were instantly filled with affection, lovingly look at him; like as if she's looking at her most precious treasure.

Freya planned to simply watch him from afar for a few more moments before leaving. That was the plan, because she believes that it wasn't the right time yet for the two of them to meet.

It's like patiently waiting for her fruit to ripen up before plucking it.

However, Freya found herself unable to resist the urge to come closer. Her long exquisite legs unconsciously moved on their own carrying her towards his direction.

That's nonsense. She really wanted to meet him! She can't resist it!

This goddess whose the leader of what some people in Orario considered to be the strongest of all familias, one that was on equal footing with Loki Familia.

A goddess who was both stunningly beautiful and yet scary enough to be referred to as 'the Witch' is now like an 'in love' teenager that's excited to approach the person she admires.

Freya ignored the people she passed by, her eyes are focused only to that single person. The boy sitting there alone right beside the water fountain.

For her, all of these people are the same.

They are nothing more than empty shells that's being drawn to her because of her beauty and nothing else.

" May I have a seat here? "


Not very far from Bell's location, two figures are standing on the roof of a two story inn. It's a pair of a cat person and a bulky boaz.

" What is this about, Ottar? "


Allen Fromel, a cat person, was the first to open his mouth after seeing his goddess, Freya suddenly changes direction.

He is only around one hundred sixty centimeter tall but this man was a Level 6, a first-tier adventurer known as Vana Freya—Freya's Chariot. He's one of the paragons of Orario whose name rang out far beyond the confinement of the city walls.

Allen's gaze was piercing as he stares at the white haired boy silently sitting there where Freya was heading to.

" That brat again? I thought she didn't want to meet him yet? "

" That doesn't seemed to be the case anymore. "

In contrast to the cat person's fiery temper beside him, the boaz, Ottar was more composed.

Though he's also surprised by Freya's unexpected actions, Ottar knows his purpose of being here. It was to protect his goddess.

Whatever she do, he has to make sure that he's always prepared to stepped in anytime to make she's always out of harm.

" Tsk. " The cat person clicked his tongue and didn't speak any further.


" Hee-hee-hee. "

" Was it really that surprising? "

Bell confusedly asked the giggling goddess of beauty in front of him. This woman is really attractive no matter what she does.

" I'm sorry about that. But you are truly interesting, Bell. It was my first time meeting a child here in Orario who doesn't recognize me at first glance. My confidence took some damage you know? "

After a few exchanges of words the atmosphere around the two wasn't awkward anymore.

Freya's now sitting just a foot away from Bell giggling and laughing from time to time like any ordinary neighborhood girl.

She even invited herself to call him 'Bell' right off the bat.

" I didn't mean to do that, lady Freya. It's probably because I only arrived here in Orario not so long ago. " Bell was quite surprised to see how his expression didn't change at all while saying all of those bullshit excuses. It's like he really meant what he's saying.

" But lady Freya, can you do anything about these people around us? I think your very presence here was a bit overwhelming for them. "

Bell can feel all of those dumb stares coming from all directions. They are actually not looking at him but to Freya.

Even the few stronger ones who can somehow endure the natural charm of the goddess are having a hard time. They can only avert their gazes on the side with red faces.

" That's very rude of you, Bell. It's not like I'm actually doing something to them, am I? "

" Well... "

He cannot deny that fact.

One of the misconception about Freya is that the reason why she's able to charm almost all men that sees her was because of her divine charm.

But that was not true at all.

Not only her divinity and arcanum are sealed, Freya also dislikes using her divine charm which was natural to all the goddesses of beauty.

Freya had never used her charm to manipulate the children she had her eyes onto. Because according to her, doing that will make everything boring.

All of the followers in her familia, they are all following Freya on their own will. They are not under her charm or anything. She did used some machinations and other methods to 'fatefully' meet those people but that's all.

Bell was also aware of this. He knwe exactly how strong this goddess's charm was. One example of that was when she ordered an army of soldiers to kill themselves which they did willingly just to earn her favor.

She's indeed a witch.

But Bell didn't care about any of that. He actually find Freya as someone very pleasing in the eyes. As long as she will not get in his way, that is.

Because if she did, then that will be a completely different story.


Meanwhile, back to the banquet.

Hephaestus was looking helplessly at her friend, Hestia who's jumping table after table.

" You're still eating? "

" Mmmhn? " Hestia gulps down the food in her mouth, her right hand was holding a fork she's using to taste all the food she finds tasty. " But I'm still hungry. Do you want some too? "

" No. Thank you. " Hephaestus declined. " But if you continue eatingike that, you might accidentally stain your dress, Hestia. Be careful. "

" Oh that? Hehe. I don't need to worry about that at all. My Bell had already made some precautions. "

As she said that, Hestia lifts up her still oily left hand and before Hephaestus can even react, she rubs it on her dress!

" What do yo-?! "


Title: Goddess of Beauty.


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