Chapter 26: [Interlude] A Normal Day (Part 2)

[Clock - 13:05 | 01:05 PM]

[Calendar - 13/02/2003]

[Location - Metropolis, the City of Tomorrow - New York, USA]


POV Change

Hal Jordan - Green Lantern POV

Green Lantern Hal Jordan was having a hard time. Why? Because the big fucking golden eagle! "I fucking hate yellow!" Dodging out of the way from the golden feathers thrown at him like daggers (he tried blocking it, he will not make that mistake again!), Hal turned to look at the Flash as he ran, or tried to, because his legs were having a hard time moving as the silver liquid attached to his body, making the hero scream in pain and anger: "Fuck-" Another enormous tree sized arm shot out towards him, forcing him to create a green energy shield with his ring: "-stay away from me, you tree sucking bastard." The tree arm impacted against the shield and he willed the shield to hold out against the powerful impact of the tree thing as Flash rushed by him, the only way he could stop this mercury thing from fully taking control of him and turning him into a mercury statue like it had done to many people, was to run and keep running, because even though he wasn't able to run as fast as he normally can because of not only the weight of the mercury attached to him, but also because the mercury thing was siphoning his speed. "Fuck!" The shield that was holding the tree thing was shattered by golden feathers, prompting him to dodge out of the way.

There was a blast of pale plue light going in a single, sharp direction. Everything this beam of pale blue light touched turning into stone- buildings, people, and much more. Flames followed, burning away everything that wasn't turned to stone- That was until the sharp glass and crystal beings started to move around the flames, picking up burnt human husks, dead people, and turning them into these statues of glass and crystal respectively, making them run around and collect as many burnt out husks as they could. It was a macabre and desturbing scene, seeing these monstrosities dance and play around with the corpses of the people they killed- in a disgusting display, the glass humanoid reached out with his hands and a mountainous amount of shards of glass were shot out of its body in an explosive form, and everywhere the shards touched, a new, humanoid shaped glass statue appeared and joined it in its macabre execution of everything around it.

"Shit, shit, shit-" He had called the Batman a few minutes ago, and yet everything had somehow gotten worse! He came here mainly because of the Flash, Barry, who wanted to come watch the Metropolis Monarchs and Central City's baseball team the Central City Stars, when suddenly the sun was blocked out by this huge shadow- that shadow turned out to be this big stone giant that Superman was dealing with- well, not very well, seeing as he has been turned to stone. "-where the fuck is Batman when you need him!?" Willing a big bat to form, he used it to strike away big tree monster's arm before he could attack him, successfully parrying the attack before it could even happen to him- But he had to dodge a few golden feathers, because of course the yellow metal bird was attacking him.

Seven monsters, one was made of gold (therefore yellow, and therefore immune to his powers- why the fuck is the green ring even weak to yellow!?), one made of rocks, one made of glass, one made of amethyst, one made of wood, one made of fire, and one made of mercury.

"Right here." A rough and deep voice, one he recognized very easily, spoke right from above him- He looked up just in time to see the man he was talking about, the bat of the hour, crashing down on the golden bird like it weighted nothing- Wait. It's gold, it isna very light metal, and Batman was holding this... hammer? No, it was those were his fists! He was wearing these ridiculous looking gloves, that when he punched down on the golden bird, it was heavily and quickly thrown down a few feet: "And I've brought help." Stoic as ever, Batman pointed out with his ridiculous looking gloves to the side- Hal had only heard of her and seen photos of her before, but he had heard she had returned to her heroic days, and it seems like the rumors were true, because Hal was seeing the one and only Wonder Woman punch a glass humanoid statue into a thousand shards before going towards another one!

"Well... thank you?" With just a single thought, a green platform manifested beneath Batman's feet before he could fall further down, catching him up. "So, what do we do about supes? He's- pfft -rock hard now." He could not resist the pun- don't blame him, when he's nervous, he resorts to comedy or else he'll break down, and as a Green Lantern he can't be full of fear right now! His whole power ring thing depended on the fucking act of willing things to happen. "I say we focus on rescuing people first, the fire one has been killing as many people as it possibly can, I have been trying to save as many people as I could but... well, it has been a chore, with the gold bird always attacking me whenever I try to make a fucking-" Pulling the green plaform out of the way from the many golden feathers that were shot at them, Hal cursed under his breath as he glared at the thing: "-construct!"

[Ring Charge: 60%]

'Shit.' He had lost more charge to this golden bird than he liked to admit, defending himself against it was a chore that he was not very good at. Dodging its attacks? Not that hard, but they were so many so often that he had to rely on some shields to stop them a little so he could successfully dodge out of the way without being turned into swiss cheese! 'I need to preserve some charge to help Barry, the poor guy needs some help with that thing... Oh, and Supes too. He's between a rock and a hard place right now.' Okay, no more jokes! Time to be stone cold- pffft -and face everything with a serious face.

"Help the Flash with-" they turned to look at him... He was being covered in sticky, poisonous metal, that was trying to enter his body by crawling into his mouth, nose, eyes, and through the lower holes too, by the way this thing was trying to tear his clothes up! "-...whatever that is. Wonder Woman will buy us some time with the glass and crystal minions, and-" Before Batman could finish his sentence, a powerful jet of water pushed its way out of the nerby river and tackled the big rock giant. It was a surprising sight to see the King of Atlantis jumping out of the nerby river, but there's a first for everything in life right? "-Aquaman will distract the rock giant. After getting that mercury thing off of the Flash, tell him to get Superman." Batman turned to look down at the golden eagle that was flying towards them, and with a simple step out of the platform, he was falling towards the eagle as the gloves on his hands glowed a bright pale blue light: "And I'll take this one."

'Well, you don't gotta tell me twice- Oh shit!' He was able to make a shield to protect himself from the emormous tree arm that was about to hit him in the face, when another green but smaller arm reached out and stopped the big tree trunk of the monstrous tree thing. '...Ring, is this a Martian? I didn't know there was one on Earth!' He shouldn't have asked, because his ring suddenly shone a bright green light that scanned the man before him up and down, making him look at him with a confused and curious look: "Uhm... Sorry?"

[Specimen Analyzed. G'arrunn Martian Species N°1089876-#3B of the M'arzz planet. Registered and named J'onn J'onzz, person interest. Has been known to broadcast Earth's TV to Mars by Martian Technological means.]

"Huh, curious." The martian before him simply smiled before he clenched his fist that was holding the thick tree arm- There was a shower of splinters everywhere, making Hal gulp down his nervousness: "I was never referred to as G'arrunn Martian Species N°1089876-#3B... Well, it's true that I broadcast Earth's TV, there are a lot of very interesting shows to watch, and my people truly enjoy it." With a serene and harmless smile- that made him very intimidating, even more so when Hal saw that his face was also covered in the slightly amber sap of the tree monster, which was basically its blood -J'onn pointed to his own forehead for a second before he asked: "Do I have your permission to connect you to our telepathic link?" Hal hesitated for a moment- he didn't really like people inside his head, but seeing the situation they were in, he had to concede and accept the reality of things -and nodded: "Very well- [You are now connected to the bond, please be aware of your thoughts as to not broadcast anything you might be uncomfortable with letting others know.]"

"[...why does your voice taste like blue and smells like calm?]" Hal shook his head for a moment- woah, this was weird! The sensations that went through his head the moment he heard J'onn's voice was like an acid trip! "[That was really weird... Wait, my voice sounds like mint and tastes like green- weird too!]"

"[Ah, it seems you are sensitive to Telepathic messages... It reminds me of my 227th nephew of my 7th brother side, his 37th child. The boy is hyper aware of telepathic messages, he transmits them as you are describing. It's a common if not peculiar disorder between Martians, I was not aware humans also developed Hyper Telepathic Sensitivity.]" The same serenity to the voice, this time tasting like mellow blueberries and feeling like a soft silk towel on his third rib of the left side- Oh, that feels weird! "[Please excuse me, but you will have to endure it.]"

"[Green Lantern, focus on your task. This is an important matter.]" Wait- that kinda sexy voice, that harsh and deep tone, and that brooding darkness that seemed to almost try to seep into his mind, it could only be the Bat! His mental voice tasted weirdly bitter, like black coffee, and felt like leather against his skin- okay, so Batman is a bitter leather daddy, got it! "[...I heard that.]"

"[And so did I.]" This time it was a sexy golden voice that carried the heavy bitter taste of authority and the soft sweet taste of royalty, accompanied by the soft scents of amusement: "[He called you a bitter leather daddy.]" Chuckling, Wondar Woman did not break from her concentration in battle. One after another, the minions of glass and crystal were shattered against her fists, and more and more rushed her as the two monsters of crystal and glass watched.

"[I am going to connect the Flash to the bond, I have received his consent.]"

That was the only warning they got, before J'onn's voice cut out, letting in Barry's voice as he thought loudly: "[AAAAH! HELP HELP HELP HELP- IT'S TRYING TO GET IN MY ASS!]"

Hal couldn't help the amusement that trickled out of his mind and into the bond, and neither could Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and even the ever stoic Batman.

The Flash, Barry, however was not feeling amused right now: "[I AM SUFFERING HERE AND YOU'RE ALL LAUGHING!? SHAME ON YOU- SHAME ON YOUR FAMILY, SHAME ON YOUR COW-]"

"[Oh, is that a reference to that old Disney animation? Mulan? It was a rather interesting interpretation-]"

"[..shouldn't we focus on the big monsters?]" Aquaman asked.

Well, they focused on the monsters.